Exposing Hashimoto’s: It’s Not Just Your Thyroid, It’s Your Body Telling You Something is WRONG

Published 2024-03-28
When it comes to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, we know the struggle is real.

The symptoms can be overwhelming, and the impact on your health is undeniable.

But here's the thing: Hashimoto's is not just about the thyroid; it's a system-wide issue.

Hashimoto's is an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, which means it affects your ENTIRE body.

You can't just try to fix ONLY your thyroid.

On this week's episode, Dr. E is going to talk all about how Hashimoto's is diagnosed, the treatment, and why you should dig deeper and find the trigger behind this autoimmune response.

Make sure to watch Dr. E to learn all about Hashimoto's and discover how you can start feeling like your old self again.

The Knew Method Live is a show broadcasted live by Dr. Efrat Lamandre every week with the express purpose of providing free, factual, and practical functional medicine tips to help people prevent disease naturally. Through giving healthy nutrition tips, tips on intermittent fasting, managing stress through diet, and advocating self imrpovement for her patients, Doctor E hopes to help you take control of your health destiny and become the GameChanger in your life.
Schedule a Consult today at theknewmethod.com/ytconsult

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00:00 Introduction
01:35 What is Hashimoto's?
02:59 How to treat it
05:18 How to fix it
13:54 Supplements
15:41 Recap

Link to Dr. E's free step-by-step guide: theknewmethod.com/freecourse

All Comments (21)
  • @Momofboys1225
    Sigh….. I am 51. I’ve had symptoms since I was 19. I could SEE it in my face. I would have a fat face…. Then thin face… then fat face. Back and forth felt awful. All over pain. Got married. Husband saw it all. When I was 28 I saw a DO. The DO told me something is off with your thyroid. Then I got pregnant. A miracle. EVERYTHING worked again so I didn’t deal with the thyroid issue. After the baby I wanted to address it. That DO was now gone. All of my MDS said “your numbers are fine. Your thyroids a bit swollen. We’ll watch. This happened for 15 years. Every pregnancy I got better. I swear o went from overactive thyroid to underactive thyorid… back and forth. I had doctor after doctor tell me your numbers are fine. Let’s do an ultrasound. Thyroid looks fine. Large by fine. Not growing. I got worse and worse. Sicker and sicker. I got to the point that I sounded croupy when breathing. It was scary. It scared my husband. I couldn’t breathe. On top of complete systemic failure. One day I was laying on the couch. Croupy breathing. Blueish skin. I had JUST had an ENT tell me to give it six more months and she would biopsy it. My husband saw me and said ENOUGH. we are going to the ER. I walk in and the doctor on duty hears my breathing. He says get her in here now. This isn’t normal. My blood oxygen was 85. They run text. They do a PET scan. Turns out my thyroid was growing INWARD. It had wrapped around my esophagus and artery. I couldn’t breathe. It was literally choking me. The ultrasound only picks up a certain depth, so that’s why it wasn’t seeing growth. They order immediate emergency thyroidectomy. The next morning. I wake up… BREATHING! I could tell the difference immediately. The surgeon walks in. Quite disturbed. He tells my husband and I that it was definitely cancer. My this was all cancer. It fell apart in his hands. He also tells me my numbers indicated hashi. THEY NEVER SAW THOSE NUMBERS… for years they never checked those numbers. It was in the 40’s. Turns out I had hashi the entire time and somehow it was definitely cancer. Complete removal followed by a few forms of radiation. This wasn’t “the good cancer” as my doctor always said that thyroid cancer is. It was poorly differentiated insular carcinoma of the thyroid stage four. A very rare cancer that is isually only found around Chernobyl. I have lived in Houston my entire life. Its now been seven years after and I still have high numbers that indicate hashi. (Is this normal? With no thyroid) I take armour now and vitamins (most mentioned) but I’ve never been told about the gut connection. Although I have also always had serious gut issues. IBS… Even a hiatal hernia. Women aren’t listened too.
  • @jillmorris4852
    I started seeing a functional doctor 6 months ago. I went gluten free the day I met with her after having blood work. She put me on all the supplements you recommended. Except the iron . I have HH. Life changing for me. I have had hbp for almost 25 years and took meds 7 times a day that keeps my bp down but not good. I am still seeing my functional doctor and am off all my blood pressure meds. I got to the point where I knew I would be in a nursing home if I didn’t get some help. God gave me the courage to seek treatment from her. I feel better now at 67 than I have in over 30 years and in no medication. I was treated for hashimotos about 15 years.
  • @ameverett88
    This is the best explanation I have EVER, EVER heard!!! Thank you!
  • @rupika-tx7gt
    15:48 Iodine SElenium,Zinc,Iron,Vitamin D ,B12,Omega e fatty acid,prebiotic,aswagandha,Lysine....leaky gut/ gluten
  • @donna25871
    I finally went gluten free/low dairy after being told for 18 months by my GP and rheumatologist that it wasn’t necessary. Saw an improvement in symptoms after a few weeks. Suffice to say I found new doctors.
  • @mytubevideos16
    ✨After a million hours of videos, articles and research, I finally found the video that convinces me to stop eating gluten. According to lab tests, I am not “allergic or intolerant”, but my body says otherwise. ✨✨I went to see a doctor in South America, he told me I’m definitely Type 2 Diabetic and Hypo. I came back to Canada and told them to retest me and of course, “all was good”, “labs look good, except your Iron”. And also, “You just have anxiety”. A yr later, I found out I had colon cancer. So, yes!! I believe you when you say Hashimoto is a symptom of underlying issues. I definitely need to stop the gluten or my cancer will come back. ✨Also, gluten makes me feel anxious and irritable and messes with my physical, mental, emotional and psychological health. This stops now! ✋ Thanks, Doc! 💞
  • @KristineHahn
    I’ve had thyroid issues for years and have never been told any of this. I see and endocrinologist because I was told to see one and honestly I don’t feel they are doing anything for me. Very disappointed with my medical care!! I learned more in this one video than all the years with my doctors.
  • @user-pz7di7pg9y
    Finally a Dr who actually looks further than a blood test! Thank you!!!
  • @kellym3367
    I've been on thyroid meds for over 20 years, I've never heard of the root causes, this is a game changer for me. I'm in my mid 50s but I'm doing more research. I don't like the fact, that most doctors want to give you a pill,send you on your way and not discuss any if this.
  • @gigglesnz9
    "Someone hacked your home security system and now your security system thinks that your thermostat is a threat and it starts to attack your thermostat. Your immune system mistakenly attacks your thyroid making it underactive and effecting the entire body." You can mop the floor all day but if you dont fix the hole in the ceiling, you're gonna be mopping all day and that hole is gonna get bigger and bigger, more water is gonna keep coming down and you aint gonna keep up with the mopping. Hashimotos is the end result of a systemic problem thats been happening for a long time. Triggers: Stress - trauma, chronic stress, viruses, high cortisol, heavy metal toxins, all these things chemically effects and causes havoc to your immune system If you have hashimotos you have leaky gut and gluten intolerance. Your thyroid keeps being assaulted because your security system is still malfunctioning. T4 conversion to T3 happens in yhe gut and liver. The type of bacteria in your gut determines this conversion process. Until you check under the hood you aint gonna block up the hole in the ceiling. Iodine - need it but not too much Selenium - bodyguard for thyroid Zinc Iron Vitamin D B12 Omega 3 Probiotics Ashwaghanda Anti viral support Lysine Whole body issue - requires a whole systemic approach.
  • I started with chronic headaches at around age nine. Then debilitating cramps and migraines. Once I hit my late thirties, I started having thyroid issues. In my mid forties I was hospitalized because my liver was in distress. No one could understand why my liver and kidney function was off, despite seeing specialists! Just before having half of my thyroid removed, I finally made the connection between gluten and migraines. One year later of being gluten-free, all of the symptoms I have mentioned here have been resolved and my liver is much improved and kidneys are functioning beautifully. I'm so grateful.
  • @giftsofmusic1
    You are the first Dr. to explain this - over 30 years. Thank you for your message.
  • @eonarts
    When I was 9 I was a healthy kid that my mom was dragging to doctors to see if they could prevent me from being tall (I was 5’2” & I wanted to be 6’ like my aunt). I had all my childhood vaccines and the diseases that there weren’t vaccines for. And that summer I was in a pool accident where chlorine was forced into my lungs and gut. There were 2 of us and we couldn’t breathe on our own. In the hospital in that era docs talked in front of kids. We had chlorine in our blood. The next morning we could breathe on our own but we still had chlorine in our blood. Then the 2 docs argued over whether we’d make it to 20 or 30. Within 3 years I had the 2 week measles again. I got strep throat every year of college and a bit after. I got mono in college. My cold sores got a bit more aggressive. Eating was a challenge so I cut out meat and became a vegetarian. In college I learned from an older person (25 to my 18) that I had chronic constipation. I was fighting depression. I learned to eat a healthy diet. I’d already started boycotting McDonalds and Coca-Cola/pepsi for political reasons (climate change). I learned taking liquid calcium in gel caps helped with my nighttime “bicycling”. I made it past 30. I did have mysterious weight gain/loss that was sometimes related to stress but sometimes not so no doctor ever thought to test my thyroid. Then I got a very stressful job and I started to lose my hair, including my eyebrow tips. My therapist told me to see an endocrinologist. He gave me a panel and put me on synthroid. I immediately put on a huge amount of weight, so much hair shedding that others commented on it. All my muscles ached and I had weird headaches. I went on disability. The doc added cytomel. I got slightly better and went back to work but started looking for a new job. I ended up being put on all sorts of thyroid meds and all caused extreme problems. I started seeing a very old Chinese Accupuncturist who was a surgeon in Taiwan but due to racism was an accupuncturist in Chinatown (some of those years the practice was illegal in the US). After a month or so she told me the drugs I was taking were killing me. I told her I didn’t take drugs. She tapped her thyroid. She told me not to stop it suddenly as that would probably kill me. Over the next 8 painful months we slowly cut the dose. She’d give me treatments that would help my whole body, including the severe muscle pain. When I was down to the smallest amount I started to feel so much better! When I was completely off of it I did a thyroid panel. My doctor was like yay! We are down to the correct dose! This is great news. I told her I’d been med free for 6 weeks and I felt better than I had in years. My elderly acupuncturist retired and I found a new one (American) who knew what I did and suggested that I give up wheat for 30 days and after 30days have a meal of pasta or pizza. After 30 days I was at a job class in another city and forgot to bring my wheat free protein bar to our free breakfast so I started to eat a bran muffin. I immediately started sneezing and my eyes got swollen after 2 bites. I was permanently wheat free. The following year my chiropractor told me to go atkins as low carb supports thyroid disease. I went back to eating meat. I felt great. My body to this day (24 years low carb, wheat, rice, sugar free) does not play well with pharmaceuticals. I get all the weird side effects for most of them, including antibiotics. I have been taking supplements since I was 1st diagnosed with hashimotos (30+ years ago). As I’ve aged I’ve added more to support aging. I did try iodine and other natural remedies for thyroid and my body always had an extreme reaction to them so iodine is off the table. From the beginning I’ve taken: liquid gel caps calcium complex, vit d3, MSM, primrose gelcaps (cause thyroid helps female hormones, unfortunately not testosterone so I’ve been low on that since my org diagnosis), olive leaf and quercetin (for immune support and lung support), and CoQ10. Now I take a vision supplement (it has selenium in it), hair,skin,nails supplement, 3 supplements for blood pressure, 5 supplements for chronic constipation, niacin. Whew. I also take collagen but more to up my protein intake at 69 I need to pay more attention to it. Most doctors do not realize I ALMOST DIED FROM CHLORINE POISONING! It wiped out my gut and while I have tried almost every probiotic in the stores (many online) they don’t really help (I have taken some of them for years…). One of my colon supplements has probiotics in it. I follow the research on gut transfusions. I am an extreme outliner but I have been able to have an active, happy life even if my growth stopped immediately after my poisoning (and my restrictive eating has caused problems for my bones). Low carb and daily exercise has worked for me!
  • @es106395
    I tried a MD. She put me on 50 levo...I felt like my old self. Next visit she drops me to 25 levo because she said my numbers were in the acceptable range. I felt like shizz. Went back and she basically said she wasn't concerned with how I felt as long my number was within range. It was barely over the lowest level considered 'normal'. I never went back. It's been 20 years. Maybe I will try again. Your video is interesting.
  • @Rainbowfluffi
    Love this video.❤ Who else had all of the triggering events? Mono-☑️ Divorce ☑️ Death of a loved one☑️ Tramatic accident ☑️ STRESS ☑️ Honestly though think it was heavy periods and years of chronic anemia not being diagnosed. "You need iron to convert t4 to t3". No wonder my poor thyroid was a dumpster fire. Makes me wonder how in the world all women don't have hashi's?! 🤯 Thank you! I'll be using this information to keeo moving forwarding to recovery.
  • @SJ-yg1bh
    True. My hashomitos is due to narc abuse
  • @staceylynn7749
    I got more info from this short video than I have gotten from any other doctor/ specialist I have seen in my ENTIRE life. THANK YOU!!!
  • @TheSimmpleTruth
    My whole body hates me: chronic inflammation, Hashimoto, Grave’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, pre-diabetes… all autoimmune disorders. Very high anti-TPO numbers. My whole body is dysfunctional and I do not know why. I never smoke, do not drink, do not over eat, I eat very healthy… gluten, sugar and dairy-free (except goat milk for coffee) grass-fed, pastured-raised, organic, no processed foods, no corn, no junk food, no can food… what else can I do? 😮
  • I've read a lot about the thyroid, and all the conclusions were that no one knows the answer to this complicated disease. But you do. And you presented it so clearly. Thank you for that. 😊
  • @aliciagrant2370
    I like that you described what you are wearing to the pod cast people who can’t see you, good job