The Wisdom of King Solomon?

Published 2013-01-13
I was recently encouraged to read the book of Ecclesiastes. This is not the first time i have read it. But things have changed for me since the last time.

Artist: Surmani Agni Verma
Song: Raag Saraswati

All Comments (17)
  • @thetruthrover
    Well i suppose you can call me imprudent as well. Thanks for your comment.
  • @thetruthrover
    i'm going to take a look at the stories in there. its been a long long time since i have.
  • @peaceintruth
    It is interesting to note that the NWT is one of the only translations to render the hebrew word used here as "obediant". A similar hebrew word is also used in vs 11 in clear referance to what God understood Solomon to be asking for. Both words can be translated several differant ways such as understand, hear, listen, obey. The context, connection and clearification of vs 9 with vs 11 helps to determine the best word choice to convey a harmonious understanding.
  • @TheShelia6
    When I was little I often wondered about that. In the my book of Bible stories book they have the story is almost back to back. One showing he was given wisdom to judge the people properly. The other story clearly shows he made unwise decision.
  • @Lambieschmoo
    I always wondered that, too and was told, "Jehovah had to allow certain things" ?!
  • @peaceintruth
    It may be possible that the WT may have had specific motives in their choice of the rendering as "obediant" at 1 kings 3:9. Consider that this is one of their choice passages to build upon their demand for absolute obediance. As just one of the recent examples, The 2012 "safeguard your heart" DC featured a friday morning part entitled "Acquiring "an Obedient Heart"-Is It Possible? (1Kings 3:9)
  • @peaceintruth
    Yes, I see what your saying. Maybe it can be said to some extent that Solomon eventually learned something from his follies. I know many who continue to commit the same follies over and over never gaining any measure of wisdom. LOL! ;)
  • @thetruthrover
    The very last line of my video is: "I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that solomon was not wise." My sentiments have changed over the last five years; I'm quite sure that Solomon never once communicated with God. God never visited Solomon in a dream.
  • @thetruthrover
    I agree with what you wrote concerning wisdom. Indeed that is really the only way to become wise; However, Solomon had the benefit of being granted unparallelled wisdom directly by God according to scripture. Solomon himself said that wisdom is for a protection, yet he caused himself much pain throughout his life. His wisdom did him little good, and his book does us little good.
  • @bonniecasey991
    Actually I have always understood that the words from the book of Ecclesiastes was Solomon as an old man reflecting back on his life he could see now as an old man how he had lived..Yes, he was the richest man on earth.. he had everything and YET he had neglected the one true Living God who gave him this precious gift to begin with.. he realized now how empty life truly was he could "see" that all the earthly wisdom can so easily be crushed and become meaningless...he discovered hidden truths..that things of this world are Not lasting, only temporary.. and Most of all he realized that he had allowed his wives and himself to worship idols.. It takes great Wisdom to see the difference between earthly wisdom and spiritual wisdom. READ: Ecclesiastes chapter 12. verse 13 here we see Solomon reminding each person of the most important wise decision that we all need more than gold, silver, more than all the knowledge in the world.. Finally in his old age Solomon became truly wise!!!
  • @peaceintruth
    1 Kings 3....It does not say that he would have wisdom in ALL things or even with regard to his own affairs but rather specifically in regard to an understanding heart to judge Gods people to discern between good and evil. God himself sums it up in verse 11 as "discernment to understand justice". Also God chose, of His own will, to grant Solomon great riches... vs 13.
  • @thetruthrover
    Another good point. Perhaps an 'understanding' heart, as the KJV and others render it does make more sense. But i still take issue with Ecclesiastes; specifically, the fact that 'Solomon' kept having to commit folly and madness in order to gain the 'wisdom' he claimed to have. A man with wisdom no longer needs to do these things. I believe the book could, or even should, have been left out of the bible entirely.
  • @thetruthrover
    Indeed, the Bible says that God allowed Solomon to remain king over Israel because of the promise he made to David. Isn't it convenient how sometimes God looks into the future before making promises, and other times does not?
  • @thetruthrover
    You make a good point, however, 1 Kings 3:9 says, "And you must give your servant an obedient heart to judge your people, to discern between good and bad..." - The heart is considered the seat of motivation in the bible; Solomon asked for an OBEDIENT heart. So i must disagree with you. You are correct that God said he would grant Solomon great riches.
  • @thetruthrover
    First off, i do not think Solomon got wisdom. If a man is wise, he does not need to commit foolishness; in fact, he will not. I also take issue with the Bible's claim that Israel rejected God as king over them. If God was their king, why did he allow Eli's sons and Samuel's sons to abuse his people for so long? Not to mention all the times in the book of Judges where the statement is plainly made that there was no King in Israel.