Conflicts of a 1.5 trillion dollar tourist industry | Transforming Business

Published 2024-07-26
Billions of people went on vacation in 2023, almost hitting pre-pandemic levels. Money has poured into the tourism industry, but it’s come at a cost in many other ways. Popular destinations like Mallorca and the Mexican city of Cancún are almost collapsing under the masses of people. This not only pushes locals out – it brings heaps of garbage, polluted water and soaring rents. In contrast, Costa Rica is praised as a pioneer of sustainable tourism in Latin America. But does it live up to its image? And is sustainable mass tourism even possible?


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All Comments (17)
  • Hotels, Beaches, Restaurant, Job if no tourist, no income, no benefit, no corrupt.
  • @DMJ-01
    The money is probably going to politicians pockets rather than to favor residents’ interests.
  • @joelharris4399
    Another iteration of the immigration debate. May the ruckus commence
  • @saratemp790
    I guess the easiest way to do that, is to limit the number of hotels and Airbnb type places in an area. Make it a yearly lottery type system in each class rate, to open one.
  • @MrNetAble
    sounds like some doing their best to get the money from the system/eu
  • Good timing with Olympics, that somehow could encourage greater ethical considerations. But already, there should be tourist laws with preventative measures, e.g., high consumer cultures tend to suppose they're more liberated abroad.
  • @veramae4098
    In one of Larry Nivens scifi novel, he casually mentions that tourists have to place a reservation to go anyplace. And wait YEARS.
  • @ethimself5064
    Locals have the wild cards - Too many tourists? Just don't come
  • @ggsay1687
    Why it's called conflicts? Tourists fight with locals or something?
  • Secular trend. Flights are getting cheaper. Everyday things are getting cheaper …means everyone has more disposable income. They want to spend the extra monies on holidays.
  • @pointbleak-3222
    Hopefully more places will limit tourisms and introduce much clearer rules and regulations. It's also pretty hypocritical of nations like germany to constantly try to limit who can come in while exporting their hooligans all over europe to wreak havoc. So hopefully they're less able to do stuff like that in the future.
  • @Troesmis
    Maybe is because sooo many other places are not that interesting. If you Disneyland more some boring seasides or mountain resorts and avoid some annoying over testosteroned bros getting an acces , everyone will be happy. Just came from a holiday in Bruges were I was amused by Spaniards complaining that are tooo many tourists in…. Spain . Oh , the irony …
  • @mrm2204
    Can’t have your cake and eat it too
  • @kukaki5845
    What over tourism ? Give us tourists in India please. We dont get any. No one wants to come here. We need badly.