Where Did MoP Remix Go Wrong?

Published 2024-07-03
Where Did MoP Remix Go Wrong? There was a lot of things wrong when it first launched, but what could be fixed! Let's finalize this once and for all!

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All Comments (21)
  • I get why the cloak couldn’t give a new sub 70 alt the same stats as the most powerful main, but once that toon hit 70 the cloak should have the full stat bonuses earned on that account.
  • @b0lkan
    Hitting 476 and ~100k threads you feel like a God, no matter how many threads other people have. Retail feels so incredibly slow when you switch back, lol.
  • @BDFProtector
    Imagine if there was a system in Mists of Pandaria Remix, where you could "Reforge" your cloak, and allocate stats to the points you need
  • @TheJackForge
    Remix has been some of the most fun I’ve har in WoW. Excited for the next one
  • @xXdnerstxleXx
    What went wrong? 1) Releasing it in a state with obvious, obvious imbalances 2) Sloppily "fixing" it over time. Idk what is so great about making the timeless isle and isle of thunder irrelevant and thunneling all players into raids. Their currency buffs made the games rarest mounts even more worthless now instead of actually tackling the problem of the gearing upgrade cost STRUCTURE. 3) Introudicng daily chores (daily quest and so on), Removed playtime = power and made it time gating = power. I had more fun in the early weeks when it was just: play and do whatever you want instead of: Do your daily quests, do your thunder vault, do the throne of thunder, log off after 1 hour. 4) Gear Bronze cost progression. First 5 levels are crazy expensive for the absolutely tiny power gains. Then for the very same costs the levels after it give huge, huge power gain. I think none of the people would have cried about upgrade costs if it started at 1k and went up to 6k instead of 4.5k bronze on every single level. 5) Alts suck. It feels horrible to play them if you don't get your cloak power. Why not make it so you start with a fraction of your cloak and unlock more and more while leveling up? On max lvl you get your full account wide cloak stats. 6) Scaling. Pretty much combines with number 5). My lvl 70chars are weaker than my lvl 10s except for my main who does 30 mil dps... 7) World bosses... Srsly. Just introduce a buff on them that reduces their damage taken by 90%. It ticks down by 1% every second. It makes it so they can be alive for atleast 10 seconds, without also making it harder to kill for less geared players. I said this 1 month a go and it's even more true to this day. On Nalak it's so bad that even as a max mastery DH you won't make it in time from the thone of thunder summoning stone. Boss dies within 2 seconds. To me this event showed me 2 things: A) Blizzard hasn't learned anything. The War Within is going to continue to be plagued with problems. B) What's left of the community on retail is ridicolously toxic. I've had a lot of fun and quickly maxed out the event but the crying on this event and the buffs and nerfs of blizzard really did a number on the joy I've had on this event, while the problems are so obvious and so easy to fix.
  • @WarMonkeyPlays
    I think the cloak sharing should have been percent-based among alts, based on how high an achievement like Infinite Power is and your highest thread count achieved. Example, IP1 shares x% of your cloaks threads, based on your highest amount achieved. IP2 shares 2x%, IP3 shares 3x%, and so on capping out at IP10. That way, any additional threads on your main still progresses alts.
  • @michaelreid5307
    No need to upgrade gear above 430 - whether it's a raid or dungeon there will be one or two players blasting through the trash & two-shotting the bosses to the extent that all you're doing is looting the corpses.
  • @kubi0461
    Where it went wrong: Can’t enjoy the dungeons/raids when they get steamrolled in 5 seconds. Then lumping everything into bronze rewards. There’s no fun in hunting rares (that were actually somewhat rare in MoP) when they don’t drop the special items that they should. The power disparity (especially at the start) ruined the feel of remix and needed to be designed differently. I enjoyed the nostalgia of playing through all the quests (though they needed to put back the missing stuff), but outside of that remix felt like a mobile game. I leveled 2 characters but couldn’t do another. There’s simply no enjoyment in the way instanced content plays in remix.
  • @MasterZhao
    Simple. Set a stop on certain threads once you've reached cap. Like, once you've already reached max level, stop awarding XP threads, or if Mastery is capped at 200%, stop awarding threads that give Mastery. But, there should be an uncapped thread(s) that continuously increases so you can still be rewarded for doing content. Maybe the primary stat, like Intellect, Strength, Agility. The gear set and bonus dmg/ability gems is also a great idea.
  • @dlld77
    These are the most important issues for me atleast Stat caps should just be unlocked for remix - important note, threads gained also need to be lowered to about what they were on release without frog farms, reaching current caps would be way slower without the massive boosts to thread gains. Cloak should be 1:1 on account but just make it scale based on level, so that if you have 100% crit on your level 70s from cloak, you have (roughly) 100% crit on your fresh lvl 10 and not 20000% or whatever you would have if you had true lvl 70 stats on a lvl 10 - this would also mean thread values don't need to change as you level, you can farm up your cloak equally on a lvl 10 alt as playing your main 70. Currencies should be split between upgrades and cosmetics No rng drops (weapon skins) put it all on the shops Gear upgrade discounts account wide
  • @War_Hunter
    One thing that went wrong was to not put weapon transmogs on a vendor
  • @Dunkedyret
    I would love some sort of catch-up for alts in terms of threads gained. If it's not shared between chars. I go almost all in on my main, but would love to try some of my alts with the same amount of power. But before I am done with my daily routine, I am either exhausted or heading to bed. My daily routine is: Trove of the thunder king > World bosses > timeless isle daily > daily dungeons / scenarios > MSV/HOF/TOES/TOT/SOO HC > and I do LFR if I bother. I wouldn't have time to do that on an alt, I barely have the time to do all the HC raids.
  • @Scuuurbs
    Remix has ruined me for alts, lol. My remix main is a paladin, and playing him versus my paladin alt on retail is a HUGE difference - he’s speedy, nigh invincible, and most things that touch him just die without any effort on his part. When remix ends he’s gonna feel soooo slow & weak. Even my casual remix alts are gonna feel nerfed. Like, I loved the experience, I think it worked well and I hope they do it again for other expansions, but I hope people are ready for the end 😂
  • @metaphyzxx
    I think the whole idea about remix was to test ability templates among the various classes, and see how that scales with playstyles
  • I had a blast - once I had reached 476 all the bitterness about Froggers just went and the Bronze poured in (with help of some alts) & I got Everything you could buy. The only sticking point are the Remix Weapon Transmogs... Farmed a lot of them - had to make more Alts for some of them. I have however kept farming Bronze incase they eventually come to a Vendor.
  • @awworrell
    In my mind, the cape should have been 1:1, cumulative, and the exponetial growth of power should have been related to the cape rather than the gear. The reason to it is really two things. First, there are multiple target audiences playing this content. Ther are people who wanted to play alts without needing to do dailies that could have benefited from an account wide cape that is shared among all of their alts. There are raiders who would benefit from the cape's growth by doing their daily runs on a single character and continuing to get those rewards. There are some players who may log in to do dailies and open world stuff on one or many characters who would have also benefited from the increase in power the cape provided. In essence, the cape provided the perfect vehicle for anyone and everyone to becomes extremely powerful in a variety of different play styles. The second reason is bronze. Having bronze be both for cosmetics and gear upgrades which ultimately locked people out of content because gear scores aren't high enough isn't great. Had they gone with the cape suggestion above, every player has the ability to get powerful enough to solo content or get into various groups just by the nature of having a high level cape. If a person really wanted to go hard, then upgrading the gear should have been the next step but not the first. The marketing made is abundant clear that the cape was one of the primary selling points for remix until blizzard seemingly forgot their own marketing.
  • @silentriver8488
    Bc remix hype. Warglaives for everyone( different colors) , nether drakes, rays. Even a DST trink even, All that!
  • @Nathreim1
    New Pets toys and armor. Blizz did great adding all the new mounts but only 2 new pets and no toys or new armor sets is disappointing.
  • @Rw-uy5pf
    I must share one thing, today i met a player who had his trinkets on 502 and and one finger on 392. his Ilvl was 520, When i asked him HOW this was possible, all he answer was :0 I had to take a photo if this cause im still confused. At first i thought they hade made some changes but they have not, or have they ?
  • @churroman29
    What went wrong? Nothing, I'm having a blast lol