Doctor Who: The Legend Of Ruby Sunday Breakdown - 25 Easter Eggs & References!

Published 2024-06-19

All Comments (21)
  • Regeneration is rarely discussed with companions which is why they’re always shocked at the change.
  • @ogplayzz1810
    When you say it's unusual that the doctor hasn't mentioned regeneration. Think about when the doctor was regenerating in stolen earth donna had no idea what was happening even though they had been together a while
  • @AlexDRohmat
    8:13 designer in the art department for the show actually said on Twitter "Please tell me someone noticed my artron energy reference... set details this niche are never scripted, we just love throwing references around" which is a really cool little insight!
  • I think ‘Captain on the bridge’ is most associated with, you know… ships.
  • I just realised… “snow” is a term used for fuzziness on a vhs tape. Probably irrelevant, but you never know…
  • Seeing Ellie on the big screen meant for all of the Susan triad characters gets me every time 🤣
  • @raulruiz891
    I saw someone mention the name correlation between River and Ms. Floof and it got me thinking Melody Pond -> River Song -> Carol Flood All music and water related. Probably a coincidence though
  • @mhardisty
    One thing missed. Kate says "I think you bring joy" when the Doctor is talking about bringing Chaos to peoples lives. The Christmas Episode is called "Joy to the World"! The Christmas episode is being written by Steven Moffat... So, what characters are Steven Moffat associated with? River... Clara...??? I think there will be a reveal at the end that will lead straight into the Christmas Episode.. "Hi Doctor, it's me... River... Clara... or, somebody!"
  • @realhitvz5573
    I think Ruby has to be an anti-sutekh weapon. In Egyptian mythology Horus is supposed to be a god of the sky, whose eyes are the sun and the moon. Horus lost an eye battling the god Set (Sutekh is the Dr. Who stand-in for Set, and I think Pyramids of Mars might actually explicitly say that?) which is the story for why the sun is brighter then the moon. So the "Eye of Horus" in mythology is literally the Sun, and the Device in Pyramids of Mars takes the shape of a ruby. Then we get a character named RUBY SUNday. Personal theory is that Ruby is actually Horus incarnate, let in by the Doctor like all the other gods, and that Mrs. Flood is her Harbinger (and the woman who dropped her at the church)
  • @cypothingy
    When Kate said the thing about “evil billionaire with alien technology” I figured it was a reference to Luke Rattigan and ATMOS from series 4. UNIT pretty significantly was not able to stop him and needed the Doctor to step in to save them and stop the Sontarans
  • @likecat7886
    That face when The Doctor is voted as President of the Earth is so funny, every single time. 😂
  • @Theplaysthet
    Nobody is mentioning that Mrs Floods accent changes when she speaks to Cherry. I am pretty convinced she's Susan. Hiding and she has some knowledge of what Ruby is and has been keeping her safe.
  • 6:48 The 9th doctor didn’t tell Rose about regeneration until he was about to regenerate
  • @Enigmanaut
    First, I love the Galaxy Class necklace. Second, I have a theory, probably wrong, but you won't like it. Mrs Flood is a regeneration of River Song, and Ruby's mum. You pointed out the "hiding myself away" link to regeneration, but did you notice that she said her mother died when she wasn't looking. When can a Weeping Angel move? Ruby has a Song hidden in her. Her initials are RS. Mrs Flood's surname is water related. If her first name is music related like "Carol" then it's just another variation of Melody Pond. Like I said, you won't like it.
  • @Jimmyd2107
    When she said she dreamed of Orange Skies, I simply thought she was talking about the sky in “Boom”, which being Wartorn and all I thought made sense 😅
  • To be fair Rose did not know what regeneration was until Christopher Eccleston regenerated because she at first thinks that he’s teleported and tells David Tennant to “bring him back” so it’s not uncommon for the Doctor to not really mention it to his companions
  • @MarkGM1985
    That is a Borg was my exact though after seen her. I seriously hope colonel sexy... I mean Ibrahim doesn't turn a bad guy, I'm interested in seeing him more around the show. Nice video!
  • Lol "you'd think that was one of the things he'd explain to her" 9 was literally half dead before decided to tell Rose (in the most cryptic way possible)
  • @Concreteowl
    Captain on the Bridge is a pretty standard naval term. Star Trek got it from the military not the other way round.