Anti-Eironn Team Ft. Talene and Ludovic

Published 2024-07-17

All Comments (11)
  • My current Arena team isn't F2P friendly at all, but man, does it work. Phraesto (best meat shield in the game imo), Scarlita (YEET!... nuff said), Talene (dps, and side healer), Eironn (bunching the enemy team together, and magic resistance debuff), and Hewynn (main healer, and damage resistance buff). This team absolutely slaps.
  • The way to survive scarlita's drop/ult is to make sure your Shakir is the enemy closest to their backline at that moment. You had multiple successes regardless, but that is the strategy there. As long as Shakir has 2 allies within his aura, he can eat up a huge amount of true damage without getting yeeted.
  • @deckarine6192
    finally i can escape from the game knowing eironn can be countered!
  • @jaylee5377
    Can this survive the caroline burst team?
  • @Ryarat
    Even though I wanted to build Talene first I'm glad I opted for Scarlita. Talene needs a lot of support to bring out her full potential while Scar has been fantastic on any team I run her on.
  • @-L1K-
    Ludo opening heal is so good against Eironn burst. He's a legit counter and not many talk about it. Prob better less people pull for him for me lol
  • @alyshira
    Thanks, thinking about grabbing Ludovic! Did you try out Ludovic anti-eironn with a F2P team too (no Talene)? Would love to see it if it was streamed!
  • @cbrudder84
    Couple of thoughts, have you tried using Smokey instead of Ludavic? That way you maintain the faction bonus and as we all know, Smokey is a better healer. Also, have you tried this without Scarlita either on offense or in the defensive formation? I ask that because Most people who are F2P/low spenders probably have Reinier and Talene in this scenario. The <20 rank in my server use the Carolina/Hewynn variation. Lastly, you should ask one of your guildies if you can test on them if you are struggling to find opponents. Just give them a couple wins at the end to make it square. Either way, cool info, thanks for testing! I went all in on Talene and am really hoping to find a good comp for her in pvp. I don't really want to use up all my tickets on Ludavic.
  • @FF4Ever15
    Youre making a video for demonstration/educational purposes. Why would you play the fight at 3x speed?