Fallout's Children of Atom Have a Secret

Published 2023-04-30
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The Fallout universe is one rich in spooky mysteries and unexplained phenomena. One of the most curious organizations to inhabit the Fallout games is The Children of Atom. The Children of Atom have appeared in every title since Fallout 3 and have consistently demonstrated a number of inexplicable powers and abilities. Today we investigate this strange group as a part of our quest to dissect the Fallout franchise.

30 Page document on the COA by Anachronite:

Background Music -
Footballhead: By Flamingosis

Mannequin Mod (Thumbnail)
www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44195 - By Zherros

All Comments (21)
  • You're telling me that after years of imagining Nate as a lil dorky dude he's actually been a bit of a daddy this entire time?
  • @icetide9411
    I love the concept of blowing up Megaton to solve the water issue. "Oh, you've returned. Have you completed your mission?" "Yep, they won't be drinking radiated water anymore!" "Great, here's your rewa-" BoS person bursts through the door "THE BOMB WENT OFF, THE BOMB IN MEGATON DETONATED!"
  • @rayanderson5797
    I was amused by Mother Curie calling the Brotherhood Knights "angels". There's a different chapter of power-armored warriors who usually bear that title.
  • @pentax2551
    Every time Nate pronounces the T in Apostles a puppy dies
  • This connection might be talked about in the video, but in case its not, i'd like to mention there seems to be a weird connection between Ghouls and Lorenzo Cabot, and by extension, the Children of Atom. If you choose to side with Lorenzo Cabot, you can find him wandering the Wasteland, examining the bodies of 3 sentient Ghouls he just killed out of curiosity. He remarks that their "radiation syndrome" shares striking simularities with "my own condition" so...considering that we know Lorenzo's genetics was changed due to exposure to the Ancient Alien Crown, the species who supposedly created Humanity... Perhaps things like Ghouls are intentionally placed resistances to radiation poisoning placed in some Human Genetics by the Ancient Aliens? Perhaps the Children of Atom have the same genetic gift, but at a higher frequency, with Lorenzo only having it at its purest form? Even Feral Ghouls are surprisingly non-hostile to the Capital Wasteland Children of Atom Branch...
  • @bob-rogers
    You didn't mention a few really interesting things. 1) Sister Mai says that "the Glow" doesn't harm most of the inhabitants, but some need anti-rad meds. 2) If you go to the crater after Far Harbor you get different dialogue options 3) Robes of Atom's Devoted can confer total rad immunity.
  • @ZeonicFenrir
    Actually, the game does consider the "unfixable amount of karma" a very fixable thing, since there's a rather hidden dialogue choice only available if you blew Megaton, but have very good karma by the time James asks you about what happened at Megaton: Normally you can outright tell him you did it or try lying about it, in which case he will say h doesn't believe you and instead express disappointment at you. However, if you have very good karma by the time this conversation takes please, he will express relief and say he knew you weren't capable of something like that, in other words, he will believe your lie... Also, there's a unique scenario where you can accept to blow Megaton, but finish the Tenpenny Tower quest in favor of Roy Phillips, which will result in a most unusual scene where apparently Mr Burke fought his way to the top of the tower to confront Roy. Ultimately they will agree to join forces, but Mr. Burke says he first needs to finish his previous job, and then proceed to ask you to blow Megaton.... despite Tenpenny being dead by this point.
  • Sometimes I do wonder if a lot of decisions are actually clever storytelling or not. Bethesda has a track record of really good environmental storytelling, and I think it’s really easy to default into saying it’s laziness because it’s a big company. But I do think plenty of things line up well enough that they aren’t just coincidence
  • @Skrighk
    Curie the Third's voice actor fuckin nailed it. Her initial hello and saying how, "I hope the others haven't given you any trouble" genuinely made me smile.
  • Thank you for all your hard work and effort that goes into making these lengthy videos, it’s truly appreciated!
  • @MetanoiaAm
    In our own Universe, Atomic power very early on took on a dangerous connotation. Various accidents combined with the ever present fear of nuclear destruction in an atomic war, led to many trying their best put but anything atomic related out of their minds. In the Fallout Universe, it is VERY different. In the intro cinematic to Fallout 4, Nate describes how the world completely embraced the potentials of the atomic, in all its forms. Even Nate's voice as he describes the the potentials for atomic energy and science takes on an almost reverent quality, as if even while rehearsing his speech he can't forget the possibilities past, present, and future that atomic science can and has provided. What I getting at, is that, in the Fallout Universe, by 2077, the people have been living with a great and ever expanding respect and gratitude for the atomic sciences. Its power runs their homes, fuels their cars, activates their robots, moves their war machines, protects their food and heals their bodies. While in the real world we have embraced some atomic science that we can make as safe as humanly possible, the Fallout Universe embraced anything and everything that atomic science could do, even the potentially unsafe, leading to bigger and better breakthroughs. Simply put, even the average, everyday person Pre - Great War had a near reverence and love of the atomic that we in the real world have all but shunned. So I find it not so crazy to believe that even before the Great War, there might be religions or cults that saw atomic science as a force from a god or gods, and worshiped it. And sense it would seem that that the potentials and realities of gods and aliens are real in Fallout; that those entities might use atomic science for their own ends in their interactions with Humanity, would seem to be an easy path to accomplishing their goals.
  • @ovni2295
    Also, my Crazy Theory about the eldritch horrors of the Fallout universe is this: The Fallout 76 cultists and the Dunwich corporation and stuff were worshipping one entity, which was about to come into the world and take over, but the nukes fell just before it could. This would be the weird entity who's tooth sword you find at the bottom of Dunwich Borers. Anyways, that entity is actually at war with Atom, who blew up the world to save it in an example of the Godzilla Threshold trope. The Great War, destructive as it was, pales in comparison to the havoc a fully realized eldritch horror could wreak.
  • @itskubi2491
    i like how if you bring fawkes to the purifier and have him activate it the game throws it in your face and calls you selfish
  • I appreciate the revised closed captions upon release, it makes your content accessible to deaf and hard of hearing folks like me 😊
  • @doubleoof7907
    My headcanon is that the reason radiation acts so weird and unscientific in the Fallout universe (what is essentially spicy light in our universe vs. Ghouls and Super Mutants in Fallout) is because of the eldritch god Ug-Qualtoth, and maybe Atom is either a separate god (like how there are multiple gods in the Cthulhu mythos) or simply a false identity used by the eldritch monster to better influence humans Ghoulification
  • @MrFinch-vx2kb
    Hey nate, ive been subbed your channel for the past 6-7 years, and i cant tell you how much i appreciate you coming back and doing in depth dives into your older content. Alot of youtubers will just move forward and not think about what their old limitations did to impact their videos. I just want to tell you how much i appreciate you going back and taking videos that were already very engaging and stirring, and delivering even more of your passion, knowledge and effort. Keep up the fantastic work nate. Youve always been awesome! ❤
  • @DFloyd84
    I agree that Ysolde's anti-radiation aura is likely a game mechanic just to let you listen to her dialogue without dying from ambient radiation.