HLVRAI Remastered (FULL MAP)

Published 2020-09-19
This was very challenging to put together, but it was also extremely rewarding and lots of fun! I've never hosted a project this big on my own, considering The Trial was co-hosted, but I had a blast working with all of these incredible artists.

And the reason this is a "Remastered" collaboration instead of a "Reanimated" is because I wanted it to be more inclusive to artists in the fandom. This is why I accepted people regardless of their experience, skill level, art medium, or available software. I wanted anyone who'd want to contribute to be able to do so!! This video has animatics, animations, 3d modeling, more basic storyboarding, and a few other neat things. It was awesome to see so many artists of different creative medias come together to make something so cool!

I highly recommend checking out each of the artists credited below, as most of them have Instagram, YouTube, or other social medias where you can see more of their work!

Here's a link to the original HLVRAI video too. You must be living under a rock if you haven't seen it already, but this is where I got the audio from:
   • Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware...  

I recommend using the names in the top left throughout the video to know which artist created each part, by the way, because the scrolling credits at the end were written in a Google Doc, which resulted in a few errors being made. For clarification, I'll list them below:
“Quazies” name was autocorrected to Quizzies
“Theprinceofahat” was autocorrected to Thepricehat
And it skipped over the name "Virginia Poole" when copied into my editing program in segments, so I apologize for that as well!! ;-;

The scrolling version of these in the video's end were a bit wonky because the Google Doc I typed them in created a few errors. The list below are the full (and corrected) credits for the MAP artists who collaborated on this lovely video!

(MAP Host, Video Editor, Part 1)

(Parts 2, 3, 4)

(Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

(Parts 5, 6, 7)

(Part 10, 13)

(Parts 11, 12)

(Parts 14, 15)

(Parts 14, 15)

(Parts 16, 17)

(Parts 18, 90)

(Parts 19, 20)

Radioactive Ratz
(Parts 21, 22)

(Parts 23, 24)

(Parts 25, 26)

(Part 27, 28)

(Part 29)

ED Effects
(Parts 30, 31, 46)

(Part 32)

(Parts 33, 34)

(Parts 35, 36)

(Parts 37, 38.5, 69, 70)

(Parts 38.5, 39, 54, 55, 94)

(Parts 38.5, 39)

(Parts 40, 41)

(Parts 42, 43)

(Parts 44, 45)

(Part 47)

Mystic the Wolf
(Part 48, 88)

(Part 49, 50, 51)

(Part 52, 89)

(Part 53, 67)

Lacuna Daze
(Part 56, 79)

(Parts 57, 58)

(Parts 59, 60, 61, 62)

(Parts 63, 64, 65, 66)

(Part 68, 93)

Virginia Poole
(Parts 72, 73)

(Part 74)

(Parts 75, 76)

(Parts 77, 78)

(Parts 80, 81)

(Parts 82, 83, 84, 85)

(Parts 86, 87)

(Parts 91, 92)

Melodic Productions
(Part 94)

(Parts 95, 96)

(Part 97)

(Parts 98, 99)

(Post Credits Scene)

And if Wayne ever sees this, I just want him to know we all love the silly web series he's created. I have another HLVRAI fan project being worked on as well just because of how much I adore the characters- It's not quite to this grand of a scale, but I'm still excited nonetheless.

All character credits go to "Half Life but the AI is Self Aware" stream series created by Wayneradiotv and the original Half Life game.

All Comments (21)
  • @Rainbott
    EDIT 2: Yes, some parts are unfinished. Please stop commenting about it. Some people chose to turn in their parts in the sketchier style and others vanished after finishing the WIPs. We were all very busy and couldn’t finish/remake every part that someone abandoned or chose not to finish. It’s very difficult to read the same comment over and over again, especially when a handful of you are only being negative without offering any constructive criticism. Thank you for watching, but please be respectful of the artists who worked on this. EDIT: Yes, we are going to host another MAP like this! It’ll start in late November, after our first episode of HLVRAI 2 (the fan parody/au version) comes out! 🧡 🎉 READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION! 🎉 It includes some general info and proper artist crediting, because the scrolling list at the end had a few errors due to being written in a Google Doc (autocorrect sucks)!
  • @jellypupdreams
    I love how the community has all agreed that Benrey’s design must have like some sort of darkness/shade on his head from his helmet
  • I love the fact that almost all of the animators agreed on that Benrey was just a yellow-eyed husk with no soul. Amazing
  • @justdario5748
    I love how most of the artists gave Benry a terrifying appearance making it obvious he's not normal.
  • @aso1777
    0:42 No, Benrey! Don't turn me into a marketable figure!
  • @jorted_julimak
    I love how the third artist included how Benry pulled up Gordon's fly like he said he did in the finale
  • good to know people think benrey is a rotting zombie compared to other guards, oddly adds to his character
  • @calliecature
    After seeing versions of Benrey looking mysterious or apathetic, I couldn't decide in the animation starting in 4:14 if Benrey looks smug or chill or just flirty.
  • @data6022
    18:02 the transition from an angry face to a laughing emoji was absolutely wonderful
  • @TDFAL
    2:54 love the added minecraft cave sound
  • @kelseysmith3220
    I love Gordon saying “I’m a big guy” while fully cast in Benrey’s shadow
  • @turbomedusa
    Points in the video that I, personally, loved. 1:48 Tommy's face 2:32 the size of Dr. Coomer 3:50 "I'm a big guy." 5:27 Bubby SPRINT 8:39 Dr. Coomer's distressed faces 11:12 the slow, silent pan over to Benrey 13:49 Benrey's juicebox 15:22 Bubby's face 17:00 to 17:12 20:00 the appearance of the second Coomer 20:43 Bubby SPRINT 2 21:52 Intense shadow 22:33 the look on Bubby's face 24:13 Bubby POG 25:21 this image in particular Overall everyone did a fantastic job! Love this to bits
  • @cyanity1017
    11:36 this has to be my favorite moment of this whole video, just look at it. It's true art.
  • @dominic0900
    notice how in 2:44 , when Dr. Coomer told Gordon "Good luck in the chamber!" and Gordon went to the chamber, Dr. Coomer frowned , because He knew the chaotic shitstorm that would ensue in the chamber.