a WAY too early prediction for the 2024 DCI season.

Published 2024-06-30

All Comments (21)
  • @just__dave
    Vanguard is no doubt saving some much needed money by not pouring cash into a prop rig this year. Smart.
  • @CollinWestland
    Hearing him say he wants BD to be 4th is very funny to me. I don't know why. I just wasn't expecting him to say that.
  • The bluecoats show is rare. And the props kinda remind me about the last year's Blue Devils. They have the echoing strike from the horns at the beginning leading to the increase of the horns and the battery along with this marching type vibe And above all the show goes into full mode. And midway through the show there was the Echoes of the trumpets. Kind of reminding me of the 2021 show Lucy. And when they get to the horns part in the fast tempo after the drumset goes into full mode, It reminds me of 2018 when they did the tuba feature. Skipping to the ending there's this vocoeding sound. And it goes back into the trombone sound all of a sudden there it goes further until absolute silence and that's how the show ends.
  • I think that BD and Coats will come down to the membership at BD. You and I both remember how 2016 went, and there are some similarities to the vibes between the two groups in that bluecoats seem to be out to prove a point, and blue devils have a much more aggressive show visually following two wins(that pattern scares me for obvious reasons of 13 and 16). Discipline from devs membership to not get complacent will be paramount. I think bluecoats have an incredible vehicle and have much better visual instruction than back when we marched, and Kevin has their brass sounding very refined, which again is much diffent than Derek’s lines that leaned more into the energy side of approach. I think that Devs are set up to sweep captions this year, but that doesn’t take away from just how incredible the bluecoats production is both from design and the members buy in. I think vanguard has a much higher ceiling than people are still expecting. Tanner has that brass on fire, and I think if any corps is going to do well without props, it’ll be one with a show designed by Dan Morrison. He came in and set a BOA record score with Regan in San Antonio a few years ago amongst the best bands in the country with lots of money for props. Him and Gaines together will have a high ceiling for GE without the extra visual aesthetics because of their ability to create motion and stage and how well vanguard has danced since 2018. I think Bostons show is going to kill them down the road in GE and I could see the sub captions working out to where vanguard could creep ahead of them. The book is too broken up and it feels like there’s not the same flow in the music ensemble pacing that vanguard has. Crown will be a solid third, I love the show but doesn’t have the legs of the top 2, and depending on what they do with it, I think the closer is not going to help them without major revisions.
  • @FancyPants43
    I'm still sad about Cadets.🤦‍♂️🤎💫
  • @_terrain
    To explain coast show a little bit they’re using entropy to convey their theme, or rather the idea of entropy. Entropy atleast in chemistry is how disordered something is so things with high entropy are like gases because their molecules are really spread out and not orderly. I really see what they’re doing with the choreo and music arrangements to convey the change is everything idea. Side note I think just like BD and coats are gonna fight it out this year I think boston and crown are gonna fight too I believe boston has a more all around corps from percussion to color guard and their brass has been growing over the past 2 years. This years gonna be fun to watch.
  • @squillz8310
    Super excited for my local show on July 26th!!! I'm in love with the level of creativity and achievement we're already seeing this season. It's crazy!! Thanks for the video, and I'm looking forward to the content by the end of the season!
  • @freakyfrederick
    8:58 - Mandarins in 1996-1999 in Div III four-peated. This wouldn't be DCI's first four-peat. This would, however, be the first in current world class.
  • @SamuelmMorales
    I can definitely tell bluecoats are coming to win this year
  • @pacibels_cannon
    I think Blue Devils has an excellent show concept this year and that means they are going to have a decent chance at a 4-peat. However, I think the Bluecoats have super strong sections as well, and they are the only group who can possibly also win the championship.
  • @elischrodt5191
    The blue coats show gives me downside up vibes- this might just be wishful thinking but I hope this is the show to knock off the blue devils
  • @tbyrd27-27
    Hear me out 1. Blue Devils 2. Bluecoats 3. Boston Crusaders 4. Carolina Crown 5. Santa Clara Vanguard 6. Phantom Regiment 7. Mandarins SCV having no props but making up for it in visual performance makes their show somewhat harder than Phantom and Mandarins imo. Also I’d LOVE to see Crown get top 3 but their brass lines are incredibly challenging and could allow room for small errors. BD is just so good at balancing a clean and difficult performance year after year. Definitely can see a 4-peat happening
  • @joelee3076
    Mandies already have the first and only DCI 4peat championships in any class.
  • @judemulhern7291
    Here are some of my “too early to predict but I’m a nerd so I’m going to do it anyways” thoughts. 7th - Mandarins I have to agree with you here! These top seven spots are going to be REALLY tight. With SCV back and how aggressive Phantom started their season, this feels right. Probably the most fun show of the year so far in my opinion! 6- Phantom In my eyes, fifth and six is going to be a MASSIVE fight between SCV and Phantom. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them switching throughout the seasons, even during finals weekend. The reason Phantom sixth is because I feel that they don’t do a great job at developing their show throughout the season. They clean things up and get better of course, but they rarely change up their show at all or adapt. Best solo/duet of the year here 5- SCV I was genuinely shocked to see how naturally SCV fit right back in this year. It’s like they never left! Wouldn’t be surprised to see them take back the Sanford. I’m a huge fan of the sampling! United in Grief is one of my favorite songs so I’m a little biased though. 4- Boston 4th just feels safe for this corps and for this show. It has potential of course, but I feel like Boston has been playing things safe. I could even see this dipping down into 5th if SCV really steps up their game. Tons of talent, but not a show with much depth to it. 3- Crown As much as I’d love to see a Crown Championship again, this doesn’t feel like the year. It feels like a bit of a step up from last year, but not enough of a step to separate themselves. A very safe show for crown to do from a design standpoint, but the music and visual components of this show are a step in the right direction. It’ll be SUPER close, but as it stand, I’m not going to be giving to Ott to crown. 2- Bluecoats This show feels so familiar and yet so new and refreshing for the Bluecoats. It’s like a trip back to the 2016-2018 era of Bluecoats but with more of their signature modern flair. Like the Blue Devils, I see this show scoring a lot of 1st and 2nds in individual captions. Every section is strong. I see this show winning the Donald Angelica. 1- Blue Devils I don’t even want them to win. They keep winning. I want to see other corps win. However, my god, the Blue Devils win for a reason. They have just been progressively getting better and better with every season post Covid. That being said, I think the Bluecoats COULD give them a run for their money, or at least keep them on their toes. I could see them getting a little TOO complacent later in the season which could kill them. I don’t this show will end up scoring AS high as the Cutouts did, but it’ll likely be in that 98 range by finals night. I see BD winning the Ott, Zingali, and Brazale. Feel free to let me know what you think. Again, all of this is WAY too early to legitimately predict, but it’s fun to talk about.
  • Your prediction sounds spot on. We'll recap after either southwest or southeast championship.