Uppestcase and Lowestcase Letters [advances in derp learning]

Published 2021-04-01
I perform an exhaustive case analysis using advanced "derp learning" techniques to discover what's even upperercase than an uppercase A. AND I DON'T STOP THERE. For SIGBOVIK 2021.

Fonts, paper with details, etc.:

All Comments (21)
  • @SuperFromND
    now you need to go full XKCD and create capital numbers
  • @HBMmaster
    [spoilers??] the reveal of turning this into yet another system for making chess algorithms was absolutely amazing, 10/10
  • @Chrisxantixemox
    Sometimes I write code that I think is clever or funny or imaginative. Then I see Tom over here making AI generated fonts battle each other in Chess.
  • @alex15095
    you joke about toggling Caps Lock to write capital letters every time, but that's actually how my history teacher used to write capital letters, and she got pretty efficient at it
  • "So the obvious thing to do with this... is use it to generate 26 different chess playing algorithms." my sides
  • @CodeParade
    Next, have each chess-playing algorithm create it's own unique font. I'm sure you could figure out some way to do it...?
  • Ok this whole video is hilarious but I cracked up the most at the "Mister I machine" line.
  • @elijambu
    I work in software... i dream of one day being able to just make 5+ different user interfaces for some random project... frankly, this guy really is just on a whole other level.
  • @robbystokoe5161
    "2.5 on the Bristol stool scale" is a very underrated joke. This whole presentation is fantastic. I kept laughing harder and harder.
  • @Patchnote2.0
    Turning it into a chess algorithm that just wants to make pretty shapes was pretty incredible.
  • @roryschussler
    It would be really cool to try this with Chinese characters. It would be easiest to do it with just Traditional and Simplified characters (for example, "horse" was simplified from 馬 to 马). However, all of the characters have been evolving even before that, and many can be traced all the way back to the bronze age; a few thousand can even be traced back on 3,000 year old oracle bones. And those kind of resemble stone-age pictographs. So maybe you could come up with a program that takes any doodle of an object, and puts it through thousands of years of evolution to instantly make a modern character. And then maybe see what it would look like however many years in the future.
  • @pogostix6097
    There needs to be a word for "Useless but Entertaining Experimental Computer Stuff" because that is one of my greatest joys in life. It's also just obscure enough to be kind of hard to find using conventional youtube search methods, and now I've found a channel that does some very excellent UbEECS and great art to boot. Absolutely earned a subscription.
  • @binaryorbitals
    Glad to know that I would somehow manage to loose against the letter t in chess
  • @sinom_00
    this is how we all should do "projects". honestly, the results were a disappointment, and yet, you turned it into a lot of fun.
  • @Lou-Mae
    "But frankly these results are fully bonkers" is a line that makes me laugh every single time I hear it.
  • @morgengabe1
    I just found out you're a contributor at DFX. I've used and loved your plugins for a few years now. You're both incredibly, and intimidatingly talented! Thank you!
  • @hobbified
    19:27 this is why you use the softmax function on your categorical outputs. It doesn't just constrain the outputs to be between 0 and 1, it also makes them sum to 1 (and does it in a differentiable way, so you can backprop across it). With softmaxed probabilities, maximizing the 'f' score is actually giving you the thing that is "most like an f while also being least like everything else".
  • @xaigamer3129
    It Could also be called Supercaps, meaning you could have a supercaps lock button, or a Megashift button for your keyboard. But since you have lowestcase, you need to invent 2 other keys, called undershift and Lowcaps lock. I don’t know if a keyboard inventor will invent this, but it would be awesome.
  • I think using mathematical double-struck letters (The ones used for sets) would be a very good standard for Uppestcase because they're easily recognizable and at the same time are well set apart.