Find Peace Within Yourself (One Hour) - Miyamoto Musashi Meditation

Published 2023-10-22
Find Peace Within Yourself (One Hour) - Miyamoto Musashi Meditation

🙏Welcome to {Samurai Swordplay}, where we embark on a journey to unlock the profound teachings of Musashi Miyamoto, the legendary samurai and philosopher. Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of Musashi as we explore his philosophies and principles through captivating discussions and insightful analysis.

👍 Discover the profound philosophies and principles of Musashi Miyamoto as we delve into his timeless wisdom. Through our carefully curated collection of Zen music, we aim to convey the essence of his teachings and inspire a sense of mindfulness and self-discovery.

✔ Whether you seek solace, seek to deepen your understanding of Musashi's legacy, or simply desire to relax and unwind, "Solitary Samurai" offers a sanctuary of tranquility. Allow the gentle whispers of the Japanese flute to guide you towards inner peace and serenity.…

► Here music helps ease the mind.
If you have any requests, please feel free to comment.

🎨 Artwork by Samurai Swordplay


All Comments (21)
  • If you see this, please send positive vibes my way. I’ve been struggling with health issues for years and could use your prayers.
  • @CurlyJ49523
    "Today is victory over yourself of yesterday. Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men." Miyamoto Musashi
  • @enektama
    Some times in life you come across an inner monologue that changes your entire existence. Begin searching deep, right now. Be the best version of your true self. Peace.
  • @lofironin01
    I love this type of music. It’s great for just chillin out with a coffee and my thoughts to reflect on life. It's nice to stop and smell the roses sometimes. Life goes by so quick. Take some time to yourself to just reflect and be greatful for the good in your life.
  • ❤If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine 🌞
  • @Brodyaga66670
    "Will is what makes a warrior invulnerable" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo. Hagakure.
  • A cualquiera que lea esto, rezo para que todo lo que le hace daño o lo que le estresa constantemente mejore. Que los pensamientos oscuros, los pensamientos excesivos y las dudas salgan de tu mente, que la claridad reemplace la confusión. que la paz y la tranquilidad llenen tu vida.
  • @iamv7764
    If you come across this, please send your prayers for my physical and mental healing. Thank you for your support.
  • @gonfreecss5541
    I'm currently reading" book of five rings " by Stephen Kaufman . Miyamoto Musashi ofcourse was one who wrote original . 🥷⚔️💨💥💫👻
  • @pablokevin8995
    ¿Te mal sientes? ¿Por qué? ¿Acaso no ves todo lo que si tienes? ¿Acaso te has detenido a agradecerlo? ¿Acaso no ves la magna presencia espiritual en todo que sostiene todo con vida? Podrás resolver todo, ponte una pulsera que todo el día te recuerde el magnifico poder que está en tu corazón, todos lo tenemos, es el mismo que hace brillar al sol. Lee todo por lo que estás agradecido y finalmente afronta tus desafios de este día, hoy o mañana estarán resueltos y estarás orgulloso. No pierdas tiempo entre lagrimas y quejas.
  • @sachinsingh54645
    I'm preparing for my exams. I don't know how matured really I am Simply leaving this comment here for my future self ...... Everything is energy.❣️
  • absolutely Relax and Calm music. When you struggle and face challenges in Life you can listen this it will make you feel calm and inner peace. Loved it. Good job keeps it up. I want to thank you for this sound. Samurai Assassin for this.
  • @zathura-vu8sb
    I also practice the dizi /Chinese flute . It was dirt cheap but I can actually play it now I understand what it needs. Tomorrow I'm mounting my staffs , swords ⚔ and my modern alloy standing paddle STEEL OAR . It splits in two making a good staff and something similar to the mauri battle axe . I tested it on a palm tree expecting it to break but it just took a chunk out of the tree ! I was gob smacked 😮😮😮 not a mark on the Oar . So this is definitely worth training with.
  • @Juxtapose76
    This sounds so harmonious and peaceful. God bless..🙏💖🕊️
  • @zathura-vu8sb
    We also practice the jian and Doa sword, short staff and hand fan. Did you one of the most famous samurai only used a hand fan ? He could kick anyone's ass and didn't need a sword. I'm working on my own design of hand fan using hacksaw blades and a heavy weight. The hand fan /war fan /tessen was very useful. You use it to deflect arrows , signal friends, signal to archers fir who to attack. To shield your horse from sunlight or arrows and ad a close quarter weapon withnir with blades fir wrist locks/chocking etc