What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it? | GotQuestions.org

Published 2019-01-31
Are Christians under the Old Testament Law? For example, can Christians eat pork? Should Christians keep the Sabbath? These questions of being under the law come up when people don’t know the answer to the question, What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it. In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch explains what the Bible says about the OT law fulfilled vs. the OT law abolished. Did Jesus abolish the law, and/or did Jesus fulfill the law? Watch this video to learn what the Bible says.

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*** Source Article:

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All Comments (21)
  • @jackryan7767
    “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Jesus
  • @aleonard5359
    He didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it because WE could NOT ever fulfill the law. Which is why we needed Him
  • @jeffi854
    Matthew 5:17-18 has always been one of my favorite verse’s in the scriptures . I recommend Christian’s buying themselves a Greek and Hebrew concordance so they can look up and understand the word of God and will never be deceived by anyone ! If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a young Christian tell me that we’re not under the law but under grace ! Or we no longer need to obey that because it’s in the Old Testament.
  • Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hos 4:7  As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.
  • @X4VER279
    I believe that loving your neighbour and keeping the 10 commandments and believing in the teachings of Jesus is more important than not eating pork
  • Yaaqov(James) 2: 17. Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone.
  • @lima1877
    I thank God that Paul wrote Galatians. For I can see in the comments section majority oppose grace alone for salvation and are in deep danger. Righteousness is a gift, you don’t have any of your own. Trust in Jesus alone, while you are still breathing.
  • @Enny_.gold1
    Thank you so much for clarifying my many questions
  • Good to see much response to this subject. Hard to find any understanding nowadays, mostly hurt feelings when 'meat' comes up. Keep it simple, Obey, love, be faithful to GOD. BEAR MUCH FRUIT( WORKS).
  • @J040PL7
    I'm baffled at people thinking Jesus would abolish a law he created 🤦‍♂️
  • AMEN... The Law is good... that it reveals sin... but thats all it can do... The law was added to prepare God's people of the coming Messiah.... when the full weight of sin and death is upon us... we seek a saviour and we turn to Christ... we see the cost... we see the full weight of his Grace... and it is this Grace that saves us from our sin... for it is the goodness of God that leads a man into repentance and into Trusting Christ... which ultimately leads to loving worship which GLORIFIES GOD and gives honour to his Name which the enemy of God HATES he hates God being praised... he wants us to be miserable and to curse God (for me, this is what brings the most suffering here on earth, the lack of worship to God, the lack of Praise, the lack of words speaking of His Glory of his Goodness. all the talk is of vain things... it can be so cold and lifeless... the world is void of hope... Man shall not leave by bread alone!) the enemy is very very cunning... even once saved and grafted into The Vine... his goal is to make you slip... to sin and feel ashamed and try to earn Gods grace again... to try to earn Gods favour by making amends... which will lead to frustration... and ultimately distance between you and God... the further away from Christ you are, you will wither... and once again God will not be receiving any thanksgiving... May our sin lead us not to despair but to the Throne of Grace where we SHALL be forgiven ALL our sins and find comfort in his presence we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.... if we Sin (God forbid) he will use it for our Good, to discipline and to reveal to us the exceeding riches of his grace towards us ^ God's grace to His people is continuous and is never exhausted. and it is HUMBLING Besides obviously Christ, another time that I have experienced such GRACE... was when I was on a drug comedown and my nephew & niece were over my house... they were climbing all over me while I was laying on the floor DEAD INSIDE... they wouldn't stop showering me with affection and love, even though I gave them nothing.. they just kept climbing all over me, they clung to me... they were relentless, eventually that day their love BROKE ME... I saw how beautiful they were, so innocent, kind and gracious towards me... an undeserving ugly selfish person who gave them nothing back... I ran to the bathroom, shut the door and wept out to God God has already given us His Word ... Jesus... who is the YES AND AMEN to all of his Promises IT MEANS GOD IS FOR YOU... NOT AGAINST YOU “Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends." Don't let Sin separate you from God... and don't let the guilt of Sin separate you from God... LET NOTHING SEPERATE YOU FROM THE LOVE OF GOD... FOR NOTHING DOES! .... Just come to him, submit and let the potter be the potter... and you be the Clay. He will make all things new
  • The only question that needs to be asked is did Jesus obey the law and the answer is yes. He was perfect in it and the only person to ever do so. We’re supposed to strive to be like him. So if he followed the laws and the sabbath than so should we.
  • @chriszod
    We must keep the laws and have faith in christ
  • @jgarkeezy
    I would say what you are saying is contradicting. If Jesus fulfilled the sanctification through him and forgiveness of our sins. He only fulfilled part of the law. As you said earlier he did not abolish it. So we still follow the law. Not for salvation and not the sacrifices but all other aspects of it.
  • @truman5838
    The heaven and the Earth are still here. Therefore the law has not yet been fulfilled. There's still work to be done. It will be accomplished when Jesus comes back.