Unburdened By What Has Been | GoodFellows

Published 2024-07-25
An already surreal political year becomes all the more quizzical as former president Donald Trump literally dodges an assassin’s bullet soon before making a surprise pick of Ohio senator J. D. Vance as his running mate; followed by President Biden unexpectedly ending his reelection bid and Vice President Kamala Harris swiftly becoming the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee. Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, John Cochrane, and H.R. McMaster do their best to make sense of these summertime blockbusters, including whether Harris alters her party’s course (triangulate or double down on the past four years?); the pros and cons of Trump-brand nationalism and that philosophy’s hold over a restyled Republican Party; Vance’s qualifications for national office; plus cautionary tales from Biden’s lone presidential term and the chances of more surprises to come before Election Day in America.


GoodFellows, a Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world. They can’t banter over lunch these days, but they continue their spirited conversation online about what comes next, as we look forward to an end to the crisis.

For more on this series visit, www.hoover.org/goodfellows.

The opinions expressed on this channel are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution or Stanford University.

© 2024 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University.

All Comments (21)
  • @willt9832
    I can’t imagine being lectured to for four years by a poor excuse for a kindergarten teacher
  • This is the first election since 1978 that a person named Bush, Biden or Clinton was not on the ticket. The deficit went from $1 Trillion to $38 Trillion in that time. Americans want something different. "When you seek the truth, you have to leave the left." ---- Thomas Sowell
  • My economy is not doing quite well. I pay almost double for groceries. I'm still paying $4.11 for gas. My auto insurance went up, not down. My HOA goes up every year because costs rise yearly. Here in Raleigh NC housing prices are rising. Where the heck do these guys live? Here's what I can figure out for myself. When Biden came in and stopped drilling and emptied our oil reserves gas went to $6 a gallon from $2 a gallon. So now that it's down, everybody points to the drop and says "See? Things are getting better!" In reality I still have a 100% rise to contend with instead of a 200% increase. Oh joy!! I'm still getting screwed but now they're using lube!!!
  • The Goodfellows keep making the mistake of taking politicians' rhetoric seriously. Deeds, not words. Did LTG McMaster evaluate his subordinate commanders on how well their units performed or on how well they briefed their annual training plan?
  • I dont necessarily like Trump as a person, but his presidency was successful and he clearly has the ability to organize an effective and thoughtful team.
  • @abpgrace
    Neil, I’m loving your softer tone, still very strong but meeker. Thank you because you have lots of wisdom to share in a humble fashion. Bless you and those you love and all of the Goodfellows of course!
  • How can such an esteemed group of scholars can pontificate about the Democratic Party threat to democracy, which I agree with to some extent after observing Lawfare, without calling Trump out for inciting the January 6 events in an attempt to remain in power. The peaceful transfer of power, along with the rule of law, are the fundamental building blocks of American democracy!
  • @markdimeo7060
    With, Kamala, it's like herding cats around a birdbrain.
  • JD Vance…”Childless Cat Lady’s” yeah…he’s a real political genius.
  • Reminds me of the Revolutionary Guards 1966 CCP. They wanted to erase thousands of years of culture and history. And implement their naive disastrous plans
  • Back in the 80s when I was and training to be a young army officer, every exercise which prepared us for Soviet invasion began with the phrase, “Following a period of rising tension….” We are in that period now, and the 80s seem relatively static and stable. Great show.
  • @WalterBurton
    LOL @ Cochrane begging Trump to be more articulate. Genuinely humorous on many levels.
  • One of the most illuminating shows I have seen for a while, and thats saying something.
  • This kind of educated discussion from different perspectives is refreshing for me.
  • I we’ll quickly find that Niall nailed it on the talking past each other prediction.
  • @dionwall5519
    Well, at least now Kamala can see what she can be ... Unburdened by that has-been
  • This or the presidential debate….. What a pleasure listening to thinking articulate people, dare I say men
  • @coryzane.
    Another great conversation, just need to do more please. My second biggest nightmare just got worse. My first is Gangster Trumpster back in the white house. 2nd was Biden in the White House again. Now this former Lawyer! We need another choice or we are screwed!