Leaving the house with ADHD

Published 2024-03-15

All Comments (21)
  • @twink276
    I still have 10 minutes left before I need to get going. I can definitely put the dishes in the dishwasher! Damn, where is my wallet? Why am I missing a shoe?
  • @Ael666
    Why is this glorious person attacking me so viciously with a simple, honest self critique? When I feel attacked by my own honesty I enjoy making sarcastic comments like these, some day I will be better... but I'm not making a lot of progress today.
  • @VanRyan-bv7du
    I was actually diagnosed with ADHD since my teenage. Spent my whole life fighting ADHD. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @Diniecita
    This is why I only use 1 purse, 1 coat and 1, spot for my keys. If something happens when I get home I donโ€™t care. My routine NOW affects laters ability to leave. I also am probably autistic though.
  • @mr22guy
    "It's gonna be ok, we still have about 10 seconds, we're gonna make it" ๐ŸŽฏ
  • @cucumberwhale
    110% yes, this is exactly how it is. Every time I miss the bus I make a mental note to double the time I planned for getting ready .. and then I forget, go YOLO, I DON'T ACTUALLY NEED AN HOUR TO GET OUT, SURELY I WONT MISS THIS TIME!? And the cycle repeats.
  • @elinek5470
    This. I step out of bed 5 min too late every morning still expecting to be on time. But no. Then when i get out bed a lot earlier, i get bored at the breakfast table and watch YouTube, to find out that I am going away from home even later ๐Ÿ˜‚ i need the rush.
  • @CoventinaSoapery
    This is me & why I never say when or IF I'm going to actually turn up to anything ๐Ÿ˜
  • @PurringMyrrh
    FFS, I dont even rely on public transportation and I still cant fucking make it to work on time even though my alarm goes of like 2 hours before Im supposed to leave in the morning to "giVe mE TiME" ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜„
  • A tip that saved me from more disaster on those disaster days: I have a small handbag (always the same one) on my coat hanger with essentials such as my wallet, keys, etc. When I use one of them, I can't put them down, I have to put it back in the bag immedeatly. When I have to get out the door I can just grab it and go
  • @faescotland4174
    But WHY, why is it like this? I plan to leave half an hour before I need to, and try and be ready to go 10 mins before because I inevitably need to pee and check windows are shut etc. I HAVE to keep my keys in the same pocket - I need to wear or have a coat whatever the weather, it's too stressful not knowing where my keys are if they aren't in the same place, I have to buy coats with zippy pockets or my keys might leap out and get lost, and I can't stand the thought of locking myself out. And WHY does no one understand these difficulties?!
  • @foxiefair123
    This is why I never want to leave the house.๐Ÿ˜‚
  • This is me but with 2 young kids haha. I have to "start leaving" 1 hour before I need to leave.
  • @lisacassidy7798
    Watching your vids has helped me have a much better understanding of my wife's ADHD. Thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom!
  • @peterclarke7240
    So horribly accurate. I'm either an hour early, or just late enough to miss my first connection and end up outrageously late. An absolute game-changer for me, though, was discovering the concept of the "Every Day Carry Bag." It's essentially a handbag but FOR MEN. As a bloke who's always been a bit fond of anything with pouches and compartments, I discovered I can weaponise that love against my ADHD. I have a tactical bag that contains everything I need to carry every day. I can immediately check every pouch for the contents its supposed to have, of which most of it NEVER needs to leave the bag once I'm home. It's also small enough I can carry it around the house with me, so if I need my phone or bank card, it's all right there. It even comes to the bedroom with me. It means I always know where my wallet, keys, water bottle, phone, headphones and book are. Now... If only I could remember where I put my bloody trousers...
  • @SquidgeTastic
    I just have a handbag with everything I've needed. Or might need, for about the past year. I grab it and my phone and go. After getting everyone in the house to find my shoes... I'm pretty sure my wallet is in there somewhere...
  • I have the inattentive version and even I'm stressing while seeing this. Girl, you living on hard mode. I'm sending you love and wishing for your success in the difficult mundane dealings we so often struggle with. Subconscious routines have saved me from this chaos. If you don't have the executive function required for a task, if at all possible create "scaffolding" where you need that executive functioning as little as possible. I never lose my earphones because they never leave my ears. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I sleep with them, I shave with them. I only take them out to shower.
  • @gytisbl
    Having 1 spot for keys and wallet by the door is a hack that I learned last year. It takes time to learn, but wow how effective it is
  • @AKcess_Dnied
    I have one spot for all the things I need in my pockets, my shoes are all in one place, I make sure if they leave my presence that's where they go. I've got alarms to remind me I should be doing something... In 10 minutes. I snooze it and it preps my head for getting away from whatever task I'm on. All said, and I almost forgot how to leave a comment. Uh, and I still haven't put my clothes away from the last 2 weeks of laundry.
  • @atreidhd
    The bit about the watch really got me. I haven't worn a watch in over a decade, but I still occasionally go to look at it