The Most OVERRATED Bodybuilding Factors (and what’s underrated)

Published 2024-03-01

All Comments (21)
  • @MohamedNaas2005
    What's Underrated is This Channel and What's Overrated is Greg Doucette
  • @nunchukGun
    You, NH and GVS have really changed my training style a lot and I've been growing like crazy because of it.
  • @jon-kd5st
    Shakeweights is the most under rated tool in our hypertrophy journey. Along with the squat plug for strength gains
  • Volume is definitely overrated. I reduced volume to embarrasing amount, 2-6 sets per week for muscle groups and I am making very solid progress.
  • Would be interesting to hear what's your take on diet and protein intake. What i've learned so far is that diet is a very personal thing and is so easy to stress abou it if you listen on whats is optimal /needed ecc on social media. I like your way of explaining things in way that really make sense and is genuine, without tryng to convince thats is one way or another.
  • As you read off the topics I thought holy hell that's a lot to unpack...very refreshing take on diet, and great job covering all this in 30 mins! Thanks for the video!
  • @Adamsfamily1990
    The only thing why I hate machines is because every person is built a little bit different so there is a chance you can't adjust it properly and then it forces you into an unnatural movement pattern.I workout in a commercial gym and it has a shoulder press machine,I tried to set it up multiple times,but somehow it isn't comfortable.
  • @Damian.Williams
    I use both for example squats and leg press and hack squat and leg curls etc... best of both worlds
  • @dirkoechsle55
    can you please make a long winded nutrition video about protein and fats 101 for natural bodybuilders and answer a few questions that totally confuse me. How important is the protein content per meal for you, especially the leucine content, because almost everyone says that studies show that you need at least 2,5-3g of leucine per meal to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and to build muscle!? how much protein do you eat per meal, how many grams from a protein source, for example how much raw or cooked chicken, turkey, beef or dairy, and how much total protein per meal and per day? What are your sources of protein and fat and how do you incorporate them into your diet every day when you bulk or maintain? For example do you add fats to your meals or do you use fats from food sources like whole eggs and skinless or skin on chicken thighs or fattier cuts of meat and ground beef and stuff like that to get the fats or you adding like peanut butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado or butter to your meals? When it comes to protein and fat selection, do you always work with super lean sources like only chicken, turkey breast, top sirloin and very lean ground beef or fattier sources like skinless or skin on chicken thighs, ribeyes and fattier ground beef too? Do you eat fats like butter and full fat dairy? Thank you very much, I appreciate you and I value the content
  • @Skygooose
    I think the key to volume is to progressively overload your volume starting from a place of lower volume. I think if most people do that they will settle on what works for them over time. Issue is that most people decide they want to be low or high volume people and go directly into either without gradually adjusting.
  • @aaronmsteele
    You been on your grind with the posting schedule man! Respect
  • @toni6194
    High volume didnt really help me. Going to failure and especially beyond failure has been the best thing that ever happened to me. Bulking was also really important for me. I agreed with the whole genetics debate but i still think that basement definitly has above average genetics and that it makes a big difference if youre true 50 percentile or 75 percentile. Or an even bigger one if we are talking smth like 40 to 75 percentile. The thing is there will always be someone better out there. I also agree with the delayed noob gains stuff. Even tho i didnt do any sports for a few years before starting bodybuilding (i was 16 years old) i had instant noob gains. Yet the thing was that i was so skinny that first i had to get to an average level of muscularity (which we all know isnt big in anyway). Before that i used recreational drgs, stims and stuff like that, i guess i underate and all that. So that adds a whole another standpoint to the discussion some people might have average genetics but their life wasnt average... anyway i think its awesome that you keep in touch with your community.
  • @ufo9791
    I would have loved to hear your opinion about beyond failure training. I see GVS do it a lot and I have incorporated it more into my own training (especially dropsets and partial reps in the lengthened position on my last set of some exercises) because of the time benefits. But I feel like there is a whole side of YouTube fitness who just never do that abd get great results too. What's your opinion on this?
  • @Henock95
    You said that you rarely eat meat, so do you supplement protien or is it something that you don't worry about and just focus on training and recovery?
  • @names116
    Not sure if you’ve spoken about it before but, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on warm up sets. How long you rest after, how many you do, and what lifts you think need more/less warm up sets based on exercise order in your workout and type of lift.