Asking This Exorcist What He's Seen | Exorcisms, Prison, and Woundedness w/ Fr. John Farao

Published 2024-06-25
In this video, I'm joined by Fr. John Farao who is a trained, experienced exorcist that has been working full-time in prison ministry and has some very interesting stories to tell.

*Please DO NOT attempt to contact Fr. Farao--his plate is already very full. If you think that you might be struggling with supernatural forces, contact your local priest!

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All Comments (21)
  • If the audio is too quiet, let me know. I would have to take the video down and edit it a bit, but that's entirely possible and maybe even worth it. Let me know your thoughts!
  • My son was just in a county jail and there were 18 stabbings in 90 days! He was there due to drug addiction. As his mother, I begged him to straighten up before he ended up there in the dangerous last days. Praise the Lord that he has been clean for six and half months!!!
  • When I was 9 my father committed suicide. After that over the next few years I started seeing very scary things. I was not watching anything that would’ve made me imagine it. I got very scared and tried to tell my preacher bc we were Baptist. I was told it was in my head. I prayed and prayed as a kid and went times without seeing it and over years have seen it up until a few months ago. I knew it was a demon even as a child and the same demon has followed me. I have never possessed but I think I was close. Demonic oppression. I suffered a lot growing up with sadness, thoughts of suicide and just bad things happening to me. Which was taking me into a dark place. I even started having dreams I was being possessed by this demon. It was so bad I asked god to protect me and send his angels to protect me. I ask my house and my family to be protected. I do this every night. It took me so long to understand what was happening to me. I am so lucky that I was able to have faith, prayer, and the will to resist this long standing oppression. I was so naive for so long.
  • @Spaghetti1111
    I believe that it was Father Ripperger who said that as soon as the blessed virgin Mary comes in the room it's game over for demons. I find it very beautiful that someone as good, humble and holy as Mary scares away the evil supernatural demons with her mere presence. Like a true mother she defends her children.
  • @jcfrazier5853
    For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powers, principalities, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
  • @dane5678
    i like this priest, he seems to be a no nonsense type of person who really has a heart for people that need spiritual help
  • @terryakk1267
    I agree, I worked in Corrections for years. The evil is real! It was draining being an officer. I prayed to God for safety every day
  • @Dee-743
    I had a very normal (they are either very normal or very abnormal) mental health clinician say “Absolutely” when I asked her if she thinks many mental ill are actually possessed. I have read many others who say the same. There are many avenues which open the door to evil and drugs are one of many ways.
  • I have started going to confession once a month on the first Saturday of every month. I have to say, it's a spiritual game changer. I'm not really sure if my sins are at the mortal level and require the sacrament of confession rather than just a daily act of contrition prayer, but I have to say all types of vices do recede once you receive the sacrament of confession regularly, and the voice of the Holy Spirit convicting you in conscience becomes much more easily heard. Now that I have this beautiful habit (can't believe how many decades it took me to get around to doing this) I hope I never let it go. The added bonus is that if you die suddenly, it hasn't been that long since your last confession. What has helped is that I read in St. Faustina's Diary that the person who actually speaks to you during the sacrament of confession is Jesus Himself. This is why I listen so carefully to whatever the priest says.
  • @suecowley2599
    Fascinating interview. My daughter had a psychotic break 12 years ago and believed a demon was trying to posess her. Im not a Catholic but Im a member of a Congregational Church and was at that time a member of a Christian Choir. All of us were praying constantly for her. She has been stable now for 9 years but remembers everything that happened at that time. There is no doubt in my mind that the power of prayer, particularly the prayers of a retired Anglican Minister, a member of our choir, who came to visit us regularly to pray with us, protected her from being posessed.
    My friend used to be a nurse at San Quentin. He asked me once if I wanted a tour and that I would be able to see Richard Ramirez. Although I was curious as I had an interest in criminology and psychology at the time, I felt in my heart that the Holy Spirit was telling me to stay away. I never took my friend up on his offer.
  • @Jodidub
    Great interview, I’ve works as Correctional officer for over 10 years in California. CDCR officers have higher PTSD and self exiting rates than military and their life expectancy after retirement is only 5 years or less, it’s pretty alarming. They go into a “war” zone every day for 20-30 years straight. There is so very real evil in there, anyone in prison have see horrid things and I whole heartedly believe sometimes it affects both inmates and officers that are inside the walls. From inmates in mental health yards to general population. Some are just blatant satanist, some demonically oppressed all the way to possession. I recently got “IEXd” (it’s where an IM exposes him self usually to female staff) this inmate had probably 15 write ups for the same thing, while it’s absolutely vile and traumatic to have it done to you after the initial shock i got an overwhelming feeling to pray for this inmate, and after I prayed for him, he hasn’t gotten an IEX write up since then This was hard for me to do because I like most officers and inmates have very ill feelings towards people who commit child crimes and “S” crimes and would damn them straight to hell if it were in our hands. But I am hopeful my prayers were answered and no other women have to be victimized by that specific person I prayed for.
  • @fggarcia6010
    Matthew 25:36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
  • @AGEH8778
    I’ve worked in mental health for several years mainly group homes, but also 3 inpatient psychiatric hospitals. I also unfortunately have loved ones who are incarcerated. I can say I have seen 3 people I know were demonically possessed. While working in the hospitals,and one man while visiting a loved one who had a darkness over him that wasn’t your average inmate. What I seen at the hospital though was not mental illness or drugs . It was evil. It’s a very different presence than someone who is ill.
  • @mrunderachiever
    Late to the comment section, but I truly hope this message reaches someone. I spent 90% of my conscious life (I am 29 currently) as an athiest. I have been walking in my faith for almost 3 months now. The simplest way to explain the existence of evil when God's love and mercy is immeasurable, is this: Evil exists in this world so we can CHOOSE to seek him (free will). God could easily eradicate evil, however he allows it to continue so we can seek him. We can always choose not to and hinge our bets on other things, hence free will, but what reason would we have to seek him, if we didn't experience hardship, pain and evil? Next, the evidence for God existing is really simple. Every single thing in this universe has been created, placed and tuned so finely, and so delicately that it points to the existence of an intelligent creator. Order and design doesn't come from chaos and random, insanely improbable coincidence or statistics. The bible NEVER speaks of how long our universe has existed, so who is to say that the big bang was not the first day, the spoken word in Genesis? I refer to Genesis 1:1-5. Praise God for his love and infinite wisdom, praise Jesus and his immeasurable sacrifice for us and thank you all for taking the time to read my thoughts, and reasons for choosing to trust in God.
  • I’m about 19 years full time work in a California state prison. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll last there. Thanks for sharing this.
  • @nancywisdom8684
    I totally believe it, because so many criminals are actually motivated and manipulated by the daemonic
  • @Jacques.Smith_
    I'm a qualified psychologist. Psychology won't help you. Every year there are more psychologists, but the situation in the world isn't improving. In fact, it's getting much worse.
  • @bl4ckm4mba1
    Bro I love that priest I can’t believe you got him there!
  • After working in a prison for 10 years i can say without any doubt evil lurks there but also great benevolence.