The Philosophy For Dummies | Imam Al-Ghazali

Published 2021-04-05

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In this video, the imam explains the philosophy for dummies. The imam also shares his views on Imam Al-Ghazali's contribution to Islamic tradition.

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#Shaykh #Education #Philosophy #Dummies #Imam #Ghazali #Imam_Ghazali #Islam #Quran

All Comments (21)
  • Gazali was an ocean of knowledge and we are blessed to have shaykh Hamza in our time he's the Gazali of this era, May Allah preserve his, Ameen!
  • @myself962
    I love Yusuf Hamza.Every time I listen to him he opens my heart.He is briliant!
  • @anonamos3287
    What you are saying in this beautiful lecture, reminds me of a passage written in the new testament. Where it is mentioned that Y'Eusa spoke about little children, that unless people believed in Our Creator, just as a little child, that they will never reach the kingdom of heaven. This lecture reminds me of that statement and the analogy of referring to Allah as a Father figure who supplying his blessed ones with the protection and support in the same way that would allow a child to feel completely secure, even in the face of the most terrible or scary situation such as the threat of death. That a bene-ficiary bene-fits because they are worthy, like a child being adopted into an inheritance promised to those worthy to receive it. That bene, means son or child in Arabic and Hebrew seems to make so much more sense when the parables talked about in the Bible about the children of God are seen in this light. Also that the simplicity of under-standing the greater truth of life, does not need to be complex or complicated to be real, or only provable by some great scientific awareness, to know in our hearts that Allah's presence in our lives Is Real, is enough to start to reach up for and feel Allah's true presence in our lives, which then gives us the verification of eternal life beyond the curtain of this physical world. That this can be easily proven by the simplest of things, like the beauty of a flower, or the incredible vastness of the ocean, or the uncountable stars in the night sky. Or that the deeper meanings of the words express truth so clearly in a way, that adults might completely reject, who looking for any reason to deny the deeper cause for life, do so, so easily just so they can forfeit any responsibility towards life beyond their own selfish desires, having become corrupted by the World our ancestors have created to live void of a true awareness of Allah in. While a child with their eyes open wide can see life in a completely innocent way, when presented with simple concepts of the truth, will have no trouble believing and accept that Allah is Above us all. When we grow up in a world that rejects this greater truth through hypocritical motives, the corruption of this truth acts like a rust that removes the true shine from their lives, so that the lie becomes the only reality available for them to see and experience. Sadly this is one of the reasons modern governments also want to take control of children's education from an early age, even allowing the use of advertising and the sexualisation of youth at an early age to happen, which is such a crime. To compromise and even destroy the moral values and freedom for young children, to know a higher cause for life exists, even before they can realise how influential such actions are that strips the innocence from our youth. Modern Government allows this to happen, advertising, the music industry and the media directly corrupting the higher cause of life by accepting that the monatary success of such industrues gives them the right to use such means to overtake our higher moral nature. That humanity could and should have aimed so much higher in life is never even considered. The hypocracy of these modern western choices are now coming back to bite society as an awareness of how they have an affect as such a devient corrupting influence on the youngest of our race, who are being completely controlled by what is happening on the inter-net This is one of the greatest causes of failure that is taking place against the human soul ever, to finding its true higher cause for life. A dis-traction to the higher cause of life so powerful that the opportunity for our youth to find the greater truth for life seems to have almost completely slipped away.
  • @xmifi
    Very sincere and beautiful speech.
  • @shyman3000
    Wonderful lecture! I immediately subscribe to anyone posting Hamza Yusuf. His lectures are incredibly important. There are some minor spelling errors in your subtitles if you care to know. 0:07 "Ibn Sina". 0:17 "censored" 6:39 Muslims never produced a "Machiavelli" This one is kind of important, because Machiavelli is associated with the sinister politics of manipulation, and also often cited as the origins of modern philosophy. People listening may want to look that up to understand his point. Obviously most of the errors are unimportant, but the philosopher spellings might be useful to some. Thank you for posting this lecture!
  • AsalamOalaikum WaRahmatullahi Wabarakatu please help me find the full lecture!