Zuma ANC Expulsion | Prof Bheki Mngomezulu shares thoughts

Published 2024-07-29
The African National Congress (ANC) says former President Jacob Zuma has and I quote, "actively impugned the integrity of the ANC."

The party says he campaigned to dislodge the ANC from power while claiming to still be a member of the ANC.

Professor Bheki Mngomezulu from the Nelson Mandela University Centre for the Advancement of Non-Racialism and Democracy

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All Comments (21)
  • @nelilegloria
    Just recently Ramaphosa told Malema to play the ball not the man. They're playing the man now😮😮😮😂
  • @norm3523
    I took my shoe off today and found a hole in my head
  • ANC bungling of the JZ issue is just giving oxygen to this egotistical 82 year old, keeping JZ in the public & media spotlight. ANC own goals and missteps are gifts that keep giving to JZ. And I can bet my bottom dollar JZ will appeal with 21 days, lose the appeal and then take it to court arguing procedural unfairness of the DC process (but in reality "milking" the story for all it is worth!!!).
  • Why appeal??he should be happy to be allowed to get enough time to focus on MK
  • @AndyMautle
    I’m waiting for a day i will ever hear Ngomezulu saying Zuma or MK is wrong it’s alway hilarious listening to him …SABC should keep on inviting him on issues relating to Zuma and MK.
  • @VusiThwesha
    Babamsholozi is not guilty of anything and the anc members know finish.
  • @davezungu5454
    We don't apologise for being black, ambitious and being led by black leaders. We are not ashamed to pursue meaningful transformation of the economy and substantive equality in the face of white washed epochs of former so called liberators. We dare not forget where we come from and where we were going when we started. The ANC can now move to the right, abandon transformation completely and enjoy life with its newfound band of cohorts. The MK can now define itself clearly as the current and active liberation movement and pursue transformation at full throttle. The struggle continues in ernest.
  • @wandyzouloe2927
    This Mngomezulu guy should just join MK,he sounds like an MK spokes person🤣🤣,he never says anything bad about Zuma
  • Even if there is insurmountable evidence that JZ violated the Constitution of the ANC, the procedural process is equally important. According to Zuma's sepresentative, due processes were not followed in expelling him.
  • @gasman9917
    Ok Mr Mgomezulu the elections are over and we can now put our real life hats on where we use rationality and honesty and not Zuma bias. Ok. Welcome back