It Will Give You Goosebumps - Alan Watts On The Eternal Now

Published 2021-08-23
An inspirational and profound speech on the eternal now by Alan Watts. Original Audio sourced from: “Alan Watts - Limits of Language-2"

“Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal, for the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever….”
– Alan Watts. (1915 – 1973)

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T&H Inspiration is on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have you pause, think, and reflect. Many of our videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that we produce with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University.

T&H also films and releases original interviews with iconic people who have experienced successes, while also persevering through life's highs and lows. We look forward to sharing more of these perspectives and insights.

Our hope with these videos is to push your thinking. As Alan Watts said “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.

All Comments (21)
  • When you let go. The universe will catch you. It’s talking to you. Let go of everything and trust the universe. It’s within you. One love from me to you. 🧘🏻✨💫
  • @zacharylowe5851
    I'm blessed I was able to buy land and follow an old dream of mountain living. Finally being able to come to peace with my life. After losing my child in a horrible accident i didnt think i could be happy ever again. I was suicidal,beyond depressed,and drinking my face off trying to not wake up anymore. Now 11 years later I started another life and I'm raising my kids with my wife on a 40 acre ranch in arizona and no I'm not rich in money but rich in life. The land was 19k I got a hell of a deal. I'm able to move on from my previous life. I miss my little girl every day but I know one day my soul will be at peace when my time is done. You have to move on and you have to keep going. I knew if I stayed strong I would have a family again. I was given the williness to live again. It's a wonderful feeling to wake up everymorning and watch the sun come over the horizon. I struggle still with flash backs of her tragic and horrific death. But I'm still pushing everyday to give my daughters and the one on the way a fighting chance in this very scary world. I was 20 years old when she died I turned 21 two days after I said my last goodbye to her. Life hasn't been easy but its worth it to stick around. I wish everyone the best with your struggles in life keep your head up high.
  • @doriangray2454
    It's strange how a message from the universe comes to you just at the right time.
  • @ChevySS1968
    My God, this guy was such a deep-thinking human being. Why can't we have even ONE person like this in Washington, DC?
  • @timpope3490
    Life is just what happens to you, while you wait for the future you want. Just be happy with what you have and cherish your family. It can all be gone in a moment.
  • @collier6794
    Allan watts died in 1973 ALMOST 50YR. AGO Imagine him being alive today His words still hit so true to the heart even today.
  • @AdrianNunez
    Currently dying in the hospital listening to this, thank you Alan watts. Always made things easier for me.
  • @smacpost3
    Super easy way to quiet the mind; Observe your thoughts. Don't interact with them, just watch them. Then ask yourself, "what will my next thought be?" Thoughts stop as you await the answer.
    My father sent me this link after hearing of me struggling in life. I cannot thank him enough for this beautiful link and this man for his beautiful words! Blessings and peace to all! I love you dad! Johnny B, 79....your son.
  • @nawzy202
    After having a shroom experience that lasted 8 hrs in a dark room with spiritual music playing alan watts now plays constantly on my phone it changed my life completely.
  • @Azure4Shore
    Alan Watts has not only led me to research buddhism, challenging my prior worldview but also has helped me rediscover an immense fascination for the traditional printed word. To all my fellow human beings, what an honestly maddening carousel ride we're all on together. Namaste to all who read this!!
  • At my ripe old age of 84 it has dawned on me clearly that what is needed most in life is wisdom and courage. Both these i found only with prayer and supplication which helped an otherwise very average woman with no special talents. I praise God for His goodness and mercy.
  • Alan, you're alive in my heart so i know you can hear me. You're the best thing to ever happen in my small division of the universe. Thank you
  • @toddbrown9096
    I don't believe most people understand how important this 9 minute video truly is. He breaks down the whole path to enlightenment, including the end game few come to of realization that you(ego) can never attain unattached selflessness, because you have a selfish reason for doing it, which leads to the ego truly having to die, for you to progress any further. I'm amazed that most people never realize that in both eastern and western religions, for salvation(enlightenment)(getting off the wheel), you have to die to self and be born again. We to often argue about petty differences, that are usually born out of scrawny language, instead of accepting similarities that are right in front of us. This is also ego driven, on both side, due to the desire to be right. In the end I think we are all here to remember and appreciate that it all boils down to love and the tributaries that flow from it, which I believe the 2 main ones being forgiveness and non-judgment and those should be applied to ourselves as well as to everyone else. The answer to the messed up place we're at now is that simple but I'm afraid we are to far gone to ever obtain it. But if each of us can try to individually, then the world becomes a little better, a little at a time....and that's a win. Just my opinion.
  • A Thai Buddhist monk once told me this: The past you cannot change and worrying about the future is a sure way to ruin a perfectly good present.
  • We spend all our time chasing money to secure happiness for ourselves one day off in the future until the moment in which we're out of time and in that very instance We realize our error and only then are we willing to give it all away in exchange for two whole minutes of time well spent.
  • @gititgotitgood
    Your soul is the essence of who you truly are. It's timeless, ageless, and eternal.
  • @observado2691
    No mater what happens, remember you already have everything you need right here and now! Nothing has been added, nothing has been removed. You are complete, you always have been and you always will be. You are here so the universe can discover itself through you! 💫🥰
  • @zandrokos
    I so wish I had discovered Alan Watts earlier in my life. His words are life changing especially as I have gotten older and they have become more meaningful. We only exist in the now. A statement that is so simple but is earth shattering.