Reminisce Him (Spoken word by King Darius)

Published 2011-10-12

Reminisce Him

So many individuals try to be the best/, forgetting we are blessed and taking everything instead of trying to reinvest

We digress from His love and embrace the greediness/ the slave mentality that we see in us

Shoving cares into chairs of eternity, /daring the face of our worse dreams to turn its seat

Our life is a burden we carry around/ like a bag of money during a burglary

We certainly reinsert the peace of our world to a worthless piece of technology we call surgery/ and on the outside its really hurting me

Trying to fix obvious problems that need solving /through manual parts being loss in a cause that needs pausing /for a mini flaw that's evolving./

It's the darkness that's causing all the pain and agony /that's nagging me as I tragically watch my ignorant piece of a race /walk around asking "peeps" for "grass and tree"/ with pants sagging beneath there ashy knees /like a blackboard masterpiece or sidewalk catastrophe.

But even a brainiac can reach a common denominator /of a sovereign savior, the One creator who made us /and paid a price and gave his life the name is Christ/ but we aim to fight against em every time we Christians don't stop to listen/ we dismiss him, pissed off at the written scriptures that have been given to us since then/

we fix issues that were never broken/ hoping for another opening with another token of love to provoke us to loath Jesus/ he just wants to meets us half way as believers/ our reason for even breathing is to be feigning for his outer, inner, and Omni-present being/ dreaming visions before its season/ delivering evil and treason as we reach out to the heathen/

lets reinvent the fellowship/ of our fellow men, my brethren/ that covenant connection towards heaven/ Our endeavor is to never let Satan severe our foundational threshold where the temple dwells in our spiritual cells/

The liquid itself, the blood of Christ coming from a spiritual well is what delivers us well off from an unforgivable hell.

But even a brainiac can reach a common denominator /of a sovereign savior, the One creator who made us /and paid a price and gave his life the name is Christ/ but we aim to fight against em every time we Christians don't stop to listen/ we dismiss him, pissed off at the written scriptures that have been given to us since then/

We Christians, need to give in to His way of living, disobeying our flesh by way of giving, away with sinning as we lay our many past dismays for today's beginning/ Each one of us unique but he made us many/ asking for nothing from Him but he gave us plenty/ we were made as empty vessels from the dust til he gave us meaning/ through prayer and worship, praise and singing we can convey our thanks everyday we're breathing. /

Our labor even adds to our mansions/ the expansion of an everlasting canvass/ a picture of His hand on us as we reach high to the sky above, with love, His touch is covered in glory and richness/gifts of forgiveness and blisses, the mix of spirits and angels gold and crystals/ This will be the home of those who reminiscence on His text and are convinced that Jesus Christ is His son.

But even a brainiac can reach a common denominator /of a sovereign savior, the One creator who made us /and paid a price and gave his life the name is Christ/ but we aim to fight against em every time we Christians don't stop to listen/ we dismiss him, pissed off at the written scriptures that have been given to us since then/

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