Test your might! • Shaolin Spirit | Shi Heng Yi | TEDxBaiaMare

Published 2022-11-29
A speech that will leave you with many questions to ask yourself.
Own your life!
Life doesn't get any easier. You are getting stronger! Master Shi Heng Yi (释恒義) is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe (歐洲少林寺) and takes over in this function the physical as well as the mental training of the novices, disciples and master students of the monastery in Otterberg / Germany.

His goal and endeavor is not only to explain and convey theoretical principles in an understandable way, but above all to make this knowledge practical and tangible in daily life, and usable for people.

For more than 30 years, Master Shi Heng Yi has been studying and practicing the interaction between mind and body. His strength is the ability to smoothly combine this knowledge with physical exercises and to practice Martial art –Kung Fu and Qi Gong. He has an academic background but he prefers to live at the Shaolin Temple Europe, Monastery located in Otterberg, Germany. Since 2010 he has been taking care of the settlement and he personifies the sustainable development and spreading the Shaolin culture and philosophy. As a contemporary monk, Master Yi holds a smartphone in the folds of his clothes as he sees no contradiction between living together with ancient knowledge and high technology. “The universal law of being successful and happy at the same time means finding the balance”, says master Yi. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

All Comments (21)
    ''The Future doesn't matter if you are not there''
  • "The most beautiful people we know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, and have found their way out of the depths. They have a understanding of life that fills them with compassion. Beautiful people don't just happen, they're created through hardship." <^>
  • @-Vitalis-
    I'm truly impressed by his hands and arms. They tell their own story. One of dedication, discipline and perseverance.
  • As a psychotherapist, I can relate to his thoughts. Too many people living in their heads, too many theories, so less practice, disconnecting body or using it as a mechanical and performative tool. Such a simple, concrete and powerful ted talk ❤
  • How many of you noticed he explained "Choice" and thanked once for the "Chance" and left the "Change" for us to work with.
  • @cloudshyne
    1. His voice is really calming and captivating 2. The things we must all contend with are "choice", and the "consequences" of them 3. Mental strength gets you through, so it's worth investing in. Resilience. 4. Physical activity can build mental resilience and impact a kind of wisdom.
  • @tankjones513
    The best I've ever felt in my entire life was when I lost over 150 pounds and became a martial artist. At my peak, I felt untouchable. I felt godly, literally. And I say that completely without any ego or attachment. All I'm saying is he's right. We are too weak and lazy. Cave men didn't have time for depression and neither should we.
  • This man is an amazing teacher. From ways of the warrior to spiritual guidance and self discipline. Every word this man speaks is priceless wisdom 👏
  • His first Ted Talk literally changed my life. This one has refreshed and renewed my perspective for sure!
  • @moureemou307
    This man has gone through god knows what kind of hard work.... Just look at his hands.... This man has gone through alot.... Respect for this guy
  • @dalelight8340
    I love his Truth, as he lives it, speaks it, and exemplifies it in his entire being. He is totally inspirational for our world on every level, this is clear!
  • He is Aang from last Airbender ! As a Buddhist myself I love the wisdom he shares. We need more wisdom in the world
  • @vanessa4u4evr
    Started exercising with this brother about two years ago when I stumbled upon his YouTube channel. Mind you, I was 65, female, and was in the midst of a major emotional crisis at that time. But my life had been one of athleticism since my youth, so I went for it. It was DIFFICULT!! But you know what? I kid you not. Within two weeks of constantly losing my balance, holding positions that I never thought I had the strength to do anymore, and just continuing to show up, there was a physical, mental and emotional shift in me. I knew that I had found what I'd been searching for. I LOVE working with this Master. ❤
  • @RendezvouDoo
    I do agree that physicality helps things like depression.
  • @kforest2745
    Right👍 “Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger”
  • @kforest2745
    Agreed very important that’s how I make my own decisions. OWN YOUR LIFE: “What the ordinary one seeks is in others. What the wise one seeks is in himself.”
  • This one left a different feeling, compared to the first talk. I don't know if Master Shi reads any comments, probably not, cause there are too many... But I'd like to thank him for the talk he gave us. This was a great talk, and he is a great speaker. I'm just a guy from Russia, but I'd also like to further share what I think on the matter of the missing link. Care and discipline take a lot of energy. I've been feeling lately, that our energy is only that much, for every one of those 8 billion human beings. Each is given their own natural amount of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly energy. Then we have the mentioned choice. It is also my observation, that we don't always realize the total expenditure and where exactly does it go. How much of that energy is taken by what we do over the day? It's not easy to track, since we are talking about psychic energy, not physical. If you are out of physical energy, you muscles can not move. If you are out of psychic energy, you thoughts can not move and you are left with your default state. Which may happen to be... Depression. Or apathy. Depending on how you were brought up and how much of that sweet care you've received. Meditation and physical excersize may (and will) help you change the default state and give you a solid ground for your life. But. If you find energy for meditation and excercize. If you struggle to find it, then maybe you have already exchanged that energy for something else. Maybe something you don't actually need? Maybe. Just maybe, it so happened that you'd been shown ways to trade your energy, that are far away from being optimal or even useful to you? It is not your fault, but it is now your responsibility to notice this kind of thing, since you do already own your life, even if you do not fully accept this fact yet.
  • Much simpler than the first Tedx talk. I think in the intervening years it’s just become so abundantly clear that the hallmark of modern society is now the glorification of weakness and uselessness, so 师傅 just gets straight to the point now. Great talk.