"Chemtrails" — How They Affect You and What You Can Do

Published 2013-08-01
Watch Foster Gamble discuss "Chemtrails" in more detail with experts:    • GEO-ENGINEERING: Poisoning the Entire...  

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Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of "weather modification" programs — also referred to as "solar radiation management" or "chemtrails". The international program involves spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water, our soil and the air we breathe.

Thank you to GeoEngineering Watch, Chemtrails 911, Space Weather, SkyderAlert, Rob Leslie, Ray Gale, truthseeker1922 and Skull for chemtrail footage that helped make this video possible.


All Comments (21)
  • @Arfrogs
    Im sick of them spraying here in NWA every day , when the skies are blue and bright they are out spreading their crap in the skies , I want to know what I can do to stop this. Have written to reps and senators and got no response
  • l've tried to tell my family so many times but they are shut off that anything like that happens. Goes to show us how they have not been taught to think about things.
  • @franxiety4613
    I'm only 20 and I KNOW that skies aren't supposed to look like how they do now. Those chemtrails are toxic and we must act. sending love and positive energy, peace
  • @terrylandon8426
    Good to see all the awoken people here! You are my people! Keep fighting until these bastards give in! 💪💪👍🙏👿💼
  • @leesg3
    One of the best laid out videos on the subject. Easy to understand with no hype, no grand standing. Sharing and seeking out the website.
  • I'm 45 years old now. Once in a blue moon while growing up a jet would leave a short trail of exhaust that would only trail a very short distance and completely disappear. In the mid to late 90's these things started showing up in checkerboard formations and stopped dissipating in moments and instead spreading out like smudgy heavy blankets and actually hazing the sky. My children have always seen these chemtrails and do not believe they are odd at all because they don't remember a time without them. They are denying these things are unusual until they no longer have to because everyone who remembers when they weren't there before are all dead.
  • @Sakina78
    I noticed that they spray on beautiful days and a day or two later it rains bad..
  • @bufferbrown
    I have been a commercial airline pilot for over 20 years and what I am about to say is absolute truth. Each night when the aircraft was shut down after the last flight two 'engineers' would come on board with a small black box or Data Loader. They never talked much, but I would see this connected to the aircraft via a well hidden socket in the flight deck and the 'spray schedule' was loaded into the aircraft navigation data base. We also carried a large cylinder of so called 'Rain Repellent' for the windscreen. If you pressed the button nothing ever came out on the windscreen but this cylinder was often replenished by the 'Engineers'. No joke, just facts.
  • I have COPD, and my lungs are effected when that stuff is sprayed heavily in my area. My respiratory therapist said that there are times he has noticed that when the spraying is particularly bad, that ALL of his patients have been hospitalized at the same time, and he has actually lost some of them, there are people that are dying from this already.
  • When I first heard about it, I thought it was crazy. A year later, after no longer walking around looking at my mobile phone eyes down, I have recognised this as to be fact. The question is why? The only thing i think my study can possibly confirm to me is that the following day after spraying, there is a BLANKET layer of something (cloud you might say) across the sky as far as my eye can see. That indeed is crazy.
  • Fantastic! I had to revisit this issue today as the sky has looked soo awful the last week with the "haze", in spite of Amazing weather otherwise. Once I knew how these 'chemicals spread out over time, there is no mistaking them from normal cloud formation and flow. Sometimes I can see the CT directly overhead all chris crossed, but lately, I think they are spraying offshore and use the prevailing winds to carry the muck over the mainland. When the winds were cooler, earlier this week and out of the West, they were likely spraying over the Everglades and then the haze wafted over the metro areas to the East. I think you are the First channel I have seen breaking down the "system level" involvement idea! Amazing video. Thanks, I have this in my thinking cap.....more info later! God Bless!
  • @SarahMyriam
    Thank you for this! Ever since learning about chem trails and researching weather MODIFICATION, stratospheric aerosol injections, solar management, etc...and observing how often it is happening, I admit that I've been feeling quite discouraged and depressed over the issue feeling helpless and not knowing where to start or even how to make anyone listen to me about the issue. This video gives me new hope. ❤️ Thank you! People joining together to protect our environment is what is needed the most right now. I'm so glad you put this together. God bless you!
  • @oldbohemian16
    The fact that trolls are all over this subject ought to be enough to validate the existence of the chemtrails.
  • @tooltechrecords
    i woke up one morning and the heaven was full of them. nearly every free inch was affected
  • @lora3796
    I think I've finally found my "people" 💥
  • @MzLadyV-we3rw
    A lot of people have not seen the true color of the sky in a long time.
  • @dukeman079
    I just want my Sun back , FULL SUN ! . Sunlight makes me feel good , it warms me up on cold days , My eyes perform better it daylight
  • I share with others that the skies now aren't what they were when I was growing up.
  • @mrjoel59
    All the people who spray these damaging chemicals, where do they live?