10 Signs Of A FEMALE Covert Narcissist (RELATIONSHIP RED FLAGS)

Published 2023-08-30
In this video, 'Signs of a Female Covert Narcissist,' I shed light on the subtle signs of a female narcissist and how they treat you. Whether it's your wife, girlfriend, or even your mother, understanding their behavior can be challenging. I's not easy, especially if you're dealing with a narcissist wife in a sexless marriage or navigating a narcissist girlfriend who broke up with you or cheated. Watch if you feel like you need empathy, insights, and support to help you navigate the complexities of life with a narcissist. You're not alone.

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🔍 Suspecting someone you know might be a narcissist?
Uncover the truth with this FREE checklist! It breaks down the phases of abuse, allowing you to assess your experiences. Download your checklist now: www.commonego.com/checklist

Explore Courses:
👉 START HERE: Struggling to shift your focus away from the narcissist? The 7 Day VIBE SHIFT CHALLENGE was made for you. It includes daily motivational videos, affirmations, and gratitude prompts to help you rediscover your self-worth. Start your journey: commonego.com/love
🏖️ STOP RUMINATING: Feeling trapped in an endless loop of obsessive overthinking? Break the cycle for good with our 4-Week Rumination Revolution program and finally stop ruminating over the past. www.commonego.com/rumination
đź’Ą SUPPORT FOR GRAY ROCK/LOW CONTACT: Join the Narcissist IMMUNITY Bootcamp and fortify your emotional strength against narcissistic influences in your life. Get started now: www.commonego.com/narcissist-immunity

đź’» Need a licensed therapist? đź’»
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*In this video, I share the tips, techniques and insights that have worked for me in my own journey of healing after narcissistic abuse along with expert tips and tools I've learned through years of coaching narcissistic abuse survivors. I am not a therapist and this video is not meant to provide therapy of any form. #narcissist #covertnarcissist

All Comments (21)
  • @prunelle9051
    I shut down narcissists with my silence. It's not to punish them but to protect myself. No supply from me. Forever.
  • @IzzyMoonbow648
    I watch these to make sure I’m not a narcissist lol
  • @mymore195
    The first sign of a narcissist is.... lies whether big or small. To me, that is a huge red flag.
  • My first wife couldn’t walk past a shop without turning her head to look at her reflection in the window. People we’d meet couldn’t even have a conversation with her without her twisting the conversation to be about her and her personal achievements. Sixteen years of hell. When we finally divorced, even our children didn’t want to stay with her. Been married to a normal woman for the past thirteen years and still going strong.
  • Another red flag: Even if you let her friend zone you, if you're actually ok with that she will keep talking about and flirt with you until you think she's interested just so she can have full power over you. It's fuuuuuuucked up.
  • @MG007.
    01. Hyper Sexuality 02. Super Complimentary 03. Guilty of Gossip 04. Attention Seeking 05. Entitled 06. Passive Agressive 07. Reactive Abuse 08. Emasculating 09. Gaslighting 10. Feign Empathy 11. Manipulative 12. Selective Boundaries 13. Controlling 14. Jealous 15. Cheater 16. Self Worth Erroded (victim) 17. Trauma Bond ( victim)
  • @rob8650
    Being with my ex was the darkest period in my life and for years I have been wondering what went wrong and if it was my fault. Today, almost 12 years later, all the pieces of the puzzle just fell into place after watching this video.
  • @beetleything1864
    Love bombing first then sudden criticism and or mood swing. Rage / jealous over completely stupid things. Then disappears and doesn’t include you and then comes back and tells you what they have been up to! You take her back and now it’s rinse and repeat. Rollercoaster ride. She’ll triangulate- mood swing- be hot and cold etc.
  • @s.hicks7213
    Gossip is evil. It doesn’t matter if it feels like you’re not doing anything wrong by engaging, it is wrong. It can be literally so damaging that it can destroy peoples reputation, and ultimately their lives. It’s a form of soul murder in my opinion. That’s why I’ve tried to do my best not to engage anymore when it comes my way. If you’ve been a victim of malicious gossip and slander, you realize how horrible and vicious it truly is.
  • @danielj233
    It matters to them, when you ignore them forever.
  • @simongray6452
    Narcissistic parents left me insecure, unloved and unwanted, which made me leave home and look for a relationship with a loving wife. Thirty years of heartbreak, psychological traumas and 2 divorces later I have now been celibate and out of the relationship scene for 12 years - and I've never been more independent, steadfast and above all HAPPY!
  • @Cowface
    The emasculation… it was unreal. She was so successful at shaming any masculine traits out of me, I started to wonder if I was trans (not joking)
  • @giscottusa
    I would only add the #11 - she, like the male narcissist, never cut ties with her ex boyfriends, one night stands, previous affairs.Don't you dare to expect she will change. You are not the boss of her!
  • @Arcilios
    The "man up" and needing support one is HUGE and so on point. Want you to listen to their pain and stories yet the one time you as a man need support or empathy? Nothing. No support. "Just get over it". Oh my god the accuracy!!!
  • @markbowman5515
    Sex is totally a weapon for a female narcissistic--not a tool, not an angle, but a weapon. Insane how accurate this list is...10 for 10 in my last marriage.
  • @rhowar1
    I was once a person that allowed people to take advantage of me. A woman came into my life and expressed interest and before I knew it she had completely taken over my life. She was verbally abusive and she enjoyed humiliating me in front of others. She treated me like a child. It went on for far too long. I became very depressed and suicidal because I thought it was never going to end. Eventually, I was able to get her out of my life. I was homeless for a long time after the breakup, but I was free. I've since gotten married to a wonderful woman. We have 2 kids and a nice house and I have a career that I can be proud of. When I was with this other woman, she had me convinced that I couldn't accomplish anything without her. I am sometimes still angry with myself that I allowed that to happen to me. Then again, if that never would have happened, I might not be with my wife now and I may not have the two beautiful children that I have now.
  • @jackthere
    "They have one foot out the door." She'd often enough put both feet out, disappearing for a night just to put me in my place. Sadly, it worked. I am so glad to be done and healing from the madness.
  • @Anonym-yr4qn
    This is shockingly common in america nowadays. Mostly due to media. Especially social media. Way too many think they are the best of the best. It is narcissism at it's purest, literally.
  • @robking9857
    10 out of 10. You nailed 12 years of my life, all the red flags, gut instincts, and leading into the trauma bond... It is like breaking an addiction. There is always a silver lining. In her smear campaign which was retaliation for exposing her lack of ethics, she won a restraining order, to which I told the judge, "Thank you, you just did me a favor your Honor, legally imposing her not being able to abuse me any longer in court". You should have seen the judge's and her attorney's faces. Having 12 months of no contact and some serious therapy, I not only healed from her but addressed repressed issues of my very rough early years, and today 3 years later, I am in a very healthy relationship. My current lover was my first love all the way back to 1983, we have a 40-year history and a "daughter". We reunited after 30 years apart. We have NEVER had a fight and any compliment was met with disbelief due to the evaluation and emasculation I experienced for 12 years. To hear the words, "I am proud of you" and "You inspire me" completely caught me off guard the first time I heard them due to the abuse I endured previously. Today, I am the best version of myself and strive to improve daily, but it took planning my suicide and writing my "goodbye" letters to find my bottom. It is in my darkest depths that I found the bedrock on which to build anew. Close friends and family tell me that I am a "different person" when in reality, what they see is the real me. I shed the walls and filters I displayed hiding so much pain that my ex-narc extorted me emotionally with. I went from ruminating and to some degree hating her to feeling pity and praying that her tortured soul finds peace.