Rules to Building a Winning Team

Published 2020-09-14
Patrick Bet-David Dives talks about the layers to relationships. Read the notes here…

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All Comments (21)
  • “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” --Steve Jobs
  • "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” -John Maxwell
  • I've had some bad bosses in the past and here's what they did wrongly; 1) Micromanagement 2) Lack of trust 3) No conviction/direction 4) Unequal treatment of people Avoid these mistakes yourself🙌🙌🙌
  • “When you delegate tasks, you create followers. When you delegate authority, you create leaders.” – Craig Groeschel
  • Patrick Is the Reason I Started My Own Youtube. To Everyone Who Reads This... Maybe Everything You Are Going Through In 2020 Is Preparing You For What You Asked For! 😀
  • My mind just exploded. The amount of dots that got connected after this video is unreal. I had so much random info scattered all over, but now I have clarity. Thank you, Patrick. This was very helpful.
  • @MilosTopic17
    This is spot on. I have done this myself across multiple organizations and it has always made a difference in the outcomes, contributions and most importantly, unity of our team.
  • @JosephMcCray
    Probably one of the best videos I've ever seen from you PBD! Wow! So simple, yet so deep! Best quote "First comes trust, then comes loyalty". Damn good video.
  • Patrick is just pumping the right videos these days. I am currently trying to develop a organizational culture & our Business principles of operating. These videos help. I want our people to become better & act the way we believe will make us win better than the competition
  • Team building is absolutely a necessary skill to build a business that every aspiring entrepreneur should master and following your advices Pat will sure help!! Good luck to all of you guys 🙌🏻🙌🏻
  • @DavesShop
    I just lost my leader of 11 years and she will definitely be hard to replace she always had our backs and would do whatever it took to take care of us. We went through company buyout and and couple of company layoffs and now Covid 19. So strong leaders are few and far between. Thanks for the video
  • @sudiptasaikia_
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • @MultiMirzo
    Always high quality discussions and always saying the truth even though it triggers many people. Keep up the great work. We want to hear more opinions from people who made it, who are the real deal and from winners.
    Always do for people before you ask of them...that's servant leadership. I'm honored how my people grind for me...
  • @jessetyson6345
    This is why I love you pat. Its something Im working on as an Intre-preneur. Im finding wonderful success. Thanks for sharing as always 🥰
  • @jeffmurray2739
    I currently work in the race car field ... I had been hired on a struggling team . I didn’t know it at the time the guy was rebuilding his whole operation.. but as with anything I do I have it a 125% and little buy little our performance and our quality of work got better we had a synchronized pattern developing. And after a few personal changes we started goin places and bamn... we won one and another And another and so on .. and then we won a championship we were pleased with that... it made me more hungry!! But now I see how that happened and am looking to better ourselves and as a team
  • @SY-sp8uo
    If you want to go fast - go alone. If you want to go further - go together.
  • "Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley." --Sun Tzu, The art of War