Mercury Retrograde in Aries - Facing Why You Were Really Born

Published 2024-04-12
Mercury Retrograde in Aries —
Facing Why You Were Really Born

Coming off the intensity of the latest New Moon Solar Eclipse, there’s even more ahead inside this current Mercury Retrograde in Aries…especially when Mercury hits its retrograde midpoint and then days later connects with the same degree of Aries that the recent Eclipse occurred in.

It’s during this time that you can expect the Aries Energy of this entire Mercury Retrograde to reach its peak and then ask (maybe force) you to consider some major Life changes.
(All of them centered around the real reason why you were born, and why you might be off track.)

That said, if the following questions strike a chord - then this video where I explore the Heart & Soul of this Mercury Retrograde in Aries, and the Role of the recent Eclipses is for YOU:
* Have you been feeling like you’ve lost your sense of Purpose?
* Has the Energy around some of your Relationships suddenly shifted, causing some abrupt endings or emotional confusion?
* Do you currently find yourself at a Life Crossroads, or sense one’s coming - and you can feel that this is BIG?!
* Lately are you being plagued by one setback after another, causing you to ask W-T-F?
* Have things not been going according to ‘Plan’ these past weeks, leaving you struggling with the ‘Why’ and ‘Why Not’ of it all?!

If you said yes to any of these questions, this video will not only help you understand what’s really been going on - it’ll help you take the reins!
Filled with groundbreaking Intuitive, Archetypal, and Astrological Guidance - in this video I share:
* Upcoming important dates for this Mercury Retrograde & how to work with its 3 Phases
* The hidden messages found within the recent Eclipse Zone
* How to find where all these activations are happening in your Birth Chart
* How this Mercury Retrograde connects and has conversations with the current Cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, and Uranus
* The importance of the upcoming Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus event - how it’s not what you may ‘think’!
* How to shift what this Mercury Retrograde is brining up in your Life right now
* Why you have to answer a powerful question from Chiron in Aries before you can unlock the next level of your Life’s Purpose (this is HUGE)

And of course, there is so much more.
As always - I got you.

Don’t miss this timely and incredible opportunity to meet this moment of your Life with the empowering clarity and Intuitive Coordinates that I offer in this video.
This information might just be your Mercury Retrograde Midpoint Message breakthrough!

Robert Ohotto 🙏

PS - Check your local time via the platform post’s listed time which is automatically calculated via your internet IP address!

PPS - If you find this video of value and benefit, please smash that 'Like' button for me so I know to make more content like this! Plus, it’s a nice way of saying ‘Thank You’. 🙏

**This video is sponsored by my new HoloKompass 12-Part Astrological Guide & Forecast for 2024. Don’t miss your chance to get 50% OFF this incredible in-depth offering that will have you covered for the next 9 months! This offer expires on April 16th - you can find out more here:…

All Comments (21)
  • @norushat4life
    Love your delivery Brother, I'm 60 yrs old , I played the victim card for 55 yrs In 2015 I kicked a 30 yr opioid habit it ended then and my new identity began to take form walking Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian trail 👣 🤠👣 They call me #NoRush
  • First time listening to you. I am blown away with the depth and originality of your thought. Aries Sun/Mercury experiencing bullying, criticism from a co-worker and a sister and her boyfriend in my actual birthday. I spoke up to my boss and told her I will no longer work with this person who bullied me. On my birthday, my sister was critical, rude and dismissive. I felt doors to our future closing. This hopeless romantic’s eyes have been ripped open to neglect and bad behavior I’d been glossing over. That role with my sister as someone I can rely on has to end. Very painful, but am glad I’m living from reality. There is no bread in that hardware store!
  • Yup. I had someone I really liked break up with me back in Dec. He told me that HE just wasn't ready. For the first time in my adult life (I am 47!) I just accepted that as HIS truth, got on with MY life and did not make it about MY own worth. I am enough. Life has been very peaceful ever since. 🙏🕊
  • I'm an Aries rising and starting yesterday started feeling like I was having a total breakdown around my purpose. Questioning and feeling total insecurity around all of it. This is helping me understand one reason this is coming up so strongly...not to mention of course the total eclipse in Aries (and being born during one)..... SO SO much around identity and purpose coming up....
  • @staciejean
    "Retrogrades are always are about going into the unconscious side of your psyche, the shadow. That's the whole point -it's the Hermes psychopompous journey into the underworld. Now in the underworld here you find new whispers of potential, new whispers of relationships you could have, new whispers of connection, whispers of empowerment and esteem" 🌬💨" Profound as usual Robert! Just the thought of these whispers made my soul stir! I'm so excited to receive them! I pray for grace to see and alchemize any shadow patterns of mine that would block them🙏 Im so sorry to hear about your accident and the endings that followed. Thank you so much for sharing that story and being vulnerable. I see you. 🩵 With my Taurus rising at 24° and Pluto nearing my sun in Aquarius, I have experienced alot of painful endings, but I know that Spirit is bringing powerful new beginnings even though I cant see them yet. Praying blessings on you and your Mama ✨️🤍✨️
  • @peggyvogt
    As always Robert, you have given us such a wonderful guide to navigate through this really eventful MR, this time in Aries. It helps me a great deal to put into context what has been going on recently in my life and the steps I've taken unconsciously that have brought me to where I am now, which feels both/and, the middle of nowhere and the beginning of something, I guess it's what it feels like when we go through the fire (of Aries), more or less ready to have burnt away what is not part of our true mature mystical heroic self. - Your personal Easter experience... I cannot wait for the resurrection part, it seems that arm won't be twisted any longer. Sending you soooo much love ❤🙏❤
  • @Holly_Unleashed
    The morning of the eclipse I slipped and fell on a rock and badly bruised my sacrum. It was quite a shock to my system and caused me to cancel my attendance to an upcoming conference. But it turned out to be just what I needed to slow down and come back to my body. It seems a few of us in the comments have sustained injuries from freak accidents lately!
  • Oh My Goodness Robert! From my first listening of this Fantastic video, I'm already feeling the percolations of a new way of being! Thank You So So Much! Much Love, Healing Vibes and Blessings to You and everyone!💙💜💙💜🌎🌍🌏
  • @squinx1313
    Robert, thank you for your transparency and ability to share your Knowledge and Truth. This was so helpful for me - being 50, it's my chiron return right on that eclipse point - healing from a major operation, very old identity wounds, tough relationship shifts and a fresh breakup. Yup, saying f-off helps! 🙃Working with the emptiness and pain, owning my own identity crisis is dang hard and lonely, no doubt. I hope for all of us our growth is helpful to the Earth and each other as we move through these time, that we can transform with as much ease as possible. Thank you for showing up!
  • @GeorgiexoxoTV
    Dearest Robert, Thank you SO deeply for helping me find the courage to be who I truly want to be in the world through this guidance. Especially with your injury. Sending heaps of tenderness and nourishment to be with you each day on your recovery ❤ I’m in my Nodal return and feeling forever grateful for the blessing of this video and the wisdom. I’m having a hugely intense ‘Ohotto homework in action week’ and I’ve had moments where I’m FINALLY shedding some shadow Libra and feeling some Aries energy stir in me for the first time EVER. It feels absolutely terrifying and ungrounded but I will try my best to carry this blessing on. 🙏 PS: I encourage all who feel called to tend to themselves in all ways to seek this same healing experience to get the Holokompass 2024 package. It’s completely groundbreaking. And as always, it would truly be hard to find someone that cares more for your growth and wellbeing than Robert . 🌟 xoxo
  • @Sherry1092
    I do not question anything anymore! I just go with the flow no matter what it is, accepting fully the present moment for what it is. I have been liberated to the max.
  • Ok. Even though I made myself aware of the Mercury conjunct Chiron at 19 degrees in Aries happening the 15th... life happened and I was reminded today while reading the sentence 'We don't acknowledge the resilience of the oldest daughter who became the protector of the family, even though all she ever felt was unsafe.' Thud. Gutted. So, while coming into new shifts of information and experience from yesterday through today... coupled with your teaching in this video (of which I am parsing out over a few days).. I am digging into some of the "deeper alchemy". I caught the surface information and feelings immediately. Now I am starting to name some things. I struggle to give myself this identity, but I think I have claimed (my version of) the caretaker archetype, as it pertains to my relationship with my Mother. Cultivated as I have moved back to my home state and parents' home for the past year. The latest conjunction revealed a change in finance and support, rather abruptly of course! And when I reached out to a few close family members to ask for help in the short term (as I started to look for work, to then be able to leave the home and separate from my Mom in this role) the responses were disheartening, and I felt discarded and unseen on many levels. Including all the ways I provided nurturing and nourishment as a woman. Whereas if I were a man, I feel I would have been exalted and have flowers thrown my way. But, in coming to terms with my version of the caretaker role, I can already see that it has wounded me financially. As I have limited my support system to earnings. And also support system and social relations and creative output (which I knew) But the reaction to support around finances really triggered my need to be acknowledged/supported and seen. Even though I have never expected it or even to hear a thank you. But damn. I do need it. And as I learned from your first Sun Sign Video.. As a Cancer, do you even know that you're allowed to have needs? A statement made by you (Robert) that has laminated to me as a deeper truth ever since.
  • @mariselruiz8443
    Hey handsome! Was on the hunt for some ohotto wisdom 😂 amazing truth telling parenting of sort. All same inquiries I pondered some 20 years ago, now healed (mind body soul) work in progress. Dragon 🐉 hugs are my forte. Your voice is clear and loquacious! Thank you thank you …Godspeed full recovery for you! Heal😊
  • This analysis was incredible! First time I heard something from you!! I am amazed !! Thanks a lot
  • @Honey-Art
    Brilliant! Spot on, thank you for tying all those loose threads that have been causing such havoc. Sending Love and Healing xx
  • Your video popped up in my feed today in full synchronicity. So grateful for what you’ve shared. It helps me drop deeper into the absolute transformation that I’m in on multiple levels that has been wildly uncomfortable. Chiron return at 20 degrees Aries in the 4th house. Right there with you! And the lunar eclipse was right between my Venus/Pluto conjunction in libra in the 10th house. Work/identity is completely dissolving & reforming. So appreciate your work over the last, at least 13 years, and grateful to see your video today! Blessings on your healing journey as well. Always refreshing to hear your direct no-nonsense approach . ❤
  • @donnabrimble5616
    Love the way you pierce through the layers, hold the mirror up and challenge us to challenge our own paralysis💜 you've got me thinking. Thanks for being honest!