WARNING! New Xbox Enforcement Exploit @GhillieMaster Is BANNED from this.

Published 2024-03-23

All Comments (2)
  • @GioLoKks
    Based on Ghille Masters history of affiliating himself with god mode glitchers and using those players to protect him in lobbies on stream then talk about how glitchers are bad but turns blind eye when the glitches are being used to protect him regardless wether its ruining a "NORMAL" players game experience thanks to his "AFFILIATION", use of innapropriate language when speaking about players on stream doesnt align with TOS, and promoting toxicity in the "XBOX" GTA community. Just like his "FRIEND" he mentioned on his video posted 10 hours ago, that He got Perma console banned a couple months ago and was innocent, highly doubt theyre innocent. My guess someone in NEW/OLD inncer circle contacted microsoft enfoecement team, and are actively going thru every single video on his youtube and trying to see if he broke TOS & what he was "PROMOTING/SELLING" on videos and his inner circle and on "DISCORD", what he was saying on videos about the ban targeting microsoft and use of language, what he would do to bypass the "BAN" using alternate accounts to use.