How To Make a Great First Impression In Your Job Interview - Interview Tips

Published 2021-09-02
How To Make a Great First Impression In Your Job Interview. Interview tips for the astute job seeker. Are you looking to stand out from your competition and make a great impression on the interview team? In this video, I cover 12 tips that you should apply to help you land that dream offer!

0:00 - intro
1:01 - Be ready
2:10 - Firm handshake
2:41 - Dress accordingly
3:38 - Have your resume handy
4:02 - Remember names
4:23 - Read the description
5:07 - Do research
5:55 - Eye contact
6:41 - Badmouthing
7:10 - Be concise
7:43 - Stop selling yourself
8:23 - Thank you notes
9:23 - Get help

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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that in order to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks on how to get noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

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📍 Common mistakes people make on their resume:    ‱ How NOT to Write a Resume - 7 Common ...  
📍 Why you’re not getting called for interviews:    ‱ Why You're Not Getting Job Interviews  
📍 How to get noticed on LinkedIn:    ‱ How To Get More Interviews Using Link...  

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All Comments (21)
  • @adambracy2855
    Bryan I just wanted to thank you for all of the excellent material you have created for job seekers. I was recently interviewing for a desirable position and used a number of your videos to better prepare myself. I'm happy to say I received nothing but positive feedback during every interview round and was just offered the job. Thanks again, and keep the videos coming.
  • @ikcijci
    I have an interview in 17 minutes and here I am lmao.
  • @cyncyn7481
    If the interviewer doesn’t have a copy of my resume already, I am done with the interview. If the interviewer isn’t prepared to interview me then the company’s excitement level or time commitment to find the right candidate is non-existent.
  • Tip: Read the job description, rip it to pieces by synthesizing the job description and turn the description into big categories. Then use the job description as a road map for the interview by quoting back the job description language back to the future employer.
  • @stormsigma
    Have to say, sending a thank you note is just something I don't do. Companies these days 99% of the time won't bother notifying you if they've gone with another candidate, so sending a thank you note just seems like extra begging. Once again, the expectation seems to be that the company is in a superior position and you have to ingratiate yourself. For what it's worth, I've never once sent out a thank you note, and I've gotten every job I've ever interviewed for. True, I happen to interview well, but still. If my resume and soft skills don't sufficiently sell me as a candidate, I know a cute little note isn't going to get it done, so to me it's a waste.
  • I just had an in person interview yesterday where we did not shake hands but that was because of the pandemic. I actually started to reach out for a handshake but quickly pulled my hand back when I remembered the world that we are in.
  • @lenac3587
    You have no idea how often I've been pushed to an interview without a job description, names and job function of the interviewers. It's unbelievable. I have declined the interviews.
  • @monavis2356
    OMG, thanks yo your videos I got my dream job and I will start on Monday. The best part was about the 10 questions to prepare for me to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview. They were so impressed. I applied everything you explain here and passed all the interviews and got the job. I can’t believe all these years I was answering those basic questions so wrong !! THANK YOU. You are saving lives mate. Keep up the good work.
  • @franksnow5165
    You know, the thing about not wearing a suit reminds me of something. I went to one of the top 3 tech schools in the US, the one in Atlanta. And a friend of mine majoring in aerospace engineering got what they called an informational interview with an old fashioned rocket company in Huntsville, Alabama. They told him to come on a casual Friday so he wouldn't need to dress up, just wear khakis and a polo, they say. When he gets there, the receptionist at the front desk wouldn't even let him in the building or call the people he'd been talking too. It was a test you see, he was told that since he wasn't wearing a suit, despite what he'd been told, he must not take it seriously enough. Security walked him to his car to make sure he left.
  • @dhenderson1810
    My mother tells me before a job interview. "Just be yourself, because yourself is good". Thanks, Mum.
  • @Paula-sw2tt
    I am quite surprised by the last tip. Sending a thank you seems to me to be common sense and not sending one is rude. I must have made a good impression during my recent interview, because I got the offer and negotiated my salary. I got what I asked for. I am no longer unemployed. Thank you for all your great help!
  • @raventhorX
    for the "do research" section of this video I have yet to figure out how I can learn about what the company may be doing or trying to do without performing some kind of corporate espionage as they rarely ever share this information on their websites and what they do share is 9 times out of 10 the same boilerplate bs everyone else in the same market claims.
  • @mikep608
    I've been on a million job interviews since finishing engineering. The first half, I was flattered, the second half will get a firm scolding if they start to ask experience questions and seem suspicious of my skills and competency. This is especially true, now that I have 2 years' experience. I was laid off. 8 out of 10 people I interview with seem like complete nobodies who think they are going to evaluate me for their rocket science job.
  • @herbrice8933
    I was hired once because I sent a Thank you note. My boss told me that the others didn't and that he appreciated me doing it and it showed that I truly cared. Old School is always the way to go.
  • From experience, once I hear my interviewer say "Well, I have everything I need here", I know I've been shoved into the "NO" pile. Ugh! When I was interviewing for more entry-level roles I always hated the "Why do you want to work here?" type of question and just wanted to bluntly answer (but refrained from doing so) "Because I like food in my fridge and a roof over my head!" :) It's a really ignorant question because for most people entry-level roles are really just a paycheck. Now that I'm interviewing for salary positions, I do have to do my research and hope the words on the website aren't just for show, and I've unfortunately discovered that for some companies those outside words don't match what goes on inside the company :(
  • Just as a data point, I've worked for a few companies that were smaller (think open-concept office where everyone is crammed into one room) and they all complained whenan interview candidates showed up too early since there was 0 privacy in the office and they might be showing up at the tail end of a different person interviewing for the same position. On hindsight, all of those companies had other major red flags and weren't great to work at 😅
  • Honestly, most interviews are a sham. They’re just done to give the illusion of fairness, equal opportunity, etc. They need to meet artificial quotas set by the company or by state/federal law. Most of the time they already made up their mind and hired someone’s friend or family.
  • @peterallen4605
    We're seriously still stuck on bringing physical copies of the resume for employer's who don't have it and obviously haven't reviewed it before hand? What does that say about the preparedness of the potential employer? I stopped carrying them years ago because I never had a good employment situation come out of an interview with someone who hasn't read my resume before I'm sitting in front of them.
  • I'd love to see a video like this for Zoom interviews since those are increasingly common both as companies shift post-pandemic practices and as more people start looking to relocate for new opportunities.
  • @loquaciousjd
    Been enjoying your content over the last few months as I try to transition from a career in public education into instructional design. I have my first in person interview next week and it’s in your neck of the woods. thanks for helping me be prepared and make a positive impression.