No shampoo Medieval combing method review

Published 2017-03-06

All Comments (8)
  • @LadyCoyKoi
    I would add that it is important to use the combination of a wooden comb (both fine tooth and wide tooth) to detangle and remove dirt and dandruff, and use a boar bristle brush to absorb and distribute/ pull the hair serum (natural scalp oil) down to the rest of the hair shaft. The whole saying of 100 strokes with a brush a day was done using a boar bristle brush to fully clean and remove excess serum or oils from the scalp and hair. Make sure to clean the brush each day to remove the serum and oils from previous night. I notice a huge change at how my hair looks and feels. It is thicker, shiner and silkier after I do the comb and brush hair washing method. I only wash once a month with water due to coloring my hair. I am slowly turning gray naturally so just dye my hair silver to just embrace it; plus I can save on shampoo because I could just pomade and powder my hair like 18th century ladies did. I feel that there is a conspiracy with hair washing using those harsh commercial products. We were lied to, so they can profit off on the insanity. PS: Like you, I too noticed that I don't experience excessive oily scalp as before. I can go longer weeks without washing. It is almost to the point of going two whole months without washing. Again, we were lied to. We were told that our European hair texture needs to be washed more often than black women hair, but that is a lie. ALL hair is made of the same keratin, regardless of texture, keratin hates water. Protein breaks down more in water. So the no-shampoo method benefits all texture.
  • @beforefirst3094
    Thank for putting this video up. I appreciate knowing someone else has done what I want to do. It’s been about a week now since I washed my hair. I have been using cocoa powder mixed with baby powder in my hair, and I do massage my scalp comb it out then I put powder comb that out and style it with a brush. My hair feels amazing smells wonderful, and looks much better.
  • @aprilbatley9265
    Im interested in trying this mixed with fermented rice water sometimes
  • @LivingwithME247
    Hello everyone, I have just posted a real time video of this method with less talking… you’re welcome
  • i am really interested in medieval era and practices . Would this work on curly hair . I want to try it . I just need to find a nit comb and corn starch
  • @aprilbatley9265
    If someone were to try this how would u suggest doing it a wide tooth comb to a normal comb or would u need to have a lice comb??
  • @yesy6259
    Hey, in your other video about this you mentioned you got this idea from a documentary. Do you remember what it was called ?