Breaking Down Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria

Published 2023-07-09

All Comments (21)
  • @Kylora2112
    "Why do transgender kids hang around other transgender kids and why don't they want to be around family members who wish transgender people didn't exist? Let's do this by asking unsupportive parents."
  • @KaitharVideo
    renames study "According to transphobic parents, trans children avoid telling transphobic parents about being trans for as long as possible and don't like talking to people that insult them." ... yeah, that seems better
  • Asking non supportive parents about their trans kids has strong "what's the deal with women? We asked 10 men" vibes
  • @javagirl98
    The myth of ROGD makes me so mad, because I read The Gender Dysphoria Bible (to help understand my gf better) and after reading it I was more secure in my cisgender identity than ever before. Learning about dysphoria does not turn someone trans. It just makes them recognize it in themselves if it already exists, and makes them more understanding of the people who do experience it.
  • It felt sudden and out of the blue when my son told me he was a boy at age 18. However, when I looked back and noticed clues in my memories, it wasn’t sudden at all. I realized he had waited until his father was completely out of the picture until he came out. I’m glad he did, and I’m happy he felt safe to do so with me.
  • @dcornect53
    The amount of cringe when someone says "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" is insane, but it isn't as bad as when you're trying to come out as trans or nonbinary and the reaction to that being "Oh? since when? Is this a sudden, new thing? You never had gender dysphoria before!" Like WHAT????
  • Parents would rather believe in some magic change instead of accepting that they were unsupportive and clueless. The most judgemental ones rarely turn that judgement on themselves.
  • @CapnChunks
    my statistics teacher showed us this study to show us how to not gather data or conduct a study, so yeah, I think it's definitely pretty stupid and wrong
  • @bugdrawsstuff
    My therapist has described (and by described I mean listed real, possible reasons) ROGD as “I didn’t know how to express it dysphoria” or “I didn’t know it was a thing dysphoria” or “I didn’t feel safe telling you dysphoria” I love her so much, you’re the best <3 /p
  • @robfortune6
    After my little sister's coming out as a trans girl, me starting to watch trans youtubers and making trans friends I suddenly became... just as much of a cis person as I've always been while never even questioning my gender. How does this social contagion thing work again?
  • I can get behind ROGD as a concept, but it's like ADHD, the name is how it's observed. I didn't know I was trans until puberty, so I would meet the "criteria" for ROGD. It would appear that I decided to go and become trans, but in reality I was always trans but no secondary sex characteristics were present to cause dysphoria. So figuring out you're trans when you finally feel distinctly not at home in your body is valid.
  • @Montesama314
    The fact the initial research consisted of getting parent reports and not the kids' accounts of their experiences is a huge limitation. Of course a parent who didn't understand what their kid was going through would claim that their kid "became" trans "all of a sudden."
  • @Xtroid
    My parents are pretty quick to blame rogd in a sense. They assume I'm trans because I always played male roles in plays. Edit: to clarify, I came out and my mom was like "are you sure you're actually transgender?? I think this is all those years of playing male roles rubbing off on you" and just dismissed it. Edit 2: didn't expect this to blow up, guess this is what happens when you comment early 💀
  • Scientifically, this paper was such an idiotic flop. It took every standard of research to make a study valid and did the complete opposite. It gives the same energy as doctors studying heart attacks in women using male subjects.
  • "Women are being upset about not being allowed to have an abortion. We have assembled this diverse council of rich white old men to discuss why that might be the case!" Literally same energy
  • I wouldn’t have met the childhood dysphoria guidelines either, but that’s because i live in a small, heavily wooded town and my parents raised me like a genderless forest goblin. There weren’t male or female roles- I grew up baking and cleaning and wielding axes and chainsaws and driving trucks. No gender, only goblin mode!
  • Granted, my mother was surprised when I came out and said she didn't wasn't aware of any signs of me being a transgender man. She was also supportive and said it didn't matter if she noticed or not, she doesn't have an inside track into my brain. She was upset that she hadn't noticed anything because maybe then she could've helped me through sooner. I came out when I was 32 and by that point was a PRO at masking as a woman. My dad's reaction was, "I just want you to be happy. But I will fuck up out of habit, so heads up on that." My brother's reaction, "Oh my God, you make WAY more sense as a gay dude!" I love my family.
  • As a scientist, the way this “study” is set up is incredibly ridiculous and irritating, but it’s even more infuriating to see that it was able to get through the process and get published in the first place. Who reviewed this?!?
  • Littman clearly took some ideas from Andrew Wakefield (the vaccine-autism guy) on how to do studies.
  • My mom bought into ROGD in the early 2000s. I took a human sexuality class at the community college. We did the BEM Sex Roll inventory. She thought that because I checked off a bunch of the "female" traits and therefore was influenced to think that I am trans. I have late onset gender dysphoria. So I didn't start to realize that I was trans until after puberty. Funny how a process that masculinizes the body would trigger gender dysphoria in an AMAB trans person. I am also autistic. An autism therapist told me that an autistic person's mental maturity is 10 years behind their chronological age. That seems to track. That might also explain why I had late onset GD. Not to mention that trans wasn't as widely known about as it is now. The internet was a huge help in figuring things out. I started by looking at stuff on crossdressing. That eventually lead to me discovering the term transsexual. Reading up on that helped me understand what I was feeling. So no that human sexuality class had bugger all to do with me being trans. My mom was initially not supportive. But she did a 180. 5.5 years ago she took me to the hospital to get bottom surgery and helped out with aftercare. My mom turned 80 recently. She was raised catholic in Mexico. So being a boomer is no excuse for being a bigot. My dad who passec away in his 80s in December always used my chosen name. She sometimes got the pronouns wrong. But he always referred to me as Jen.