Published 2024-09-04

All Comments (21)
  • Insanity: doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.
  • @Izzy52781
    DJ should NEVER be in the Lineup!!!!! Ever!!!! He struckout on 3 Pitches yesterday in the 7th, took 2 Fastballs in the strike zone, and swings at a pitch near the dirt and hits into a Double Play!!! Gleyber should have been moved to 3rd base and Chisolm moved to 2nd base. Cabrera was hitting! Let him play 3rd and give Play 1st base occasionally!!! Gil needs to close!!! I rather give him a shot then Holmes. If that doesn't work, Kahnle!!
  • DJ, Trevino and verdugo in the same lineup is just pissing a game away. Even when one miraculously manages a hit, the next guy is grounding into a DP. They are rally killers.
  • @yankeefan1208
    Whatever magic the Yankees had as a team in April and May is gone. They have been an average .500 ever since. They will win their 92 games and make the playoffs but I don’t expect much else after that.
  • @Tony.1974
    It’s baffling to me how DJ is in lineup
  • @OrientalHeat
    Its amazing how everyone can see this but Cashman.
  • The fact he has been giving that much opportunity is mind boggling.
  • @KingDre2892
    This is not a Clay Holmes problem. This is a Brian Cashman problem. He should have addressed the closer spot then
  • @r.j.lee.3028
    Talk is cheap. Yanks will be lucky to get through the first round of the playoffs the way the whole team is playing.
  • DJ hasn't been the same since he signed that 5 year contract. Gleyber (Sanchez 2.0) should've been traded 2 or 3 years ago. Holmes was shaky as a closer last year but somehow Cashman thought this year would be different. Holmes is not built to be a closer. Can you imagine him closing a 1 run game in game 7 of the world series.😬🙈😱
  • @dcrewz954
    Closer by committee sounds good to me.
  • @MrMytube60
    I can see the frustration in BTs face! He knows Sal is right and it is killing him! Lol
  • @blackwoodbat
    The Yankees rave about Holme's sinker. It will sink the Yankees ship. Holmes has very little control of where it's going. It's high, it's low, it's wide or it's in the dirt way short of the plate, creating a wild pitch. He walks hitters or falls behind in the count and has to groove another pitch to get a strike. Yankees need a closer who has consistent control.
  • @JoeAnania
    George Steinbreenr purchased a Mercedes and his clueless son has ran it into the ground buying spare parts at the salvage yard
  • @RyukinJakka
    Why is no one asking what Matt Blake is doing to fix Clay Holmes?
  • @AshendisTV
    "How many games as Gil closed?" Remind me, geniuses, how many games did Clay Holmes close when he was named the closer to replace Chapman back in 2022 again? How many games did Rivera close before he was named the closer in 1997? Like... Do y'all listen to yourselves? Why are you even asking that question? It's a completely unnecessary question. And this whole "Oh well they don't have any readily available closers" oh really? They don't have Luke Weaver, Tommy Kahnle, or Jake Cousins who have been rock solid all year long? They didn't have Michael Tonkin? They don't have Scott Effross (who by the way WAS the closer with the Cubs when the Yankees got him)... How the hell do these guys have jobs??? They don't think. They have no ability to critically think like normal human beings to have the jobs they have, it's fucking ridiculous.