Did Time Start at the Big Bang?

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Our universe started with the big bang. But only for the right definition of “our universe”. And of “started” for that matter. In fact, probably the Big Bang is nothing like what you were taught.
A hundred years ago we discovered the beginning of the universe. Observations of the retreating galaxies by Edwin Hubble and Vesto Slipher, combined with Einstein’s then-brand-new general theory of relativity, revealed that our universe is expanding. And if we reverse that expansion far enough – mathematically, purely according to Einstein’s equations, it seems inevitable that all space and mass and energy should once have been compacted into an infinitesimally small point – a singularity. It’s often said that the universe started with this singularity, and the Big Bang is thought of as the explosive expansion that followed. And before the Big Bang singularity? Well, they say there was no “before”, because time and space simply didn’t exist. If you think you’ve managed to get your head around that bizarre notion then I have bad news. That picture is wrong. At least, according to pretty much every serious physicist who studies the subject. The good news is that the truth is way cooler, at least as far as we understand it.

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Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Produced By: Kornhaber Brown

Big Bang Supporters:

Anton Lifshits
David Nicklas
Fabrice Eap
Juan Benet
Justin Lloyd
Morgan Hough

Quasar Supporters:

Mark Heising
Mark Rosenthal
Tambe Barsbay
Vinnie Falco

Hypernova Supporters:
Chuck Zegar
Danton Spivey
Donal Botkin
Edmund Fokschaner
Hank S
John Hofmann
John R. Slavik
Jordan Young
Joseph Salomone
Mark Heising
Matthew O'Connor
Syed Ansar

Gamma Ray Burst Supporters:

Adrien Hatch
Alexey Eromenko
Andreas Nautsch
Bradley Jenkins
Brandon Labonte
Carlo Mogavero
Daniel Lyons
David Behtala
Dustan Jones
Geoffrey Short
James Flowers
James Quintero
John Funai
John Pollock
Jonathan Nesfeder
Joseph Dillman
Joseph Emison
Josh Thomas
Kevin Warne
Kyle Hofer
Malte Ubl
Mark Vasile
Nathan Hitchings
Nick Virtue
Paul Rose
Ryan Jones
Scott Gossett
Sigurd Ruud Frivik
Tim Jones
Tim Stephani
Tommy Mogensen
Yurii Konovaliuk
سلطان الخليفي

コメント (21)
  • Q: Did time start at the big bang? A: Depends on what you mean by "time". And "start", "at", "big bang", and "did" for that matter.
  • Gotta love the message of "If it makes sense, you're probably on the wrong track."
  • A long time ago, actually never, and also now, nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right? Like I said, it didn't happen. Nothing was never anywhere. That's why it's been everywhere. It's been so everywhere, you don't need a where. You don't even need a when. That's how "every" it gets. ... Forget this. I wanna be something. Go somewhere. Do something. I want things to change. I want to invent time and space, and I know it's possible because everything is here, and it probably already happened. I just don't know when to start, and that's exactly where it started.
  • "What happen before big bang" Suddenly I remember the white space squidward visit with the time machine
  • "A hundred years ago we discovered the beginning of the universe." 100 years. That sentence alone makes me think about how young is our modern understanding. We discovered a lot, but we still know next to nothing.
  • so you're telling me 14 billions years ago, me and my crush were basically together? not possible.
  • I´ve been learning about the universe for years and years - my mind still blows up, thinking about time and infinity.
  • I missed 3 seconds of what he said and i was lost the whole video.
  • Did time start at the big bang? Science: Well maybe but actually maybe
  • On this subject, it seems like our imagination is far more productive and fertile than our knowledge.
  • @viviv6197
    “Einsteinian” if only he were alive today to describe his work with his own adjective.😂
  • @j.s.7335
    I think it's pretty cool that just by being at the singularity of a black hole the universe ends.
  • I love this channel's ability to go beyond the basics of most Space/Time theories and hypotheses while not oversimplifying things, yet still being articulate and artistic enough to not leave a mere enthusiast like me totally lost. Probably the best channel on YouTube.
  • All I know is it’s a blessing beyond compare to have lived on this magnificent planet for 84 years ... “what a ride”
  • I just love thinking about these topics. I've been watching for a long time, but wanted to say how much I appreciate you and this channel.
  • Although I understand English, I need subtitles for this.