What to Do if You Come Down with COVID-19?

Published 2020-07-13
Sick rooms and other precautions to take if you come down with COVID-19. And can pets like cats and dogs get infected with COVID-19 and be infectious?

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In case you’ve missed any of the 17-part series so far:
· Where Do Deadly Coronaviruses Like MERS-CoV Come From? (nutritionfacts.org/video/where-do-deadly-coronavir…)
· The SARS Coronavirus and Wet Markets (nutritionfacts.org/video/the-sars-coronavirus-and-…)
· Where Did the COVID-19 Coronavirus Come From? (nutritionfacts.org/video/where-did-the-covid-19-co…)
· The Last Coronavirus Pandemic May Have Been Caused by Livestock (nutritionfacts.org/video/the-last-coronavirus-pand…)
· R0 and Incubation Periods: How Other Coronavirus Outbreaks Were Stopped (nutritionfacts.org/video/r0-and-incubation-periods…)
· Social Distancing, Lockdowns & Testing: How to Slow the COVID-19 Pandemic (nutritionfacts.org/video/social-distancing-lockdow…)
· COVID-19 Symptoms vs. the Flu, a Cold or Allergies (nutritionfacts.org/video/covid-19-symptoms-vs-the-…)
· Modifiable Risk Factors and Comorbidities for Severe COVID-19 Infection (nutritionfacts.org/video/modifiable-risk-factors-a…)
· The Immune System and COVID-19 Treatment (nutritionfacts.org/video/the-immune-system-and-cov…)
· Would Zinc Lozenges Help with COVID-19? (nutritionfacts.org/video/would-zinc-lozenges-help-…)
· How to Avoid COVID-19 (nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-avoid-covid-19)
· Hand Washing & Sanitizing to Inactivate COVID-19 Coronavirus (nutritionfacts.org/video/hand-washing-sanitizing-t…)

There are just a few left:
· The Best Mask or DIY Face Covering for COVID-19 (nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-mask-or-diy-face…)
· How COVID-19 Ends: Vaccination, Mutations, and Herd Immunity (nutritionfacts.org/video/how-covid-19-ends-vaccina…)
· The COVID-19 Pandemic May Just Be a Dress Rehearsal (nutritionfacts.org/video/the-covid-19-pandemic-may…)
· How to Prevent the Next Pandemic (nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-the-next-p…)

You can download the whole series (for free) here (drgreger.org/collections/downloads/products/how-to…) and take an even deeper dive in my new book How to Survive a Pandemic (nutritionfacts.org/how-to-survive-a-pandemic/) (note: all my proceeds from this book are donated to pandemic prevention charities).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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All Comments (21)
  • @sharit7970
    3:12 'most people who contract COVID-19 spontaneously recover without the need for medical intervention' Thank you for that hopeful and optimistic fact; while this clearly can be and has been deadly, especially for high risk groups, it's good to try to keep cautiously optimistic when possible.
  • That's a good thing to remember. That each and every time we breath out, it is the same as one of those spectacular frosty morning breaths!!!
  • @vickythecat1741
    It's so depressing that all the talk is masks while no one is talking about why epidemics and pandemics are happening in the first place (except t 'wet market', 'wild animals'); why they will keep on happening more frequently anywhere on the planet, why, to quote you Dr. Greger 'this is just a dress rehearsal'. Is it so difficult to see the link? For media and experts to share the effects of animal farming, animal killing, animal eating in terms of epidemics, pandemics, antibiotic resistance, environmental damage ...
  • I am an international student currently studying in Melbourne Australia, upon the coronavirus first hit in Australia, me and my partner decided to wear masks everywhere just in case we have the virus and we might not even know - we thought it's a responsible act, however, there's really no one here ever wear a mask excepts a few people with Asian ethnicity. What's more shocking to us is that, during the first few months of the whole corona situation, me and my partner have been discriminated and verbally abused countless times, we were also especially humiliated to be wearing a mask.
  • @dawnmorants4180
    With all of the discussion about returning to schools, can you look at the research from other countries who are back in school? Thanks!
  • The amount of pollution from suffocating the planet in masks is depressing. It's amazing that we survived this long without filtering our air with a piece of cloth.
  • @Sayerdify
    My neighbor is 95 with a pacemaker has CV19 but has no symptoms. My friends son-in-law has it, he's in his 30's has active asthma, got a high fever for one day, then fine, no respiratory issues which amazed me !! EVERYONE SHOULD wear a mask while out in public. Why is this so hard and difficult for so many?
  • @justme92able
    This is perhaps one of the few channels that I see the title and share it right away lol 😄 then watch it
  • @amandab2993
    Always so informative ❤ love you Dr.,thank you for everything you do
  • @fifteenbyfive
    Thank you for putting some focus on this virus, Dr. Thank you for all your efforts.
  • @bonitahill5239
    Thank you Dr. Greger a voice of calm critical thinking ......thank you
  • 6:50 - What happens if you are isolating in a place after you get over the disease? How long will that room or house be toxic, and what needs to be done to disinfect it as much as possible?
  • @cbrcoder
    Dr. G please enlighten us about some supplements we can take to improve our chances ?