Protest: Govt Talking At Young People And Not With Them – YIAGA

Published 2024-07-28

All Comments (10)
  • Excellent submission. I second it. Why are the people seeking protest? This is the question. Thank you so much Samson
  • The government is truly talking at the people not with the people
  • Bcoz i love Nigeria so much n i want Nigeria to be good economically as Germany, UK, USA n even good part of Asia.... bcoz looking at the natural resources, Nigeria is more blessed than some of these countries mentioned....let our leaders stop embezzlements of our money...used it to create jobs for the youths here
  • the incompetence of the government is the reason protests in Nigeria usually go overboard
  • This debater is merely talking grammar and does not have the quantum of experience to assert an assurance of the absence of rioting.
  • In Nigeria nothing like peacfull protest anybody who want to indulge in this dangerous adventure must first put his house in order and tell his family members where his valuables are in case anything happen if na lai ask ENDSARS PARTICIPANTS