Do I Agree With Other Trans People?

Published 2021-01-29

All Comments (21)
  • @the_bob_147
    When her "comfy clothes" look more stylish than your "uncomfy clothes" lmao
  • @L.I.03_
    i’m dating a non-binary person, we decided to say we’re “gayish”
  • @oliviaganbat
    one of my close friends, shes trans, black, a very religious woman and gay. She always says ”im the experiment of society” and laughs. But i acknowledge she goes through hell daily, for literally just being alive. And it makes me so sad, she deserves so much better
  • when I was younger, I met a non-binary person at a park and I said to myself "woah, they're attractive" and a part of my brain whispered *what gender are they? and I was like "I...can't tell. but holy shit they're gorgeous". thats when I realized I was pansexual. (I talk to them and we hit if off. we've been together for five years.)
  • @starchicki
    Its like every time we see her she gets more glamorous
  • NGL, the older trans lady saying she lost her spouse because she's trans kinda made me cry a little. Like, that's one of the things I'm most afraid of in dating because I'm pre-everything right now. When I even hinted to my ex that I wasn't female, his reaction made me never want to do anything or tell anyone because I didn't want to deal with the pain of that. But I also know that I need to place my mental health over the feelings of other people, and that anyone worth keeping in my life will still care about me whether I look female (like I, sadly, do atm) or more male (which is what I hope for in the future). Life isn't easy for trans people, but we're just trying our best. I just hope that cis people are more understanding of trans people as time goes on.
  • @VisualMind
    Hey y'all. I'm genderfluid and here are my answers :) • Some children are aware of their gender, others aren't. I didn't even think about it when I was a kid. • I hate gender roles. I wish they wouldn't exist and I agree that they're harmful to everyone. • You don't have to do anything to be transgender. You don't have to come out, don't have to transition, don't have to change your style. You're valid regardless! • I've been very lucky when it comes to dating because I've been with my non-binary partner for a year now. ❤️ • Of course there are risks. I don't even wanna know how many trans people commit suicide, get assaulted etc. • My love for my body is fluid like my gender hahaha... I'm happy that I'm healthy most of the time though. • I often wish I was born as a straight man. I'd be pretty feminine still so I'd face other issues. Hence why I hate gender roles.
  • @emilyclarke8222
    I can only speak as a cis woman here, but when she said she didn't almost go to her college graduation... that really touched me because neither did I. My body dysmorphia and self-esteem was so low because I felt so much pressure to look beautiful and feminine that day that I cried the whole night. The link I feel/see here is that though this feeling is rooted in different places for both of us, both of us had been negatively affected in that moment by what 'looking like the perfect woman' should look like. Sending love to her.
  • @AisaWilliam
    “Do all __ think the same” is a series on Jubilee that shows how variable opinions can be among people in the same community. They don’t actually think all trans people think the same. Edit: this comment is for the people in the comments (who don’t know about jubilee), not for Samantha or the viewers who paid attention to her explanation in the beginning of this vid lol
  • @mackthompson616
    my responses as a transmasc enby person: 1- kids know can know their gender: strongly agree 2- gender roles are necessary: disagree 3- surgery necessary to be trans: strongly disagree 4- dating: n/a 5- risks: strongly agree 6- i love my body: disagree, but it’s definitely better than, say, a year ago 7- wish i wasn’t trans: slightly agree b/c dysphoria sucks, but overall, i’m happy with and love who i am. 2/1 edits: 1- i am speaking for personal experience not generalizations. pls don’t misinterpret my answer for #7 and use it to gatekeep. 2- since the transphobes have found this comment, for each additional bigoted reply for now on, i am donating to the Marsha P Johnson institute. i encourage u all to play along at home!! (by donating, not by pretending to be a bigot in the replies so i donate more. i’d rather donate in ur name than have this cause ppl to spread more hate)
  • @lizzardbob6561
    It’s so hard living with only brothers, like I get so fucking jealous of the life they live. I’m a closeted trans guy, but I just compare myself to them. And think, “my ankles aren’t like theirs. I want their hair, body, everything” just. Why can’t I be them. It’s so confusing and hard
  • @twentyeight602
    Samantha's comfy clothes are more fashionable than my most fashionable piece of clothing I own myself hahahah
  • @franbascouu
    can we all agree that she is one of the prettiest girls on youtube
  • @Journetta
    All I want as a trans female.. is to be treated like a cis female.. and not any different
  • @jessebrown1996
    I'm a straight cis male so my opinion on this is completely irrelevant, just here to listen to trans people. You are all loved and valid, no matter what transphobes say!
  • @kate-fw3zf
    The wii music in the background gets me
  • @katoui3057
    the last one made me cry, because it sums up my experience as an lgbt+ person. of course it‘s hard, and life is way easier when you fit into heteronormative cisnormative societal standards. but i wouldn’t be who i am today if i didn’t go through these struggles and i love who i am and i‘m proud of who i am. i‘m proud to be bi. and i hope every lgbt+ person reading this can be proud of who they are no matter or maybe because of how hard it is sometimes ❤️
  • I just wanted to say that you’re so gorgeous, but not just on the outside. You seen like a genuinely nice person who doesn’t just care about their own opinion. You really got through some of my gender dysphoria and stuff. I’m so grateful for you and your channel!!