Arranging Flowers With Rajiv Surendra & Mikey Putnam

Published 2024-04-22
Discover the artistry of Mikey Putnam, renowned floral designer to the stars (yes, he's the mastermind behind Beyonce's iconic flower crown!) whose creations are true works of art, resembling paintings brought to life.

Today, Rajiv Surendra visits Mikey to learn the secrets of professional flower arranging. Watch as they venture to the vibrant flower district, where Mikey handpicks the perfect blooms, showcasing his keen eye for pairing complementary flowers. Using Rajiv's handmade flower pots crafted at Guy Wolff's pottery, Mikey shares his expert techniques for crafting the ideal floral arrangement.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rlpittard
    Michael Putnam is my son! I am so Thrilled that so many people are able to watch and learn from him. He is so incredibly talented plus he is an amazing teacher. I could not be any prouder of him❤️
  • @ahmedzakaria7078
    posting this comment from karachi Pakistan, I just feel like YES Mikey is insanely talented BUT what realy really helped me was Rajivs questions and curiosity because so so so many times i had the same question that he asked. It really makes me understand why he knows and has mastered so much of craft because of his ability to listen summarise and paraphrase whenever needed was extremely helpful. this was such a treat. best evening ever.
  • @mtccabe
    I’ve never seen Rajiv fanboy so hard. It’s heart warming.
  • @jlcl96
    I don’t know if the world is ready for this much good hair and beautiful, gentle energy. ❤❤❤
  • @artdeltoro
    What a dynamic duo! These two men are not only incredibly talented, but also remarkably humble and kind. They possess a rare combination of skill, passion, and grace, without a hint of arrogance or pretension. It's truly refreshing to see such beauty, talent, and character shine through in both of them!
  • @cynthia2233
    Rajiv is always a favorite of mine! Add in Mikey Putnam and WOW, what a treat! Mikey always has a joyful smile on his face, you can tell that he loves what he is doing!
  • @atrehgf43242
    as an artist, i could not have loved this more. if you too are looking at seeing this process as artist steps, here's a summary: 1. Inspiration and Color Palette Color Theory: Selecting a primary inspiration flower involves analyzing its hues and identifying analogous or complementary colors. This is similar to an artist choosing a dominant color scheme for a painting, ensuring harmony and balance in the overall composition. 2. Composition and Movement Composition: Like in painting, the rule of thirds and the use of focal points are crucial. Arrange flowers to create a sense of balance and flow, directing the viewer's eye naturally across the arrangement. Movement: Emulating the dynamic lines in a painting, the arrangement should guide the eye through its curves and layers, creating a sense of liveliness and fluidity. 3. Layering and Structure Foreground, Middleground, Background: Establish a structural base with branches (background), build a canvas with filler flowers (middleground), and highlight with specialty flowers (foreground). This layering technique adds depth and dimension. Proportion and Scale: Consider the size and scale of each element in relation to the whole, ensuring that the arrangement feels balanced and proportionate, much like an artist balances different elements in a composition. 4. Gesture and Texture Gesture: In art, gesture refers to the movement and flow within a piece. Incorporating flowers and elements that lean or cascade naturally creates a sense of gesture, making the arrangement appear dynamic and alive. Texture: Adding different textures, like fruit, introduces variety and interest, similar to how an artist might use different brushstrokes or mixed media to add depth and intrigue to a piece. 5. Chicken Wire and Flower Placement Framework: The use of chicken wire acts as the structural skeleton, akin to an underdrawing in a painting, providing support and guiding the placement of elements. Negative Space: Strategic placement of flowers ensures that there are areas of negative space, preventing overcrowding and allowing the arrangement to breathe, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal. 6. Final Touches Primary Colors: Introducing touches of primary colors (red, yellow, blue) adds visual interest and can create focal points, similar to how an artist uses color to draw attention to certain areas of a painting. Natural Look: Strive for a composition that feels organic and spontaneous, yet carefully curated, akin to the effortless appearance of a well-executed art piece.
  • @user-vv4hg7me1q
    As a schoolgirl, I used to be a member of the Young Farmer's Club. Once a year we had a flower arranging competion and I used to compete. I also took my inspiration from the old master's using fruit and foliage. Years later I was asked to do the flowers in my local village church. All my life, flower arranging has been a favourite task, and as a photographer composition is vital.
  • @biddydibdab9180
    I hear over and over from true masters in any discipline that they are self taught. Universities churn out the self-perpetuating mediocre while artists are wonders of nature. Rajiv and Mikey are great examples of this.
  • @DuluthTW
    Mikey is as much a sculptor as he is a flower arranger. This was a masterclass lesson in art. Thank you both for sharing!
  • Be still my heart! I am from a florist family. My father was a horticulturist, as was my uncle. My mom a florist and I worked with her from the age of 12, often getting up at 3 am to drive from New Hampshire to the Boston Flower Market to be there when it opened. My best friend for 32 years was a florist in Newton, Mass. I have never seen such stunning arrangements!!! ❤ Shirley
  • @watthaile2053
    This was one of the nicest videos I have ever seen. I enjoyed a tremendously. Thank you both.
  • @eggieca
    This is my dream team collaboration. Mikey's work is what inspired me to get into floral design when I moved to the Netherlands, and Rajiv is one of my favorite youtubers. I am just the giddiest girl right now.
  • @LavenderandLinen
    I enjoyed every moment of this instruction! I know that I will think about the imagery that Mikey suggested with every one of my designs from now on: It should look like a bird could fly through it. And it should dance. ❤ I love that!
  • I am drooling with inspiration! To have access to that amazing flower market is an absolute dream. Enjoyed every second. Thanks guys!
  • What a treat! Omg, I never expected to be so enthralled. Thank you, Mikey Putnam, for agreeing to share your knowledge and experience and thoughts. And thank you, Rajiv, for bringing this to us, along with your beautiful, classically-shaped vases! And whoda guessed: A tiny touch of blue!
  • @leagardiner9444
    Even as a florist I have learned many new ways of crafting my skills from watching this video. I am also a Colour Therapist and the inspiration I get from your colour palette is exciting. It gets my creative juices flowing.
  • @hazeld7216
    Mikey is such an amazing artist and i love that he was generous enough to break down his process for us!
  • @essaouiram
    This is like seeing Monet and Vangough at work! Bravo!👏🏻👏🏻
  • I am a patchwork quilter and am familiar with taking one fabric, and putting together other fabrics, by choosing colours, tones and shades from that first fabric. Even arrange fabrics light to dark! I had never thought of using the technique with flowers! A penny dropped moment for me :) Thank you.