C.S.Lewis and The Catholic Church: A Lecture by Joseph Pearce

Published 2017-07-03
C.S.Lewis and The Catholic Church by Joseph Pearce

There are many Protestants and Catholics who have been deeply affected and spiritually changed by the writings of C.S. Lewis, including many converts to Catholicism who credit C.S. Lewis for playing a significant role in their conversion. However, the ironic and perplexing fact is that Lewis himself, while “Catholic” in many aspects of his faith and devotion, never became a Roman Catholic. Many have wondered why. Joseph Pearce addresses this question in his latest book and he will offer an analysis of all the issues, questions, and factors regarding this puzzling question.

Lecture Date: February 13th, 2004


All Comments (7)
  • Good interesting lecture, that clarifies some unknown facts concerning Lewis's attitude towards his confessional preferences. Many thanks to the lecturer.
  • “Mysticism”, and his wide broad way to salvation. This is why all the religious denominations adore Lewis.
  • @tgflux
    A POV from "The Other Side": cradle Episcopalian here, and very happily so. Re Lewis and "priestesses"--- it struck me even as a child, reading the "Chronicles of Narnia" (funny, that Pearce didn't mention them, when they are undoubtedly Lewis's MOST read works): my goodness, this guy has a problem with women! (and then I thought that even moreso reading "Mere Christianity", re his view that, para. "women want their husbands to rule them"). That Lewis would have extended his problem w/ women to the church, could hardly be shocking. [I wish I could tell Lewis---oh wait, I will tell him! 😇---that the thing he feared, never came to pass. The Episcopal Church, and other Anglican churches which ordain women, have no "priestesses", only priests. Equally Made in the Image and Likeness of God, and equally called to holy orders.] Yes, there are sects which have left the Anglican Communion, regrettably. But it hasn't "crumbled away". We press on, following Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And I hope the Roman Church will re-unite with us, in God's Good Time... ETA: oh, lastly, God bless and defend Pope Francis! IF Lewis is more read by Romans (and Fundamentalists) than Anglicans these days, conversely I fear---at least in the loud corners of America anyway---Pope Francis has more fans outside the Roman Church than within it...
  • @tgflux
    17:41 Many if not most atheists are actually theists who hate God. * * Not that there's anything wrong w/ hating God---some of the time. Heck, even Jesus did! "My God, my God, why has Thou forsaken me?"