Transforming kitchen waste to Gold - pure soil.

Published 2021-03-24
Transforming kitchen trash to Gold - pure soil. In this video, you see compost that took 4 weeks to form. the detritus ecosystem (grub worm, ball worm and other beautiful creatures eat the kitchen waste and create this rich soil which plants love. How do you make compost? Its simple. 1. Don't mix your kitchen waste. 2. Separate wet veg and fruits and the plastic dry waste seperately. 3. keep the dry waste seperately and sell to the recycler guys. 4. you then take an old bucket. make a hole in it in the bottom. the hole should be small, say of 1/2 cm so the liquid drains off. 5. Now in the empty bucket place some dried old twigs and sticks at the bottom over the hole to form a mesh. 6. Take your kitchen waste and with a pair of sizzors cut them up finely so the peices don't occupy more place in the bucket. 7. put all the wet waste not fish and meat. fish and meat require a different system. 8. place the bucket bear the window, Bernie the bucket keep a deep plastic round tray. 9. Cover the bucket with an old cloth. wet the cloth. make sure no light enters the bucket. the micro organisms in the detritus ecosystem need darkness, Moisture and nutrients which is in the kitchen waste. keep an eye out for the cloth, make sure it's wet. make sure you put coconut husk to get the grub worms (the big white caterpillar like guys) in your pit. their eggs are usually in coconut husks. 10 Each time you add kitchen waste you need to toss the contents gently so they get mixed up. after 4 to 5 weeks you can seive the compost. The water that gets drains out is fertilizer with lots of micro organisms and nutrients. this you can keep in bottles for your potted plants. Once the compost is ready remove the living bugs and put them back in the pot, they are the consumers and need them. the rest you can pack and give or sell to farmers, people with potted plants. If everyone composts their kitchen waste, your action will help the environment. water bodies won't be polluted with garbage. landfills can be reduced. The Earth took millions of years to create just 6 feet of top soil. Humans have destroyed this top soil with deforestation and intensive farming. The chemicals used in farms, kills the micro organisms in the soil thus degrading the soil. The world now considers soil as the most valuable element because you can't grow food on gold. hence share this with others and help heal the planet.
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