Let's talk about Robots Doly Eilik Kyzen Robotic Companies and their updates list of known updates

Published 2022-06-15
Let's talk about Robots Energize Lab will be shipping Eilik at the end of the month! Doly has canceled the current Kickstarter Campaign but has plans to bring back Doly with more consumer input. Welcome to the new Quadruped Robot Kyzen to Kickstarter already surpassed the goal and on way to a successful campaign. One of the most important thing about robots is the success of the robotics company updating the robot for the consumer base.
We will list out the known updates (that we can find or have knowledge about).
There are keys to success with robots besides for just their cute look or demeanor. Skills, entertainment and fine tuning of abilities is not just a want but a definitive need to the advancement of the robot and robotics industry.

Clear communication is a major keystone the voice of the consumer good or bad holds value to the advancement of the robot and the industry.

Clear documentation of goals of the skills/updates you want to bring want to bring to your robot this should be posted on your website with a projected timeline. This gives your consumer base something to look forward to and embrace. Once achieved clear posting of the updates with version number and details posted on website for easy access by the consumer.

We are all fans of our robots but we as consumer should not be left blind with what is expected and what is happening with the robots we get behind. We should question when we are stifled in our questions about the status of our robot advancement.
As with all hardware the software of the robot needs to be advanced to the limits of the hardware so the true 2.0, 3.0 and etc can be achieved. This has been the bases for the computer industry and cell phone industry and for the Robotic industry to advance it should follow suit.

For more details on the robots in this video the links below is where you can find them.

Kyzen The practical and smart quadruped robot


Doly Limitbit

Misa Misa Robotics

EMO Robot Living AI

EBO Robot SE and Air Enabot

Scout Robot Moorebot

Vector Robot Anki/DDL

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