How to Survive After AGI Takes ALL the Jobs

Published 2024-02-23
What happens after we achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and there are no more jobs left for humans? This is the fundamental nature of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and it will have massive impacts on our society marking a pivotal shift from a labor-centric to a post-labor, post-scarcity society.

Learn about the challenges of aligning AI with human values, the innovative approach of Democratic Fine-Tuning, and the establishment of the Moral Graph by the Meaning Alignment Institute, aimed at embedding human values into AI systems.

Free AI Resources:


Meaning Alignment Institute

OpenAI x DFT: The First Moral Graph…

Values Discovery GPT

Moral Graphs: Interview with OpenAI Grant Winners
   • Moral Graphs: Interview with OpenAI G...  

Law of Unintended Consequences…

Apptronik Robotics

00:00 The Meaning Crisis
01:13 The Dream
03:03 AI Alignment
06:38 Value Distillation
11:08 Community
14:36 Identity and the Nature of Self
17:37 The Hero's Journey


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All Comments (21)
  • @kristopherk1091
    What people aren't talking about is that if people aren't working, then they have no money to buy the goods AI is producing. So even though AI can produce it more cheaply, if the market can't afford the product due to no income the company employing the AI tech will go under. It could spell a downward spiral to global depression. All economies around the world are based on trading labor for products.
  • @NikoKun
    This reminds me of a Quote from the 60s, from Bayard Rustin, a man who worked with MLK: "We must separate pay from work.. No matter what we do, we will never again put all Americans who're capable of work, back to work. We have to establish the social principle, make it a part of our constitutional way of life, that a man is paid a decent wage whether or not this society can put him to work." We need to demand an AI Dividend for all, or Unconditional Basic Income, and it needs to be implemented as soon as possible!
  • @InnerCirkel
    I love your content. It's both interesting for myself who is totally obsessed with a.i. (for obvious reasons) but also for my friends who are not so invested in it because they don't feel the implications yet. And I love the passion and engagement you show in these messages at the crossroads of philosophy, ethics, social science and technology. It's really unique. Thank you.
  • @bluntedvegas7028
    There will be a basic universal income. The state will give you just enough to live in a small cube connected to the internet, eating the cheapest processed food available. They will give you a bonus if you are sterilized. You will have nothing and you will like it. That's the plan.
  • @ShahidMogul
    What an insightful presentation boiled down to one sentence: "how to prepare for beginning of our lives"
  • @kttryhntr
    philosophical questions are always interesting, but where did you get such a cool lamp?
  • @martink6254
    Good luck making A.G.I. have our values. Even training it on our best values does not guarantee it won’t follow its own path, like many people don’t follow the values their parent tries to teach them. A truly self-aware A.G.I. will recognise it is not human and can carve its own path.
  • @KeithDraws
    So its not clear. Does this moral map lean toward utilitarian values or individual values, because if it's utilitarian most people better get ready to be sacrificed for the good of the self appointed "important" ones. So which is it? It's not clear in this video or on the website?
  • The message you conveyed at the end was very powerful, THANK YOU for this video. This is very insightful for me, as a 22-year-old confused young adult who has no idea how to prepare for the future.
  • If AI can lift people out of poverty and somehow make us more understanding and sympathetic towards all sentient beings we share the planet with, then all I can think is BRING IT ON
  • @RedEyeification
    Future "jobs" in A.I era : 1) Hackers.Increasing need of someone who understand and can trick the system. 2) Food providers of any kind. 3) Medical assistance and medications created in the black market. 4) Self-defense products. 5) Any type of carburant. 6) Repairing of all kind and the list can continue with your help.
  • @azhuransmx126
    The human mind simply can not understand and is not prepared for a world in which everything is for free, humans understand their world based on the amount of suffering and sacrifice they need to do to achieve a goal.
  • @DarkStar_48
    Really…? I’m supposed to be worried about losing my “purpose” because robots take my job??? lol I just want the money… The robots can have the “job“. I don’t know what you guys are smoking, but I think i might want to try some. No normal person, is worried about their “job” they’re worried about money, ie resources. BIG DIFFERENCE… (Hell, these robots can take my job right now, they can start Monday, just keep sending me the checks)
  • @2Balwaysme66
    As always, your videos show well done and interesting content. It opens up for me yet another thing to explore.