Babylon Berlin 3: Volker Bruch & Liv Lisa Fries im Interview

Published 2020-01-14
Was erwartet uns in der dritten Staffel von "Babylon Berlin" und wie lang wird die Serie fortgesetzt? Die beiden Hauptdarsteller Volker Bruch und Liv Lisa Fries im (traditionellen) Interview mit GOLDENE KAMERA Reporter Michael Tokarski.

Babylon Berlin 3 startet am 24. Januar 2020 bei Sky.

All Comments (21)
  • Babylon Berlin ist einfach die beste deutsche Serie seit langer Zeit und die Schauspieler sind einfach Top.
  • @cruelcloud2207
    There is a degree of soft femininity in Volker Bruch’s complexion and it stands in such stark contrast with his sculpted, masculine face structure that it makes him so uniquely beautiful
  • @FrankyHaemmer
    Seit Twin Peaks hat mich keine Serie mehr so fasziniert. Liv Lisa Fries muss ein Weltstar werden. ❤️
  • @dbo514
    Massive crush on her character, and Gereon as well! Its been a long time since a show has hit me this hard
  • @ALu-xl3lu
    Top Besetzung, Tolle Kostüme, großartige Serie. Ich liebe es!!!
  • To heck with Hollywood this is how film and TV is made. Pure acting and amazing casting with epic camera and sets. Well done to the entire crew.
  • @EdwardHua1992
    well...I just wish someone could add subtitles to this interview so that we audience who do not understand German so well can also have the pleasure of listening to their conversation.
  • Series 3 is just as brilliant as 1 and 2. BB is the first-ever TV series or movie seen in the English-speaking world to capture authentically the very complex social breakdown and fractured extreme politics of late Weimar Germany. We often get the rise of the Na zis and anti Semi tism but we never get the monarchists, the militarists, the different communist factions and the democrats - here we get them ALL in a highly entertaining and exciting crime drama. The monumental scale of the production, the sweep of period, the art direction, the music, and the use of authentic Babelsberg film techniques of the time are breathtaking. And on top of that we have superb writing and a golden cast of exceptional talent led by these two - whom we all love. Bravo Babylon Berlin. Hurry up with Series 4!!!
  • @garydavis8213
    My absolute favorite show, period. Brilliant. Subtitles a must, of course. 😉
  • @demanef
    Super Serie ,und gute Schauspieler und (auch) schöne Rückblicke in eine vergangene Zeit (Deutschlands) .
  • @denjhill
    These two are so perfectly type cast into their respective roles. Just watching them in this video, me not understanding a word of German, I can sense the pathos of the Weimer period. Brilliant.
  • @courtlaw1
    Season 3 is pretty amazing, the 11 episode is pure magic. Dub or no Dub this is one of the best shows of the last 30 years. I wish Netflix would better advertise some of their shows. I only hope that the narrative of the show covers the years during and after world war 2.
  • @DIANA-rv7zn
    Das Freitagabends Ereignis für mich. Die beste Serie seit Jahren. 👏👏👍
  • I am Italian and I don't understand a word of German, but I followed the first two series two years ago, dubbed in Italian and I found them fantastic. The third series has started for a week and maybe it's too early to make judgments, but I believe that this time too it won't disappoint me. What I appreciate, in addition to the skill of the actors, is the atmosphere, the dialogues and the perfect historical reconstruction of a crucial period for Germany. A truly high quality product.
  • @rennnnsemml
    Liv ist so unglaublich hübsch, von so viel Aura und Charme umgeben - unbeschreiblich.
  • @samspencer582
    Best TV series ever made and the books are even better.