Minali Chatani: I Need To Get Moving In The Morning | Relentless | Forbes

Published 2020-03-01
Minali Chatani started Wild One, a line of chic pet accessories, in 2018. From fostering dogs to one-on-one meetings with staff, this is a typical day in her life.

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All Comments (21)
  • @chinmaysanghi
    Am I the only one who feels like this routine is almost unattainable on a regular basis and that most founders on this series sugarcoat their timetables to make it as though it's super normal for them to follow these crazy routines.
  • @danoneall4013
    Companies are dog friendly but not kid friendly That is an issue Big issue
  • @marklanger7965
    I can tell from her dark circles that she hardly sleeps.
  • @izzyfray
    Wow these seems way too scheduled. She's by far the most human sounding of the people featured here.
  • @Jimfromearthoo7
    You know you’ve made it when you can bring your dog to work!😎
  • @keith8114
    Some people love that life style, fast paced, fulfilling and accomplished.
  • @yono4633
    This is ideal gas in chemistry which is used to learn theory but you know in real life we get real gas not ideal one
  • 3:00am: I wake up and submerge myself in an icebath while shoulder pressing 200 pound dumbbells with two hookers each standing on one dumbbell. The ice doesnt melt while I sleep as I always prepare it 37 minutes and 15 seconds before I go to bed for 35 minutes. 4:00am: After workout number one, I run backwards uphill while pulling a bus which is secured to my neck with a rope. 5:00am: I drink a gallon of special water that Courtney Love personally sat and farted in while she was on her period which I firmly believe improves my cognitive ability by 500,000% and I eat Sushi made from fresh fish that I personally hunt for with my bare hands in the Atlantic Ocean every morning. I count all that swimming as warm up for my next cardio routine, which is dodging traffic on the FDR for 3 hours. 9:00am: if the timeline doesn't seem to add up, that's just because I spawned my own space-time continuum by traveling faster than light 1000 times while instantaneously singing every song by every artist ever made and that ever will be made while bench pressing 10,000 lbs and while playing a 200 poker games at once moving the cards and gambling telepathically.
  • @fotis_go7707
    It seems almost impossible to find the time for all these activities within a single day. If so, congratulations!
  • @wolfblitzer1981
    All these super hyped young people pretending they keep these schedules no one can unless your on coke
  • @Matthew-ob7vb
    That was fun but the title could have been more specific to know what am I going to watch. Sort of thing