Published 2024-07-19

All Comments (19)
  • @treyleaves
    “If you don’t want to be part of his f**k shii, then don’t look for him to give you opportunities” you hit the nail on the head with that one Reaper 💯 🔥
  • He cakes for Corey no matter how he contradicts himself, keeping it 1000
  • @curtisp.3571
    Everybody's mad because roasting and comedy is the same as the casino and gambling in the street
  • Nah, OG, Corey would've did the EXACT same thing and even implied he was gay because of the wrists.
  • @jsmith9102
    Might be a matter of time before he drives away Craig if Corey can’t evolve in some way
  • @kingizbacc1
    I disagree. Marcus told jokes. But Cory calling somebody broke isn’t a joke. That’s a statement. A statement ppl make when THERE feelings are hurt. It’s like when ppl clown celebrities. The first thing they run to is how much money they have. Try and say “u probably commenting from your grandma basement”. That’s a hurt move. Cory should have just cracked back with jokes. But he can’t take being the butt.
  • Yo Reap, see if you follow me on this point. I’m from the Midwest (The D) like you and our boy CH. In the hood we were always taught since kid-age that if someone took a fall or spill the first thing you do is see if they’re ok. If they confirm they’re ok then it was cool to come with the jokes! “I’m just being honest about it!” I feel if Marcus would have called CH first just to check on the big homey then there’s a chance this situation would not have gone left. By Marcus going straight to the jokes + videos, it came across as him not giving a damn about the same big homey that did things for you out of straight homey-ship! You always check on the person first then once you see they good, you can then come with the jokes and I think most of us from the hood understand this to be the proper protocol. Now as far as the homey Blaq Ron, he’s entitled to his opinion but it has never been Gangsta to step between 2 grown men in the midst of a misunderstanding. Blaq Ron (who I really support his comedy) apparently has some ill feelings for the big homey CH which surprises me. I thought BR and CH were at least cool with each other but after his comments, BR is in his feelings. I still respect BR’s intellect but again Marcus can fight his own battles. Ms. Jonay definitely didn’t help the situation at all and she should stay out of Boss Business. Your son is a grown -SS man and can fight his battles solo. My 8 uncles on my father side of the family taught me to never accept anything from another grown man because that man will always be able to bring it up down the road, right or wrong. This allows you to hold true to being your own man. Now accepting assistance from a broad is totally different because she’s receiving bartered penis in return! Pimps up! 304’s down!!! What cha’think Reap?
  • Y'all got it wrong. Everyone in the entertainment industry including Corey, at some point go on different shows, podcasts, radio and TV to promote themselves. Are these people supposed to keep that long list of stops and say all these people made me? Of course not. That's part of the game. Marcus was a comic before he met Corey. If Marcus wasn't being paid to be on 5150 then it was a mutual benefit situation cause it sure is boring when only Corey and Darlene are by themselves. Corey is better when it's people to play off of.
  • Man Marcus you took a car from the brother with no intention to pay him back for it. Bruh that’s not a Big city move! You must have better advisers around you in this highly publicized profession. Player stocks down bruh and for the moment all you will attract are women who are mother figures. Careful cousin!
  • @Vitorage1981
    Reaper you're listening like a woman. Corey doesn't use jokes. Broke and living with mom is jokes. Saying Marcus is envious and jealous isn't jokes. Saying zo is a weak link isn't jokes. Corey has all that cap talk for grady till grady brought up knowing the man that raised Corey's son. Then corey got in his feelings. Lol you're not keeping it 1000, you're doing mental gymnastics to cape for corey... like a wooommmaaannnn