There Is A Concerning Problem With The Dendro Element | Genshin Impact

Published 2022-11-12
It's been two months since Dendro was brought into the game and at this point we've had enough time to experiment and limit test the full range of strength available to us through Dendro's current units. With the release of Nahida I decided now's a good time to evaluate Dendro's reactions and characters to see if it truly balanced the seven elements more evenly.

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All Comments (21)
  • I feel like dendro chars have the exact opposite problem that geo chars have geo is kinda useless reaction wise leaving its characters to have to be viable purely based on their own abilities while dendro is probably one of the most useful reactions now leaving its characters to not be able to do much more than apply their element without being too overpowerd
  • One thing about Collei and Traveler is that Collei is MUCH better in exploration due to all the ranched things you need hit with dendro. I think she was made for exploration (similar to Amber) while Traveler was meant to be the real introduction to the element (explaining their slight support buffs and better application)
  • @forranger4281
    I'm just happy to finally not just run Bennett and Xiangling in the abyss. We got more options, and finally got to see more purple and greens than orange and blues.
  • Dendro just needs more time and characters to fill out its roster, thats when these subclasses will start to develop as more character variety gets introduced
  • I think Dendro definitely helped with balance. They gave Pyro characters that don't work very well with vaporize another reaction they can capitalize on. And this was very much needed because Pyro pre dendro wasn't all that good, it was pretty much just Hu Tao, Xiangling and Bennett. Same with Electro characters. Giving good reactions to characters like Razor, Lisa, Keqing and Kuki. Dendro boosted Hydro's overall value as a support element. Cryo is now more balanced out with other elements and isn't as op anymore. The only element that is currently left in the dust is Geo.
  • @anirudhcn007
    Btw quicken and it's sub reactions are additive reaction and these reactions can crit. So, it's doesn't count as transformative reaction. Also, those reaction have separate multipliers like similar to Shenhe's icy quill buff but it's based on character level and elemental mastery.
  • @Romashka_Sov
    You know this script was written before Nahida release when Vars says "Nahida only applies Dendro and nothing more", when in game you can chain up to 8 enemies and deal passive 30-50k damage every 2-3 seconds... Sure, 200k damage from single E is not much for off-field support Baiju and Yaoyao (other support roles) will be later, right now we needed application
  • @islowclick
    Dendro has definitely helped boost the electro element. It has also solidify hydro as the best element. While geo is still stuck without any useful reactions. The only problem I feel is the lack of variety which is to be expected due to dendro being released 2 ish patches ago
  • 12:07 Collei was made for new players, that don't have access to sumeru yet. Thats why her kit overlaps with the travelers. They where made for the same purpose, but with different player groups in mind
  • This video could be made in Version 1.0 about electro and it would've been the same since we only had dps/sub dps of that element at the time. 1st of all, the only two characters to have overlapping kits are collei and dendro mc, which is nothing new since the earlier version. Diluc has a really similar kit to hu Tao, kuki to Dori etc... Tighnari is a spread dps and nahida is a dendro sub dps, buffer AND element applier, she's not just the latter. 2nd, we need a bigger roaster of dendro characters to actually give a definite opinion. Ofc archetypes are missing, there are barely any characters to begin with
  • @Rui-mika-001
    Vars: yeah dendro did fix a lot of issues with so many characters but they we don't have a dendro tank,dendro baffur dendro healer.... Me: YET...we DON'T have them YET
  • @Mafuyu24542
    Hopefully when Baizhu releases he’ll fill in the role of a Dendro healer/support
  • @_mako
    i mean, HYV has always had a very clear vision of what dendro is going to be. for example, shenhe and yun jin were the first form of flat damage increase we saw in the game (edit: that buffs teammates instead of just personal damage). spread and aggravate are the exact same thing. so shenhe and yun jin must have been test units for these reactions. then we got yae miko with EM scaling, Ayato with additional HP scaling (which helps with on field bloom teams + why nilou scales off of HP as well), yelan with even more HP scaling, and then shinobu who's entire utility revolves around hyperbloom and, less commonly, aggravate. all these characters have aspects of their kit, and sometimes their entire kit, revolve around dendro reactions. they even designed cyno with aggravate in mind, giving his weapon EM scaling. thats also why raw damage cyno will never be able to compete with raw damage xiao, itto or eula. (edit: there's also candace who scales off of HP and has high normal attack multipliers, making her a good candidate for on-field bloom/burgeon shenanigans) dendro as an element revolves around reactions, just like anemo, except this time it has much more variety, instead of just the common swirl. as for collei and traveler's kit being similar, i'll admit that does seem like lazy design. i think collei's only purpose is to allow everyone to explore sumeru with ease, because having the role consolidation of dendro and archer into one unit is quite valuable. we should always keep in mind that characters arent always designed with just combat in mind. there is much more to genshin than just that
  • @floxxytxx
    Imo the first four characters being only focused on applying and dealing dendro is just bc it’s exactly what players need when they’re first trying the element out
  • @Erlow
    spread and aggravate aren't transformative reactions like overload, they're actually "catalyse" reactions, which are similar to transformative ones but have their damage added to that of the attack that triggered it, similar to yunjin's normal atk buff or shenhe's cryo dmg buff, this means they actually can benefit from any damage multiplier ; also spread has higher base damage than aggravate so I wouldn't say dendro is strictly to enable other reactions
  • I don't think it's an issue that Collei and Dendro MC are very similar, since if they are your only two Dendro units, and you are using DMC in another element for some reason, you at least still have Collei. That way if you are trying to fill out a Gorou team (for example), you can use Geo MC without completely dismantling your Dendro team. Them serving essentially the same function can be a huge plus to that player.
  • @tencive5749
    Has dendro supplemented the existing reactions quite well? Definitely. Has dendro fixed the balance between elements? Probably not, especially with the release of Nahida turning bloom and quicken based teams into absolute monsters Edit: ty for heart Vars! I should also add that units will only get more broken in the future, since nahidas release has confirmed that genshin isnt afraid of borrowing mechanics from honkai. Nahida has introduced soul link, sooner or later they will add time fracture, time stop, entry/QTE attack, etc. Genshin's combat has only started to evolve
  • Tighnari and Nahida are different one can buff your reactions of any dendro kind while the other is a set on Dps for dendro/electro
  • @adv78
    The lack in utility in Dendro is being used to get the spotlight on other elements utility characters, like Kuki and Thoma, yes, but also so they can make dendro feel fresh again in the future. DMC and Coley are free characters MiHoYo doesn't want to "waste good utility" on them. Tighnari was clearly more designed as an Onfield DPS from the Standart Banner, and with the likes of Dilucs and Keqinq, not much utility there. And the Archon is designed as the crystalized form of that elements most pure essence, in the case of Dendro, it's EM-Focused dmg amplifying. They are all very similar, but when releasing characters like Alhaitham and Beizou, they will need them to have a niche or fight with the elements archon for the role, which they don't want because they prefer to sell reruns. So they'll probably space it out and milk new Dendro archetypes for 1~2 years, slowly releasing Dendro shielders, then healers, then massive buffers, so that Dendro team comps stay changing throughtout the years
  • @Burnlit1337
    Still don't know why they didn't have Dendro react with Cryo. When some plants get too cold, they are weaken and wilts. Maybe have a reaction like that. Although, the only reactions that I could think of is slow/paralyzing effect and decreasing resistance effect, akin to superconduct.