I Played The Worst Wii Games Ever Made

Published 2024-04-27

Twitter 👉: twitter.com/Dagger64471102

The Nintendo Wii released in 2006 and was immediately considered one of the best consoles ever made. But recently I decided to take a look at the Wii's catalogue of games, and more specifically, the worst games ever made - And that brings us to todays video. For as many amazing Mario games released for the Wii, there are just as many games like Family feud: 2012 and all of this got me wondering, what is the worst Wii game ever made? But in trying to answer that question Dagger found himself playing terrible games like monkey mischief, the worst party game ever made, and who can forget, M&M kart racing. But then the worst game developers of time appeared to torment us all: Digital design interactive, responsible for games like: rock and roll adventures, The ninja bread man, and Anubis 2. Digital design interactive, or DDI for short were know for their "shovelware" game development, reusing all of their assets to create as many games as possible, resulting in 4 of the ten worst Wii games ever made. These games were virtually identical, with similar controls, graphics, and sound design, even sharing the music throughout each game driving dagger insane. That brings us to the video finale, Sukeban Shachou Rena, a Japanese exclusive game that sold 100 copies total making it one of the rarest games ever made, but how bad is it, Well not that bad at all, But unfortunately playing the game without speaking Japanese is impossible.

Watch more Game reviews and video essays on my channel! | Dagger

#Dagger #wiigames #gaming

All Comments (21)
  • @lumulu
    imagine being a kid seeing your friends play Twilight Princess or Mario Kart and you just pull up with a Data Design Interactive game 💀
  • This is the most peculiar way to disguise a pipe bomb making tutorial on YouTube I've ever seen.
  • @sagia4645
    Anubis II isn't a sequel. It's Anubis, the 2nd. As in, Anubis Jr. Not making the game itself any better, nor is it any less stupid, but still.
  • @theotherfanboy
    The story behind Sukeban Shachou Rena Is actually kind of heartwarming and sad. The game was developed and published by Jorudan, who had some awesome experiments such as the fighting game/basketball game, 1-On-1, a basketball game with Tekken's limb-based button control scheme and the horror/pinball game Paranoiascape, both for the PlayStation 1. Sukeban Shachou Rena was developed with them pretty much knowing it would be their last game, so they made a tribute to their recently deceased office-cat, Rena. Of course, they knew it was more of a labor of love than the next big hit, so it doesn't handle the best, but it's full of heart, soul and character. The game would barely sell 100 copies and they would bow out of game development I believe just a week after publishing it (that's how sure they were about their impending doom). Sad, but honestly a great farewell to a really out of the box developer. Jorudan still exists these days, but they seem to run a Japanese transportation website. Kind of one of those "you can get from here to here if you take this train, then take this taxi, then take this bus, and we'll help you book the tickets" type deals.
  • @GreenKnight07
    Random fact: the pc production of Ninjabread man was so rushed that you can find the gingerbread biscuit from Shrek as Save files
  • @celestialalt88
    as we say in the TOTALLY LEGAL PART OF THE GAMING COMMUNITY, wear an internet condom when you do shady stuff
  • @KashKey-
    Jesus Christ, as a divorced parents kid who's favorite console was a wii, that opener hit different
  • @laz7777
    Sending a pipebomb filled with chocolate cake is indeed very dark.
  • @aaronwilson4504
    Holy shit did not expect anarchists cookbook content at the end
  • He really pulled a breaking bad cuz of how shitty those games were
  • Fun fact, the 3 games you played (if briefly) Ninja Breadman, Anubis 2, and the rock & roll one? There's a 4th version of that same game. Meaning there are FOUR reskins of a prototype Zool game which the IP holders canceled out there. And they were sold on the PS2 originally, then ported with broken motion controls to the Wii.
  • @FigureFarter
    When i was a kid, I had buyers remorse from getting Wreck It Ralph. Years later, a crack grew on my disc and it stopped working, so a friend and I smashed it up. Its remains are taped up to my wall
  • @Xploshi
    they probably gave away free Wii dev kits taped to magazines
  • @scottoleson1997
    That cat game just looks amazing for a Wii game. It has no business having graphics that good
  • Oh my god, I did not expect to see the Japan only cat game that sold less than 200 copies total on this list. No one knows about that game lol. It's a holy grail item for the Wii, and I would adore having a copy at some point. It is absolutely not a good financial decision but I want it!
  • 25:56 Not sure how much you care, but this minigame is actually based around yojijukugo (四字熟語), or kanji idioms that are each made up of 4 kanji. There are over a thousand of these, and each time you lost in the game, it reset to a different one. The game wants you to pick the second kanji in the idiom displayed in the box. So for example, one round had 千客万来 (which apparently mean "roaring business"), and the second kanji is 客, meaning you'd choose option A. A kinda sorta English equivalent would be, say, "What __ around comes around" and the game wanting you to pick "goes" as the missing word. As someone who speaks a good deal of Japanese, kanji are the bane of my existence. They all have multiple readings too (depending on the context they're used in), one which is based on old Chinese pronunciations and one which is just something made up by Japan. Most kanji have 2 readings, but some have 3 or 4. I think it's a cool writing system and I do appreciate the logic to it... but I have a dumb English-based brain so I can't actually figure out what that logic *is*. Enjoyed the video a lot! Why are bad video games so fascinating?
  • @Anijah2001
    I swear out of all the console, Wii probably has the most shovelware and terrible games on the console alone
  • @shartiplier
    i had to click on this because i was really hoping i’d see m&ms kart racing. it was genuinely unplayable, and as a kid (and still today) i was scarred by the stupid fucking sound it made when you crashed into the wall. every time i played it i ALWAYS got stuck on a wall and couldn’t move, and the screeching sound wouldn’t stop, it was traumatizing