KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE - Episode 59: The Replica

Published 2018-08-24
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KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE is an incredibly massive project I've been wanting to do forever. The only thing that was stopping me from actually working on it was the still-incomplete plot of the χ[chi] portion of the whole saga, which is also the most confusing one. However, I did want to deliver this before the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 3, so we could have the perfect road to the final chapter of the Xehanort saga at our disposal and relive, together, all of the chapters in a definitive and never-seen-before way.
KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE is, in fact, different by any other playthroughs or projects around because it is composed of all the Kingdom Hearts titles released so far placed in chronological order. Beware – the events are actually settled chronologically. Which means that every single cutscene and/or gameplay part will follow the exact order of the events of the saga. For instance, the birth of Vanitas will be shown before the Mark of Mastery exam, and so on.
Every episode will start with a screen showing a complete timeline I created purposely for this project.

KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE doesn't want to be a simple movie made of cutscenes. If It were to be like that, there wouldn't be anything special about it. This project actually started as a playthrough, giving, of course, priority to story content.
Sitting and watching a 25 minutes video made of cutscenes we've been watching for a decade is just as boring as anything else. Gameplay bits have been thoughtfully placed to make sure you won't fall asleep when watching, giving their contribute for a more immersive experience. They are necessary for keeping people interested and entertained in a never-seen-before way to re-live the saga, watching multiple characters fighting at the same time, as well as showcasing the worlds and the variety of enemies we'll encounter through all the titles.
Besides, I'm not adding more than 1 minute or so of random gameplay in a total of 25 minutes for each episode–except for bosses lasting 2 minutes or so. Boss battles are still what people look forward to the most in a Kingdom Hearts playthrough, and this project won't be exception.
Finding the right balance is not easy and not always possible –due to countless technical restrictions related to music, episode length and such– just as it's not easy having everyone thinking alike. Of course, I can't make everyone happy, but I did want to point this out.

Lastly, I want you guys to know that the amount of effort being put for this is massive. There are countless hours of work and dedication I've spent (and still spending) for this, for something we all love and care about. My channel is, after all, always been made of this – content that will grant you one of the best levels of knowledge and enjoyment of the Kingdom Hearts saga – and, as much as it's stressful having to translate every Japanese Union χ [Cross] episode, I still do that to deliver the latest story updates of the saga for you.
My main goal is working as much professionally as I can and add details where normally people wouldn't add. Not liking a content is totally fine, whereas insulting and posting offensive comment is not. There is nothing worse than spending your own time to show dedication for something we all love and see offensive reactions coming back at you. For this whole project to be completed, suggestions and questions coming from fans are well accepted and needed. If you do think this deserves appreciation, leaving a Like on the video is more than enough to me. Thank you for reading all of this, and please enjoy!

All Comments (21)
  • @ArmageddonAngel
    Riku: Who are you? Repliku: I am you. Riku: I am me. Repliku: Does not compute. Does not compute. System shutdown.
  • @LoryLilyBomber
    I like how the “I fear nothing” line from rikuplica comes right after Jack says fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart
  • It really interests me that Reverse/Rebirth not only equips Riku w/ Dark Mode in-game, but encourages him to use it. At first, I thought that part of the gameplay was a little dissonant in his conflict with Repliku, but the more I think about it, the more interested I am in what it adds to his character. Riku never quits darkness cold turkey. At this point, maybe he physically can't. Like an addiction, it's inside of him, and he can't help but to call on it in battle. Even more so, however, I think it reflects a character trait that we'll see come up time and time again: Riku will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. In KH1, his interests were selfish. He wanted power, and adventure, and darkness was his path to that. But as time goes on, Riku becomes increasingly selfless. His arc isn't about resisting the darkness. It's about reclaiming it as a tool to help the people he loves.
  • @TheLadyLiddell
    Can I just say Riku's voice actor did a FANTASTIC job in this game?
  • @BlaxeFrost-X
    "Fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart." that's why riku who "fears" the darkness was able to win against the fearless replica
  • @chrisb6179
    You calculate the timing your finisher so perfectly it's scary.
  • It would be really interesting to watch a conversation between Finkelstein and Vexen on the subject of memories, hearts and replicas :P
  • @Twilitparadox
    Does anybody else wonder if the memories that Oogie remembers from drinking the potion are of Sora and the gang trouncing him last time in the first game?
  • @lavender317
    "You may know everything I'm going to do, but that won't help you because I know everything you're going to do! STRANGE, ISN'T IT?!!"
  • @timoram26
    Nice episode, with awesome finishers as always (Lethal Frame FTW!) I like how you chose worlds to reflect upon dialogue that happen immediately after exiting them: Larxene discusses Vexen's puppet right after Monstro, Riku Replica is boasting about having no fear right after Jack Skelligton lesson to Sora that "fear [...] is the sign of a strong heart", etc. It nicely ties Disney worlds that would otherwise have been a bit isolated story-wise.
  • @animsakura3
    Your videos are a real pick me up. Ive got so much going on right now, but these help me relax before i have to go back online and look at homes i cant afford, calculate bills i can barely afford to pay, and think about medical expenses i also cant afford. Hopefully i wont lose my house and be forced to sell all my equipment, because i need my tablet, laptop and cellphone to do necessary adulting. So thanks for uploading this and helping me fight off mental issues
  • @treddox5880
    I'm not gonna lie, I looked away from the screen for a second and briefly lost track of which Riku was which.
  • @cruderschmidt
    Riku Replica has some of the best voice acting in the series.
  • @P.Mahoney
    And with that we won't be seeing Traverse Town again for quite a while; not until Re:Coded. The potion that reveals "true memories" really interests me. In a previous episode, I had mentioned the theory of Namine disguising herself in each floor to try and warn Sora. I wonder if she was actually disguised as Dr. Finkelstein here to try and give Sora back his true memories to prevent the switching of Kairi with herself in his memories. Perhaps when Sora decides not to drink the last few drops, Namine then decides to warn Sora about the fake memories of herself, since he believes them to be "true memories" deep within his heart.
  • @cadr003
    Repliku and Namine holds a special place in my heart
  • @Dark_Tale
    These card battles are so much fun to watch. Everglow has some real style to his attacks and sleights. Can't wait to see what you have by the end game.
  • Going to be funny to see how kh3 will turn out. Riku and Replica, Sora and Vanitas, and lastly Roxas and Ventus they all have to do two voices with a slight change. Id really like to see Roxas's reaction to Ventus since Riku already met replica and sora kinda saw Vanitas in ddd. Roxas would be like, SERIOUSLY NOW?! and Ven probably wouldn't be surprised in the least since Vanitas looks like Sora and so on. Lol.
  • @MoonDivaX
    Jack: Bingo! You saw right through me! Donald: Waaaak! I love Jack! LOL
  • @treddox5880
    It's a tough call, but I think Repliku wins the "I'm Edgier Than You" contest.
  • @kaitokei
    i'll never figure out how you made CoM look so easy to play. I struggled for so long on oogie.