Dangerously Yours Ep01 Masquerade

Published 2022-03-22

All Comments (21)
  • @boaranjay
    Me when Romeo and Juliet:💀 Me when Rudolph and Catherine: 😭😭
  • We will find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through it, there will be no answers
  • @Michael-tg1bb
    Yeah the iconic sample is cool but, the whole story's simply wonderful
  • @cozbitheone
    for the ones who don't understand ^_^ Katherine is sen't from her home country to kill Rudolph, she makes him fall in love but in the process she also falls in love with him as well. but they can't be together because the'll both get killed. with her life on the line, she decides to tell him what she was planing to do and kill him. Rudolph tells her that he already knew. and he still pent that time with her, because he loves and trust her sincerely. Katherine denies everything he says and her own feelings. she shoots him and Rudolph's last words are "I love you Katherine." she runs away completely disturbed and in shock. and he's henchmen i believe asks him if he needs a doctor but Rudolph says no, that katherine should follow her own path and believe that he truly never did love her' when he in fact very much did.
  • @nimnimpjm9514
    17:15 "Tell her the truth.. tell her the truth so that she'll watch the stars through tears instead of following the one cold star that is her destiny. No.. no.. Let her think, I never loved her.. one day she will follow a flag the same fate as mine we must leave her the strength for that our."
  • @tikaaxx8622
    Words cannot describe how i love this kinds of story, i need more of these. I need more Catherine and Rudolph moment 😭😭💀💀
  • @vasizzlenilla
    I never thought me, a gen z person, would love this show 😭😭
  • @Mxtzy_ryyk
    15:58 “In my last words I love you Cathrine” I’M BAWLING 😭😭
  • “You’re very clever, aren’t you? I can read you like a book now. You thought I was young, and easily swayed, that you could make me love you, and I would throw over my country—my duty for you—!” “Thats not the way to look at it, Catheryne.” “You weren’t so wise afterall! Because you’ve lost you hear me?! Lost! You’ve guessed wrong in our little duel of wits! You forgot how close hate is to love!” “You don’t know what you’re saying Catheryne.” “You never loved me—! You knew that I loved you, and you used that!” “Catheryne stop talking like a child—we’re playing for countries now!” “Yes we are, aren’t we!” “This is a gun in my hand, Rudolph… i’d advice you to be careful what you say.” “Well… rather melodramatic, aren’t you..? Tell me, will I be the 7th notch on the gun or the 8th?… haha…. d’you mind if I smoke?” “…Smoke?!” “…I always smoke at the theatre. Somehow it enhances the performance.” “You can do anything you please, Rudolph, but you have very little time to do it in.” “…You mean you’re actually going to kill me..?” “I mean just that.” “Well… go ahead.” “…I’ll do this my own way… Look… you already know my purpose in being here. Now you will either give me my information, or I will kill you. You have until 9 o’clock.” “You won’t do it. You can’t pull the trigger. You can’t pull it because you love me. It takes a very brave and a very cold woman to do that Catheryne, I don’t think you can… Isn’t that true? Isn’t that why you’re waiting…?” “Thats not true!” “Or is it that you want to watch your victim? You want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake! You want me to plead for my life so you can make a generous gesture and spare me… Sorry Catheryne, I don’t seem to be in the mood for prayers tonight.” “You don’t think i’ll do it? Thats why you’re so brave… You don’t think i’ll do it… You wouldn’t be so brave otherwise…! You’re a coward at heart! You lied to me, you decieved me—“ “You tried to decieve me.” “—I’m tired of listening to you!” “You gave me your heart you know… You’r like me to hand it back—whole again. But I won’t. You’ll live a long time yet Catheryne, an eternity without me. You will look into the faces of passers by hoping for something that will-- for an instant-- bring me back to you. You will find moonlit nights strangely empty because, when you call my name through them there will be no answer. Always your heart will be aching for me, and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did, a brave thing.” “You dare to talk of bravery…!” “What else do we have to talk about Catheryne? For me— there will never be another woman but you… but for my heart there is another love that must come before you… my country!…… You’re so still, your face is like ice… what are you thinking Catheryne…?” “What does anything you can say matter…? You betrayed me with words… What good are words when your heart is breaking… If I fail now I should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you.” “You’re forgetting that you came here for the same purpose!” “I couldn’t have betrayed you… I tried to tell you and you said you already knew! I was as honest as I knew how to be!” “Do you think I wanted to love you…?! Knowing where ya came from and what your mission was?! Don’t you suppose that every hour that we were together I was just thinking ‘Shes just pretending’?!” “I wasn’t!!! I loved you!!!” “And I loved you so much I let you pretend… because you brought something to my days I couldn’t stand the thought of losing… Listen to your heart Catheryne. Feel it pounding.” “Your time is up.” “Then my last words… I love you Catheryne.” “You’re determined to die with a lie on your lips?!” [BANG] “I—… Love you.. Catheryne…!!” “…Oh God..”
  • “Listen to your heart, Catherine. Feel it pounding.” “Your time is up.” “Well, then my last words. I love you Catherine.” “Your determined to die with a lie on your lips?!” Catherine would shoot Rudolph. “I.. love you, Catherine..” “Oh, god!”
  • @JosephsMaiden
    4:16 "You know who I am?" "But of course! You were the most handsome man in the dining room"
  • @wiyffh
    personal timestamps: 5:47 “look, catherine, a shooting star! did you wish?” “oh, i didn’t have time.” “then there is something you wish for.” “yes…” “what did you wish?” “i was wishing that… we were two other people. two people who need not say goodbye.” “perhaps it can be that way.” 6:22 “oh, i wish you wouldn’t go to see that woman tonight, sir-“ “how could i stay away? elvear, for the first time in my life, i am completely, head-over-heels in love!” “but count estefan-“ “i know what you’re thinking, ‘i have a mission to perform and i have no right to fall in love’. but… things don’t always work out the way we’d like to have them work out, hey elvear?” “oh, i don’t know what’s to come of all this, sir.” “no, elvear, neither do i. neither do i. but perhaps we shall find out tonight.” 8:29 “your…life?” “it would mean my life, were the news to get to certain circles, yes.” “then don’t tell me. how do you know you can trust me?” “i love you. and i believe you love me.” “you’re quite wrong. this has been only an adventure to me.” “that isn’t true, catherine.” “it is true! you smiled at me, i was flattered. it was an adventure for a holiday mood.” 8:51 “you may as well take my heart, catherine, it’s already full of you. you walked into it the day we met.” “you’re a fool, rudolph estefan.” “oh, but isn’t any man who falls in love? do you know what you are to me? you’re something to believe in again. you’re a type of person that’d cease to exist for me, a fine and honest woman.” 9:13 “oh, my darling, you’re such a child. take your foolish little dream in your heart and go, please go!” “what is it, what’s wrong my dear?” “you know nothing about me - you’ve known me only three weeks!” “three weeks…? catherine, i’ve known you all my life.” “all your life.” “it’s true! i’ve seen you in a thousand plays, read you in as many books. when i’ve heard beautiful music i’ve thought, ‘she’d like that.’ i’ve looked at flowers and known that one day i’d give them to you-“ “oh, stop, stop! you must listen to me. i am not that woman! perhaps i was once, but i am not now! you see… you were wrong. you can’t trust me.” 11:17 “if i betray you… i betray myself. if i betray him, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me.” “dearer than i?” “no… no, not dearer than you.” 12:36 “well. rather melodramatic, aren’t you? tell me, will i be the seventh notch on the gun or the eighth? haha. do you mind if i smoke?” “…smoke?” “i always smoke at the theatre. somehow it enhances the performance.” 14:01 “you lied to me… you deceived me!” “you tried to deceive me.” “i’m tired of listening to you!” “you gave me your heart, you know. you’d like me to hand it back, whole again. but i won’t. you’ll live a long time yet, catherine. an eternity without me. you will look into the faces of passers-by, hoping for something that will, for an instant, bring me back to you. you will find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there will be no answer. always your heart will be aching for me and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did a brave thing.” “you dare to talk of bravery.” “what else do we have to talk about, catherine? for me, there will never be another woman but you. but for my heart, there is another love that must come before you. my country.” 14:55 “you’re so still… your face is like ice. what are you thinking, catherine?” “…what does anything you can say matter? you betrayed me with words. what good are words… when your heart is breaking? if i fail now, i should deserve to die. you tricked me into loving you.” “aren’t you forgetting that you came here for the same purpose?” 15:23 “i couldn’t have betrayed you. i tried to tell you - you said you already knew. i was as honest as i knew how to be.” “do you think i wanted to love you? knowing where you came from and what your mission was? don’t you suppose that every hour we were together i was thinking, ‘she’s just pretending’?” “i wasn’t! i loved you!” “and i loved you so much i let you pretend! because you brought something to my days i couldn’t stand the thought of losing. listen to your heart, catherine. feel it pounding.” 15:57 “your time is up.” “then, my last words. i love you, catherine.” “you’re determined to die with a lie on your lips?!” “i… love you, catherine…” “oh, god.” 17:15 “tell her the truth? tell her the truth so that she will watch the stars through tears instead of following the one cold star that is her destiny? no, no, elvear. let her think i never loved her. one day, she will follow a flag to the same fate as mine. we must… leave her the strength for that hour.”
  • @xenwillow1971
    The fact he wanted her to believe he never loved her so that she won't feel guilty and in fault for what happened.
  • I’m absolutely shocked how beautiful this is. This feels like a movie without the visuals. Rudolph reminds me so much of my ex that I swear this piece of art has made me cry. It’s so heartbreaking but I love it