What is Organizational Behavior?

Published 2018-10-15
What exactly is meant by the term “organizational behavior”? And why should it be studied? Answers to these two fundamental questions will help you better appreciate organizational behavior the field can be of value to you in the future.

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of human behavior in organizational settings, of the interface between human behavior and the organization, and of the organization itself. Although we can focus on any one of these three areas, we must also remember that all three are ultimately necessary for a comprehensive understanding of organizational behavior.

Each individual brings to an organization a unique set of personal characteristics and a unique personal background and set of experiences from other organizations. Therefore, in considering the people who work in their organizations, managers must look at the unique perspective each individual brings to the work setting.

But individuals do not work in isolation. They come in contact with other people and with the organization in a variety of ways. Points of contact include managers, coworkers, the formal policies and procedures of the organization, and various changes implemented by the organization. In addition, over time, individuals change, as a function of personal experiences and maturity as well as through work experiences and organizational developments.

An organization, of course, exists before a particular person joins it and continues to exist after he or she leaves. Thus, the organization itself represents a crucial third perspective from which to view organizational behavior.

OB also helps companies perform well. A mounting body of evidence shows that an emphasis on the softer side of business positively influences bottom line results. By listening to employees, recognizing their work, building trust, and behaving ethically, managers have boosted performance.

All Comments (21)
  • First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone behind this video. Everything, from color, template, and font choices appear clean and easy for the eyes of its viewers. This video has become an essential and important tool for us students who have less or if not, no pre-occupied knowledge or idea about Organizational Behavior. This helps us to have a basic understanding of the concept, in order to fully understand its little intricate details. This is well-packed with information that are necessary to have enough fuel to work efficiently in studying the Organizational Behavior. It talked about OB's definition, its model, its importance, and its benefits. I also would like to be honest, learning OB was not really easy through this video. It was not able to make me realize and understand the information in just one sitting or in just one cycle of watching the video. I felt like there could've been simpler terms that could be utilized and used in order to reach to those viewers who do not have much knowledge about OB or even the Business Industry in general. But, overall, I find this video helpful, and in this day and age, necessary.
  • Entering an organization is what I saw myself five years from now, and I know that skills is not only the important factor that I need there, but also an appropriate behavior. Aside from what I am going to learn in our Human Behavior in Organization class, this video helps me understand the importance of behavior to anyone entering an organization and why do we need to study every details of it. We are not working alone in an organization so learning how to deal with our future colleagues is necessary by understanding each individual's and our own behavior inside the organization. As a first year college student, I appreciate this type of educational video that can educate me the basics of organizational behavior. It is short yet well-explained so I can totally recommend it.
  • As a student taking up the program Accountancy, watching this video helped me in understanding the real essence of Organizational Behavior in our lives specifically for the future when we are already working. When the time comes and we already need to work for us to earn, it is necessary for us to know the proper ways on how to deal with different people and environment that we will be working with. We should also know on how to act professionally that is why it is important for us to study this course.
  • As a person who is not fond of reading long lectures this avp helps me a lot in understanding organizational behavior and it's effect to the individuals and the organization itself. Looking back, I always keep in mind that the success of the business lies in its ability to accumulate income. In a company, the top priority is to know marketing strategies to boost sales, effective ways to get a high percentage income and everything connected to gaining money. But as my understanding deepens, I realized that a company is more than gains but an organization that should prioritize the individual behind its success. The employees are not only their to work, they are part of the organization itself. Organization behavior widens my knowledge about the relation of an individual to the organization. Give and take for both the members and organization. The individuals can do their best work if the organization provide the best for its members. It opens my mind to understand the importance of proper communication through my fellow in achieving goals. Lending an ear to listen to their suggestions and idea can enhance the outcome of our work. Moreover, it shows me the reality that the organization should provide a motivating environment and be capable in caring for their members.
  • People, structure, and environment. Three key aspects that we should always keep in mind in organizational behavior. The advent of technology, progress of economy, and advancement of humanity, brought light to the theories and principles about human behavior in organization. Since PEOPLE are all thriving inside a STRUCTURED society, it is extremely fundamental for them to navigate their ENVIRONMENT. This is where the principles of organizational behavior takes place. I think that it is crucial to have interpersonal intelligence once we step into the corporate world. This is the very essence of our subject, to teach us how to properly communicate towards one another. As an aspiring CPA, I genuinely find this lesson to be very useful because once you step into the corporate world it is all in you, you should be able to work yourself through. Therefore, with the knowledge given by our subject, I think it will be very easy for us to navigate our work place. This short yet informative presentation taught me the key points that we have to keep in mind in organizational behavior. And I am very much excited to learn about it in a deeper level through our course this semester.
  • Organizational Behavior might sometimes be overlooked but this is such an important thing to be considered inside an organization. Learning this at an early stage, before even working in an organization, this will probably give us accountancy students a head-start as we already have prior knowledge about Organizational Behavior. As mentioned on the video, it does not only focus on the organization itself. Of course you need individuals to make an organization. That individuals could be us and will probably help us someday when we're already working in a business firm. It was clearly discussed on the video how Organizational Behavior contributes to the success of a business. Individuals may have different different reactions or response to a certain situation or conflict inside a firm but as long as they all comply to achieve the same goal, it will not be a problem. We can also take this into account if we are to make a business ourselves. Learning about Organizational Behavior is really important for us to learn. It will help us avoid or even solve conflicts in our future career.
  • Organizational Behavior plays a big role on shaping our mindset, attitudes and goals as an aspiring future member of an organization. As we have a goal: to be successful, to be known, to be an employee who will bring honor to the company and hopefully an employer who have a good relationship and effective management with the employees and the business, all of these we can achieve better with the help of Organizational Behavior. Now, we are just slowly entering the professional field and the new information might confuse us that’s why these kind of informative videos are really helpful. It gives a clear and easy understanding about the parts and topics of OB. The definitions are simple yet comprehensive and it is entertaining to watch, not too long to make you bored. The knowledge are precise and it even has an explanation on the description box. Salute to the creator of the video and a big thank you for the efforts and big heart to share this. Organizational Behavior is an interesting topic. It is both what we need to learn and we want to learn for me. It is engaging in terms of you are gaining knowledge at the same time you are reflecting about yourself and how well you perform with others. As the video implies, no man works in isolation. At some point of our life, we need to work with others and interact and have a relationship with them. Now, listening with others is a simple task, talking with others might not be too difficult and watching how others behave is easy but the question is, How can we apply all of this to the organization? This is where we use the learnings and knowledge we will acquire in the process of studying OB. Before entering in the bigger complex world, we must be prepared, we must be disciplined, responsible, aware of what’s right and wrong and must perform on our best self because our every decision, behavior or plan always involved the organization. I am actually excited to learn more about organizational behavior that I can use in the future. After all that was what really matters, Applying the knowledge you learn in the real life or else it will all be nothing. I personally believe that employees (with a great leadership on the side) are the key to a company’s success so good relationship is essential to the organization’s success. Prior to the video’s first questions ‘What is Organizational Behavior and Why it must be studied’ I really appreciated Organizational Behavior’s importance than before. I am once again extending my gratitude to the owner of the video.
  • If accounting is the language of business then organizational behavior is its soul. Being a lady who is lazy to read pages of module, this video helps me a lot to understand clearly the subject HBO. They say, the more you use your senses the higher the retention of the knowledge, that is why video presentation like this is a big hand to all the students and it is also not time-consuming. I've learned that in order for your business or organization to succeed, you must focus on the manpower. Understanding why your people or employees behave like this or like that is a key to success. The manager must keep in his mind that each individual acts differently within the organization, the individuals possess their personal attributes and have their own set of experience in life and workplace, that is why the manager must bring them together and unite everyone that is part of the organization for the accomplishment of their organizational goals.
  • @rheagajopo2399
    This video helped me a lot to understand the topic better. Listening and reading the terms and concepts at the same time was very beneficial for me. Through this, I learned that organizational behavior is important because it about the employees who make up the organization. Describing each person as unique and has different characteristics will help the managers to address problems and have clues on how they can boost their employees' morale. Managers do not need to just focus on the business operations and profit maximization, but to their employees as well, for the entity will not function well if its emoloyees are not really motivated to work. By giving them rewards, incentives, or just by smiling and a pat on the back will be very meaningful to them. They will realize that their superiors are concerned about them, and will be loyal to that organization. This, eventually, will result to the attainment of their organizational goals. Managers need to realize the importance of each of their employees and know their behavior. They must support and encourage them, too. By doing these things, employees are most likely to be more productive and efficient at work.
  • @Miss.Lala27
    First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who was behind this presentation because they make a concise explanation of the Organizational behavior. I am a person who loves to watch than to read, so it helps me a lot to know and understand this subject more. I also want to appreciate the combination of colors presented because it is not too distracting, so all of my focus was on its content. As an Accounting student who aimed to be an employee or a boss, this helps me reflect on what my goal really is in the future. I have realizations that I must rather make my employee happy than making myself happy alone. In a business field, my future organization must focus on the people behind it to build a good relationship that can affect their behavior towards their job. This presentation makes me more interested to study this subject. I learned the importance of this topic for my future job or organization. No matter what happens, I will be one of those members of an organization so I will be dealing with different people, with different personalities and this subject will surely help me to take the necessary actions that can build a strong and trusting relationship with my co-workers. Again, thank you for this video, and God bless.
  • As a first year college student, I realized in this video representation that organizational behaviour is very important, it help us to become more efficient in the organization that we will be working. It also helps me understand that the core of organizational behaviour is understanding how people behave, what can they do and what are their strongs/weaknesses because building a strong relationship with your co-workers is essential to make better working results in the organization. In conclusion, when working in an organization, it is not only about the work but it also relies on the emotional approach between the subordinates, manager and other employees in the organization. This information will truly help for I am aspiring to be working in such environment. I will do my best to apply it and remember it when I work in the near future. Thanks for this video!
  • @RoseMarieMRisos
    First of all i just want to send my regards to the person who create this video. It gives an open eye to everyone that want to work in a organization and on someone's want to build a organization someday. After watching the video I realized that we must train ourselves to have that good behavior while we are in school. So that, when we're literally working in a organization we're already know how to communicate with our boss, co-workers, and people around us inside the organization. In this case we can improve as an employee and also, achieve our goals. Organization behavior (OB) is an important topic to understand not only to understand but also apply it within ourselves especially to those people want to work in a organization.
  • @DanielSBalan
    First of all, I wanna commend the team behind this simple yet detailed educational video. This presentation defined what Organizational Behavior(OB) is, and its importance in simplest way. I understand that OB gives insight on how employees behave and perform in the workplace. It helps us to develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees. It's true that every individual is unique based on their experiences and knowledge. Organizational Behavior is able to help leaders understand the motivational tools required to facilitate their employees to reach their potential. It is significant for leaders to analyze the organizational structure that can act in their employee's interest.
  • Before I start, I would like to commend the person who gave his all effort for this video. As I watched it, the knowledge I have in the subject Human Behavior and Organization increased. This is perfect to all of us because time will come that we will all going to finish our studies, we'll graduate, can find our dream job and eventually we're all going to work. Organizational Behavior really plays a vital role in an organization, especially for me who works while studying, indeed that having a good atmosphere that you feel the excitement before going to work not the one you are lazy because you feel you are just coming in to get paid and not because you enjoy being within the organization with your co-workers. It's so much fun to work but it's more fun that your workplace is good that helps you become more productive as an employee. And also having a boss who knows how to respect employees even though he knows in himself that he is higher is a blessing for an organization it really helps the organization to grow more.
  • Organizational behavior has something to do about the relationship between employees and management. Also, it aims to disseminate information that is useful on how to handle the people inside an organization. As a college student, it gives me advice or tips about what are the things that I should do as an employee or employer in the future. Organizational behavior will be a great contribution to how I will do my job properly in my future job or business. Also, it helps me to be a responsible employee or employer in my future company. I believe that studying organizational behavior helps the organization to establish a strong and trusting relationship with the employees. Also, it aims to give us possible problems and the right methods on how to handle it. Last but not the least; I would like to thank the video creator for making such an informative video like this .
  • As a new student in the College of Business and Accountancy, with the subject Human Behavior in Organization, this video helped me a lot. Especially now that every professor and student is adjusting to the new learning system during this pandemic. I learned about the study of human behavior in organizational settings, of the interface between human behavior and the organization itself. It further expands my knowledge regarding the exact meaning of OB and why we need to study it and know its every meaning and importance. I can apply the lesson I learned in this topic to myself especially when I already have a work, when i am already part of an organization and when socializing with other people. Thank you very much for this video.
  • As a college student who's taking a business-related course, basically, I want to thank Gregg Learning for such a very interesting video that will help us in dealing with circumstances in life in the near future. The video presentation is quite short but it is informative. It gives us guidance in our study. It helps us to better understand the concept of organizational behavior and we can use it as a guide in making our own presentation.
  • @arie7958
    First and foremost, I would like to thank the creator of this informative presentation. Upon watching the video, I learned that Organizational Behavior is essential in a work environment as it establishes a good relationship between every employee. Having a good relationship with your co-workers can help build trust and friendship which can result in a positive atmosphere in a working environment. As a first-year college student, this video made me realize that it is not just about enhancing your skills in your job but it is also about enhancing how you work with your co-workers and establishing a good and strong relationship between them. This is a big help for every people may it be a student or someone who works already in an organization as it still teaches us things that we might still not know about Organizational Behavior.
  • @nyxkwon376
    As a First year college student who is taking up a business-related course, this video taught me how significant organizational behavior is. Learning this will help me to be more productive in the organization that I will be working in the near future. This video also taught me that it is important to know how employees or member of an organization behave and perform a job in a workplace. I also learned that it is important for a leader to understand the attitude of their employees and how can a leader encourage a subordinates to work effectively and efficiently in a healthy working environment. Thank you for this video!
  • @sarahpinili464
    First of all, I want to acknowledge the effort of the owner of this video for helping us to understand what Organizational Behavior really means and why an individual should study it. One must experience the outside world for him/her to grow. Dealing with people with different cultures, perspectives and goals contributes to one’s development. This is where Organizational Behavior applies, which is the study of Human Behavior in Organizational Setting. You assess yourself: How would you cooperate with others? What are your ways of dealing with these differences to achieve the organization’s goals? What adjustments you should make? and so on. You cannot stay in a situation that you do not like, you do not give time to appreciate and you do not give some actions to make it successful. This Organizational Behavior will build you to be the best version of yourself in terms of being the asset in your organization. Considering it now, will benefit your life not just in the present, but also to what is going to happen on you in the near future.