What's Going On With Snow White? An Interview With Ben Shapiro

Published 2023-11-05
The Daily Wire's teaser for their own Snow White movie caused quite a stir, but not much is known about the film itself. So I decided to ask the man behind the project what its all about.

This is NOT an endorsement of Shapiro's political views or opinions - this is just an interview about a movie.

All Comments (21)
  • @JohnSmith-ls3um
    The irony of Peter Dinklage, who became famous playing a dwarf character, criticizing casting little people as dwarves never fails to get me.
  • @richtea615
    I love how these interviews come out of absolutely nowhere and blind side us.
  • @davidneale9113
    One of the best quips I ever heard was when Nerdrotic said “Stop giving money to people who hate you.” Whilst Ben and I don’t see eye to eye on everything, he clearly doesn’t hate me or my children. I’m happy to put my money into a company that is going offer a good alternative to the garbage that is out there at the moment.
  • @daneast
    Peter Dinklage: "I don't want to be in this movie, and only I can be a famous dwarf actor, so you can't cast any other dwarves in this movie". Disney: Okay, that seems totally fair.
  • @matthewbond375
    I once heard Kurt Russell (IMO one of the great actors) talk about his "opinions" in an interview. He said that he believes that he should keep his personal opinions on things to himself. He said that he's an entertainer, and the moment he offers a personal position on real things, he is no longer entertaining the audience, and therefore no longer doing his job. I like that.
  • @Jaberjaber12
    My girlfriend pointed out that Disney is discriminatory towards dwarf actors by not choosing to hire them in the first place, traditionally dwarf actors have a tough time in Hollywood since very few applicable roles ever come up and they’re usually for comedic reasons. Snow White is a rare case where it offers an underserved group the potential to make money doing something they love, acting. Disney’s current mantra seems to be selective inclusivity
  • @russoft
    As a Christian, I was subjected to bad Christian movies through my childhood. As such, I've become hyper-critical of stuff produced by "my side" because usually Christian or Conservative production studios don't have much money or couldn't be bothered by production standards because "the message is more important". Daily Wire has certainly done a better job than most and I hope they keep it up, improve, and grow.
  • @clearviewmoai
    One of the things I appreciate about the Daily Wire is its stance against pushing one message. You'd expect a company focused on political commentary to make everything political, but when they took on Gina Carano to do Terror on the Praire, there was no messaging, just a decent western. Then Disney, on the other hand, despite being an entertainment company, regularly fires staff and writers who want to make worthwhile films instead of inserting "the message."
  • @lostalone9320
    One of the reasons why Ben's very conservative family had annual passes to DisneyLand was because, once upon a time, Disney was very specific that they were wholesome and safe and cared about creating that sense of wonder and magic. Even for adults, Disney meant nostalgia and coziness.
  • @raidthanfl
    Holy balls. The matchup i never imagined would happen but glad it did… ben and drinker. Drinker major props man. I remember finding you after the last jedi, a small youtube channel, now a monster of a channel, one man show, interviewing big names in media, hell when my fav podcasters who arent even in the movie scene mention “that funny drunk articulate Scottish guy,” makes me so happy for you. All the fame coming your way is well deserved. Cant wait for a drinker on jre podcast
  • @walkswithgus8391
    Critical drinker quietly becoming one of the biggest movie personalities on YouTube is awesome and I’m here for the ride. Love this guy
  • @Mimarre
    I used to watch Ben a lot, fell off of it as I entered college. We don’t agree on everything, but I completely support this move. I have been dying for accurate, respectful portrayals of amazing stories. Disney has been killing my soul with their movies. I will 100% be doing everything I can to watch this movie.
  • @CR_22
    If Ben says “GO AWAY NOW” I’ll lose my mind 😂
  • @GO-GO_SO-SO
    Whether or not a person likes The Daily Wire or agree with their politics, we have to respect that they are making something. A lot of people that complain about things being too woke or modernized aren't really making anything themselves. There's a saying that goes, "If you want something done right, do it yourself."
  • I was concerned about the movie quality, until the kids started watching Runes on Bentkey and I couldn't stop watching with them. The storyline, characters, and animation are incredible. I will take the whole family to the theater to see Snow White. It's going to be GOOD.
  • @NCCoder
    I've only known of the Drinker for a couple years now, but to see how much his channel has grown and the respect Will has garnered himself as an interviewer has been really awesome to watch.
  • @johnr7456
    I never expected this interview to happen. You actually had Ben slowing down how fast he talks. I never expected this at all. Great conversation.
  • @fairwarning007
    Oh damn, not just a regular face-time interview but an actual face-to-face one. Good on you, Drinker.
  • @samyyyyyyy
    Some of my most favorite people talking together, its something special. Never thought these 2 would come together.
  • @Lilacs4
    One of the things that infuriated and hurt my heart recently was a local gameshop I loved and went to religiously, openly ridiculing and cussing out (supposed to be a family friendly establishment) Bentkey and their work. They went on to essentially say everyone needs to accept trans and other sexual (and ADULT) issues or else they will be FORCED to. I want to have children someday and hearing this conversation at the table next to me by the owners of a business I frequented and imagined bringing my future kids into TERRIFIED me. The insane level of hatred and intolerance was nuts. I am so tired of everything being politicized into propaganda and force fed to CHILDREN. I loved and treasured my childhood and am so thankful it was like 90% free of premature exposure to explicit adult topics, themes, language, etc! And that is what I want my future kids to experience, a carefree childhood as much as within my power! I am so grateful for companies like Bentkey and Daily Wire making creative content that gives me hope that I can sit down to a movie or show and just breathe a sigh of relief and be given a mental break from all the political vitriol consuming our culture right now. ❤