Peak Chest Contraction: Resistance Band Chest Activation Flye

Published 2022-08-01
This exercise is part of the TA2 SIZE ON Mass Building Program using Resistance Bands and free weights together.
For the full program visit:

Here's a great chest exercise to help build a better chest as well as mind muscle connection. This movement elicits a peak contraction in the pecs (chest). Master Trainer Tyrone Bell shows us how to perform a Chest Activation Flye using resistance bands. In this chest exercise, our primary muscle group is the pectoral muscle (aka your chest).
1. First anchor a resistance band to a secure point approximately shoulder height.
2. Take an overhand grip on the resistance band with a straight arm position.
3. Contract your chest, bringing your straight arm across the midline of your body to complete one rep
4. Repeat for the described number of reps, swap sides and repeat again to complete one full set.

That is how to perform a Resistance Band Chest Activation Flye for a peak contraction in the chest.

For more exercises like this, visit:
Get your Resistance Bands here:……

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