Stanford's Sapolsky On Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture)

Publicado 2009-11-10

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @niftybman
    “Yea, I went to Stanford for a bit.”
  • @EverlyChris
    "It's a biochemical disorder with a genetic component with early exposure experiences that make it so someone can't appreciate sunsets" Nothing has hit me harder than this
  • @John-mf6ky
    It's honestly a beautiful thing that any old average Joe can listen to this without being enrolled in Stanford. Probably the coolest thing about the Internet imo.
  • I’m 71 and I’ve been dealing with this since I was about 9. I’ve have countless therapists, physiatrists and more meds than you can imagine. No one ever really got it but this guy gets it. Someone gets it!
  • @crashburn3292
    I'm listening to Sapolsky, on Youtube , for FREE. Amazing world we live in...
  • @brooke26019
    "Depression is aggression turned inward." Wow. That got me.
  • @DesiranKehendak
    "Depression is agression turned inward because you got nobody else out there to have these arguments" ~ well said
  • @bob110088
    All the years I've spent in therapy I never heard depression explained to me, this was very healing for me. God bless this man.
  • @corb5654
    "It's a strange poverty of the English language, and indeed of many other languages, that we use the same word "depression" to describe how a kid feels when it rains on his birthday, and to describe how somebody feels the minute before they commit suicide." Andrew Solomon, TED Talk Depression, the Secret we Share.
  • @thumbscrews
    I'd like to thank Stanford and Professor Sapolsky for making their educational materials like this lecture open to the public. This lecture was quite eye opening for me.
  • @TIOLIOfficial
    I added this video SO long to my "Watch Later" playlist. This was uploaded back in 2009. and I added this probably around 2016. It is now April of 2024. and I have just now gotten around to watching this finally...
  • @josephfinds
    About 12 years ago we listened to this and it changed me life. It helped me to realize I needed help.
  • @tpeterson9140
    ive never seen someone look more like a professor than this guy.
  • @davidthomson1529
    "You can't shame me out of feeling depressed.  If shame worked, then I would have shamed myself out of it long ago." So smart, and so right. I hope you find a path that lets you deal with the negativity. CBT did a lot for me, but it's still a struggle.
  • @ddelarosa96
    So glad to live in the age where educational material like this is free to the public and that there are those who would also freely share it. Thank you!
  • I don't remember a time when I didn't have major depressive disorder. Not only did I learn some important new information from this video, I received something I didn't realize I needed so badly: validation. Thank you for also addressing the semantics of words like "depressed". I often get asked why I'm depressed and then I realize they don't know what I'm talking about. Thank you for this. Sincerely.
  • @TheSean7564
    The man speaks for hours, never says "um" and is coherent throughout, truly amazing. I like very much what he says, but LOVE how he says it,
  • @gibsos00
    Excellent, no frills, no bull, no fancy language, explanation of depression.  It even has humour.
  • @Errcyco
    It’s really special that Stanford made this available to the general public.
  • @MultiVeika
    Damn, as a MD I really envy the students in this class and wish my teachers were this good. He managed to convey a great summary of the literature of depression in such an easy way to understand for even a layperson and with great eloquence. This was an amazing lecture and I'm thankful this is free for anyone to watch